Jon Richt tweet and responses

I’m not the internet morality police nor did I take part in that childish exchange

But if your a public figure whose getting a healthy check at a job you got due to your last name and you just had back to back years of crap from the position you get that

Jon Richt is not a public figure. He’s an employee of a private university.

The tweet responses displayed no class.
I refuse to believe we are the worst fanbase when you have Bama and FSU fans attacking their players and staff with racist tweets and post on Facebook. What fans do here I see in almost every fanbase. Probably not the right tweet for the fans to go in on him but he does deserve heat for doing absolutely nothing and stealing money from the University. Papa Richt also deserves all the heat and so does our AD.

Of course this is true.

But some Miami fans appear to live in a bubble and do not seem happy unless they are whining about other Miami fans.
Suppose David Duke had tweeted the same thing. Would you feel it was off limits to tell a white supremacist to go f#ck himself even if he was expressing condolences for someone? I suspect not. Most people wouldn't have any problem with putting a dude like that on blast. Odious people are considered "fair game" by the general public. I tend to consider nepotism to be particularly odious because it denies more qualified people an opportunity.

Rick Jr would not a job at a P5 program but for his dad. As a result, we got an unqualified QB coach whose multiyear job failure squandered an opportunity to put Miami on the map and we are now even further behind than we were in the Golden years. I have no sympathy for Rick Jr. I can totally understand why some might consider him "fair game" any time he decides to surface.

This may be the dumbest comparison I’ve read on these boards. Jon Richt deserves plenty of criticism but justifying classes public comments by drawing an analogy to a leader of the KKK is about as low as one can go. Try adding violent neo-**** groups next time.
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Yep. Does every Miami fan suck? No. However, the fan base as a whole does. I’ve never seen another fan base be so toxic and spew negativity at every little thing. I’ve never seen another fan base call people “terrible fans” for going to games and buying tickets.

Nebraska put 90,000 fans in a stadium when their team was struggling. I’d love to be apart of a fan base like that. But what can you do? I love the Canes so I’m stuck with you weirdos
Wake me when fans are sending death threats.
They may be the worst, they may be the best, they may be somewhere in between.

Perhaps they shouldn't be too happy for the last ~15 years of self-inflicted cancer.

Perhaps the blame lies with the decision makers who created and continue this mess. They're the ones who fuel the fire.

I agree change has to happen. Jon shouldn’t be on staff in 2019. However, it’s Mark that should be accountable for that, not Jon. He shouldn’t be attacked while trying to show support for an injured kid
Good. If the Richt family thinks they can continue stealing money and not receive any heat from this fanbase....boy are they in for a surprise.

It's our duty to make their lives miserable until they resign/leave. They are holding this program hostage right now and deserve whatever vitriol they receive.
I agree change has to happen. Jon shouldn’t be on staff in 2019. However, it’s Mark that should be accountable for that, not Jon. He shouldn’t be attacked while trying to show support for an injured kid

Like I said, when Mark hired Jon, he wanted this to happen. But for Mark making the hire, Jon is likely NOT getting said criticism.
Yep. Does every Miami fan suck? No. However, the fan base as a whole does. I’ve never seen another fan base be so toxic and spew negativity at every little thing. I’ve never seen another fan base call people “terrible fans” for going to games and buying tickets.

Nebraska put 90,000 fans in a stadium when their team was struggling. I’d love to be apart of a fan base like that. But what can you do? I love the Canes so I’m stuck with you weirdos

Nebraska fans really have no choice. What else are you going to do in Nebraska? Also, Frost is in year 1 of a program that is in worst shape than Miami was. No one was expecting Frost to go undefeated in year 1.
Yep. Does every Miami fan suck? No. However, the fan base as a whole does. I’ve never seen another fan base be so toxic and spew negativity at every little thing. I’ve never seen another fan base call people “terrible fans” for going to games and buying tickets.

Nebraska put 90,000 fans in a stadium when their team was struggling. I’d love to be apart of a fan base like that. But what can you do? I love the Canes so I’m stuck with you weirdos

You may want to check your numbers.

This is a false narrative and only serves to prove what I always said. Fans like this desperately want Miami to be like what they think Nebraska, Penn State or Norte Dame are.

You simply do not get out much if you think those fans are better than Miami fans. Those fans will go to the coach's house and park on their front lawn if they do not like what is going on. Death threats to kickers who miss. Michigan students protested in the dean's office. Tons of racist comments on every message board toward the players that are on their favorite team....and the mods do not even consider removing them as they are probably doing it more than the others.

Give me a break with Miami being the worst. Get out of your own bubble and actually see what going on.
Both Richts made a decision wide open for criticism, and are now akwardly stuck via familial ties with no chance to fix it.

What is Mark Richt going to do, fire the man who provides for his daughter-in-law and grandchild?

His decision alone to hire his son onto the staff are grounds for removal, but quite frankly, Blake James and lack of University policy are even more to blame for allowing it in the first place.
AGREE! There is a lot of incompetence between the two. (1) The father for hiring his own son; (2) he knew his son had no experience; and (3) the son has underperformed and harmed the development of the QBs and the program (would UGA have allowed this? You’re right, ultimately, it failure on the part of powers that be, to have allowed this situation to take place. Shows how seriously they take UM football.
It actually speaks more about our decision makers. Look what they allowed:

1. UGA wouldn't allow Mark to hire his offspring due to nepotism laws. Our decision makers don't care. They say, bring in your unqualified offspring.

2. Mark failed at being the OC/HC at UGA. This wasn't a small sample size either. So our decision makers say, Mark you can be the OC and HC.

3. Mark was fired for failing to get UGA where they wanted to be. Our decision makers decided to give him a chance here even though there was NO evidence he could have success here.

Our decision makers prefer the self-inflicted cancer approach.
Jon Richt is not a public figure. He’s an employee of a private university.

The tweet responses displayed no class.

The school is private, but each employee that wears the schools emblem in a public setting is a public representation of the university,

Jon commented on a public forum using his employer given name/title. He is no longer a private citizen at that point.
Jon Richt is not a public figure. He’s an employee of a private university.

The tweet responses displayed no class.
You’re not wrong about the class part but it’s not like Twitter is a secret. It’s makes this place look like a MENSA meeting.