If we are this undisciplined...

...with one of the most experienced teams in the nation, when is it supposed to get better?

Not much to say and I haven't had the stomach to rewatch. But at least two prominent boosters (possibly the two most prominent) are going to make a lot of noise this week. I know we've heard that before, but this is how it starts.

My only source of optimism is that coaches like Cristobal and Mullen wanted this job at one point. We can do better than what we've done. Hopefully we turn it around before we've erased the memory of what Miami can be.
Double edge sword. Wow, we have an experienced! Oh boy, we have an experienced team. When you are poorly coached experience can be a negative. Diaz is done.
D, I completely agree. You have “super seniors” all over the two deep and the discipline and football IQ is at its lowest levels in quite a while (and that’s saying something). It’s become so clear that a return to prominence will require an alpha that can win in spite of the institution from a cult of personality and leadership acumen. Not sure who can fit that bill, but they are not currently on our sideline or in our program. Sucks, but call this the fail it is and move forward.
Our BOT and Admin will never hire such a person. Failure of leadership starts at the top, and I see nothing that tells me they even realize they are failing.
If you think the program has “no chance” then why on earth are you on a website devoted to nothing else but talking about it? How do you have the time and emotion to waste, and even if you do, why do you spend it here? Thats not rhetorical, I really want to know, because I don’t get it.

Some of you will simultaneously say “the program is dead beyond dead” and yet discuss it EVERY DAY, like zombies with nowhere to go. It’s like you have a virus animating your CFB corpse and you can’t help but stumble around the vacant halls of Grassy 2.0 and groan about how disappointing being alive was.

My dad died 15 years ago. I stopped texting him 15 years ago. I stopped calling him 15 years ago, because he was actually dead. When I discuss him with other people I don’t get confused about him being alive, I don’t expect him at family functions, I don’t get disappointed when he doesn’t call. He’s dead, not “program is ded lol nothng matters“ dead, but dead.

If you believe this program is dead and you still post on this site, you are the fool. Not the BOT, not Diaz, you. You’re the one complaining about the reliability of a corpse, all the while claiming you know it’s dead.
Joe Biden Rally GIF by Election 2020
I’ve said it recently getting 100 people - the number of BOT members - to come to any semblance of agreement is **** near impossible. The only hope is the 3-4% - that’s 3 or 4 out of 100 - have enough persuasion to get the other 96-97% to agree on a change.
Hopefully 3 of the ones with the biggest set of nuts..
You know how this works - it has to be the three who, if they withdraw their donations, the Athletic Department is ****ed.

Money talks, bull**** walks.

If I was a rich **** on the BOT I'd be scheming like **** behind the scenes to get Blake James and co fired. Make it happen or bugger off.
If you think the program has “no chance” then why on earth are you on a website devoted to nothing else but talking about it? How do you have the time and emotion to waste, and even if you do, why do you spend it here? Thats not rhetorical, I really want to know, because I don’t get it.

Some of you will simultaneously say “the program is dead beyond dead” and yet discuss it EVERY DAY, like zombies with nowhere to go. It’s like you have a virus animating your CFB corpse and you can’t help but stumble around the vacant halls of Grassy 2.0 and groan about how disappointing being alive was.

My dad died 15 years ago. I stopped texting him 15 years ago. I stopped calling him 15 years ago, because he was actually dead. When I discuss him with other people I don’t get confused about him being alive, I don’t expect him at family functions, I don’t get disappointed when he doesn’t call. He’s dead, not “program is ded lol nothng matters“ dead, but dead.

If you believe this program is dead and you still post on this site, you are the fool. Not the BOT, not Diaz, you. You’re the one complaining about the reliability of a corpse, all the while claiming you know it’s dead.
I have seen this program catch "lightning in a bottle" twice with little to no support from the school. It can be done again.

Manny Diaz stinks. The players that have been recruited and developed (which is every player on the team) have a stink on them from yet another coach with a horrendous culture that can not be washed off with simple changes like DB Coach, DL Coach, OL Coach. These players are beyond repair. Lets keep it real, how many players that transfer out of here are worth a ****? The answer is none. How many of our recent players that go to the NFL are much more than mid-tier roster fodder? Its under a handful and in a continuous decline.

We've got a rot in our beloved University that runs incredibly deep. It has permeated pretty much every sport, and pretty much every academic department (see our recent decline in national rankings).

The whole University is free falling to the earth and there isn't a pilot on the plane. We're likely toast.
I won’t believe it until I see it.

I seriously doubt that the woke elitists that run the university and athletics department would ever hire an Alpha male. This is why our decision makers are a Beta he-she, and a couple of man-hating feminazis.

They are happy with the way that everything is going, as long as it goes along with their world views.

We can hope that if enough pressure is applied by the money people (boosters), things will change. But I’ve seen this movie way too many times.
Who did what?
I posted the best ***-eating gif ever out of sheer ****-posting frustration, and it was deleted.

No biggie. I'm just going off the rails tonight and I'm not even at the bar yet. You guys do a better job than most, my fight isn't with you. But if I can figure out how to shop Blake James face onto that gif, I'm going to post it again.
This from USC, TWO games into Helton's 7th season (46-24) following a lose to Stanford...
"This afternoon, I informed Clay Helton of my decision to make a change in the leadership of our football program," said USC athletic director Mike Bohn in a statement. "Clay is one of the finest human beings I have ever met in this industry, and he has been a tremendous role model and mentor to our young men. We appreciate his many years of service to our university and wish him nothing but the very best. Consistent with our values as an institution, he deserves the utmost respect from the Trojan Family during this transition."

It's that easy.
If you didn't have the worst AD in college football