If Miami closed down the program who would you root for?

No one. I'm sick of "amateur" athletics anyway. It's a multibillion dollar business, and most of the kids are used as pieces of meat. Most of them get no education, which is what it is all about. STUDENT athletes? I think not. It'll be a good day when kids can bypass "college" all together and go pro. It's not like they are getting an education anyway. They are being used to make money for the system, nothing more. I'm tired of it.
The fact that this is even a legitimate discussion speaks volumes about the goal of those in charge. Viva la fighting stethoscopes. Like that great corch said when is the last time 50k showed up to watch a science experiment?

How is it a legitimate discussion. The chance of the Miami football program shutting down is so close to zero as to be non-existent.

How is it not? What has the administration done over the last ten year's which objectively shows they intend to dump the necessary resources into the program to keep it relevant. It is being kept on life support and being run on a budget like those loveable Cleveland Indians in major league.

There is only one reason the administration keeps football alive but in coma. It wants that ACC check every year. Without football, why would ACC want Miami? Miami without football hurts future TV deals -- we are still ratings darling and in major TV market. ACC wants Miami in football and Miami wants ACC paycheck. Other than that, this smuckhead administration will surely continue to kill the greatest brand in sports because it has never been able to take credit for creating that brand. They would rather be known for a bankrupt hospital chain of their own making than a football legend created by kids on their own.
I'd root for Miami HS players who don't end up at UF, FSU, OSU or Notre Dame.
No one. I'm sick of "amateur" athletics anyway. It's a multibillion dollar business, and most of the kids are used as pieces of meat. Most of them get no education, which is what it is all about. STUDENT athletes? I think not. It'll be a good day when kids can bypass "college" all together and go pro. It's not like they are getting an education anyway. They are being used to make money for the system, nothing more. I'm tired of it.

This. The NCAA is a joke that rational people in this country and ANYONE outside of this country looks at as an embarrassment upon humanity.

And I'd never stop watching college football. Ever. Its ridiculous everyone saying that they would.

Your telling me you can't watch a game without the Hurricanes or your favorite NFL team in it? Really?

I can watch without rooting for any team in particular
I'd watch college football and and enjoy teams like TCU or Baylor etc. underdog programs that have solid coaching and exciting football. I wouldn't be emotionally invested in any team cause **** that, but I would just enjoy watching other teams play kind of like what many of us do now.
I would stop following college football and watch euro soccer instead.

euro soccer is actually the closest thing out there to college football (very similar) and surpasses it in terms of intrigue imo.
I bet some of you have several favorite NBA teams based on individual players and will actively root against "your" NFL team based upon fantasy matchups. Makes me sick. Our country is gone.
Y'all dudes can have the "one love in life" deal. Not me!

If the school took away the Canes, or even continues to slope towards being irrelevant, I would move on. Life is too short to remain miserable about something I "choose" to connect with.

Don't know which school I would eventually move on to, but it would have to be a place I can connect with organically ... The same way I did with Miami, when I "fell in love" in 1986.

I didn't go to school there ... Don't have family there ... And I'm not from the area. But I support the program by donating, buying gear, and attending games. All of which I do voluntarily.

So, if the school decides the athletics program isn't important enough to raise the bar on their resources, in spite of the rich tradition of a program worthy of 2 ESPN specials, the location giving access to top recruits, the conference affiliated TV contract giving big dollars, and the new Adidas contract adding even more dollars ... Then I will agree with them, and the athletics program won't be that important to me.

But I'll still enjoy college football ... And I'll eventually "fall in love", again.

I just don't have my eye on that program, yet ...
I'd be a casual observer of teams who's styles emulated the Canes of old, and players that I enjoyed watching...but I don't think I would be calling myself a "fan" of another CFB "team". Other teams I'd watch wouldn't be my team, because my team is the Miami Hurricanes...thru thick and thin, they're my team. If the program ever shut down, I'd be severely depressed, and I don't know how much football in general I would watch to be honest.
So I always see people talking about Miami closing down the program, and while I know the statement in itself is ridiculous, it made me wonder, if Miami really ever shut things down, who would you root for? Would you have an alternate team to bounce to, or would you just pack it up as a fan?

Be honest or don't bother answering at all. Personally, I would probably move onto UCF as I grew up in the Central Florida area.

I'm a USF grad, but we didn't have a football team and I was a Cane too long to care when they did. You think UM doesn't care about sports then you don't know jack about USF. USF Athletics is just a social experiment for local well to do individuals to justify their relevance. I'd still watch college football, but have to be honest and say I'd root for FSU. Really hate the Gates.
If It wasn't for Miami, I probably wouldn't like football as much, if Miami closed shop I'd probably pack it up as a fan. I'd still watch CFB though. Just as an observer.
The program has sucked for close to a decade but I'm still a huge cfb fan. I wake up excited every sat during football season , regardless of what my Canes are doing . I'm just passionate about the sport.

Don't get me wrong, the most exciting part of a Sat is watching the UM game, but if we lost the program I'd still be glued to the couch every weekend.
I would stop following college football and watch euro soccer instead.

euro soccer is actually the closest thing out there to college football (very similar) and surpasses it in terms of intrigue imo.
I already watch that. Liverpool. Plus all the other powers
Wouldn't change a thing for me. I'd continue rooting for the well-being and growth of all the student-athletes who participate in college football. Rooting for young men to succeed and flourish in life supersedes the color of a uniform or an insignia on a helmet.
Auburn, since the rest of my family roots for them. In addition, I would root for someone to smash that leprechaun dyke Donna Shala's face in for helping ruin our football program.
If anyone thinks it is an actually possibility that they will disband UM football then they are absolutely crazy.... Some of yall are so miserable with this and have convinced yourself with this "fold the program" mentality. Smh..... Annoying af