Frenk will not be retained (rumor) UPDATE: Interviewing Rhett Lashlee for OC today

that sucks I wanted some dumb bucktooth conservative hick that has Trump tattoo, big *** beat up truck and 6 toes.
Binging on ancient aliens I see...
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The thing is he or whoever they hire is the president of the entire university, not just the Football team. That being said, he is pretty lifeless and obviously not tuned in to college athletics, as he is not from the US! I am fine with any politician, as long as they make sure the football team is the prime advertising arm for the school (and thus has maximum funding), and he helps to raise the profile of the college of engineering ;)
IF this is true, he will be replaced with another Academic. Get used to it; Miami is not "sun tan U' any more. The BOT is invested in academics and research. Frenck has been concerned mainly with Latin America and Mexico and expanding/developing the Health related programs/research. Both he and his wife have deep ties in those areas. He came with his Harvard pedigree.

I'm going into my next to last semester of 8 consecutive years as a parent of multiple UM students. My last child will graduate next December with a BS and MS in Accounting from the accelerated ACCT program in the business school. I have been pretty happy with the education both my kids have received. We'll see where this goes....

Oh, and nobody who is in academics cares what US News and World report ranks schools..... That just sells magazines.
I hope we get someone who understands the importance of not only academics, but athletics and particularly football.

The BOT and these other Boomers don't understand that an extremely large percentage of young people are influenced by how good the football team is. The President and AD at Alabama said writing Nick Saban a blank check to get him to Bama was the best investment they've ever made.

UM tries to act like we can't afford it but the reality is we can't afford to be this bad in athletics every year - we aren't good enough athletically or academically to charge the tuition we do.
Very well said.

For Miami & many other programs around the nation (except Stanford, Northwestern & Vandy) athletics actually drives academics & 100% without doubt increases donations & fundraising. When we were a good football school we received Billion dollar endowments & when we win more people are willing to give money not just to the athletic department but to the entire university.

The U brand has always been a cash cow because of Football, the Football program is the financial catalyst behind the success of the whole school whether people wanna believe it or not.

Our problem has been the administration in charge has always resented Football & would take advantage of the fact that people love the marketing brand of the "The U"/Football more than anything else with this school & fleece the Football program out of millions while withholding funds & giving us the crumbs.

People think the two have nothing to do with each other, but just go ask any School President at programs like Clemson, Bama, Oh St, Oklahoma, LSU, UGA, Penn St etc, they'll all tell you the same thing, when the Football program is good everything else increases (admissions, endowments, donations finances etc) & makes more money, Football is the lifeblood of most major universities.
when the Football program is good everything else increases (admissions, endowments, donations finances etc) & makes more money,

Agree 100%. It happened at Miami after our 10 win season and beat down of ND. Applications increased by tens of thousands. Especially OOS applications which as a private school, means big $$$.

this allowed the University to raise academic standards, too. You need a way to weed out in order to limit those you accept.
I hope we get someone who understands the importance of not only academics, but athletics and particularly football.

The BOT and these other Boomers don't understand that an extremely large percentage of young people are influenced by how good the football team is. The President and AD at Alabama said writing Nick Saban a blank check to get him to Bama was the best investment they've ever made.

UM tries to act like we can't afford it but the reality is we can't afford to be this bad in athletics every year - we aren't good enough athletically or academically to charge the tuition we do.

Football and Athletics are a school’s biggest marketing platform. Shalala, Frenk and the BOT’s nearly milked the Miami brand to death without investing the necessary resources into it. Kids today don’t see the Miami brand as they once did. Now, academic’s seem to be taking a major hit since Shalala left. This is no bueno.
Word on da street is dat Frenk is retiring. If he leaves, the BOT will likely replace him with another radical liberal.

How about Trump for UM President??

He could bring in the Russian mob to execute any CFB coach who dares to score points against the Canes...

Ring #6 would come right away baby!!!

Because corrupt-*** criminals and traitors are the true American way!!!!

When I read it, I’ll believe it.... when they finally get rid of him and his rows of teeth in his mouth, I’ll be one happy camper... but then they must make a competent hire!