Frenk will not be retained (rumor) UPDATE: Interviewing Rhett Lashlee for OC today

I'm not claiming to be an insider but I do have a source that correctly called the Manny Diaz hire and Dan Enos hire before any of us knew (link to thread:

I'm connecting with this same source as we speak to see if I can get any intel on the new OC, so I'll keep you guys posted.

Here is what I can share so far. Word on the street is that Frenk will not be retained as President following the expiry of his contract at the end of the academic year.

IF this is true, he will be replaced with another Academic. Get used to it; Miami is not "sun tan U' any more. The BOT is invested in academics and research. Frenck has been concerned mainly with Latin America and Mexico and expanding/developing the Health related programs/research. Both he and his wife have deep ties in those areas. He came with his Harvard pedigree.

I'm going into my next to last semester of 8 consecutive years as a parent of multiple UM students. My last child will graduate next December with a BS and MS in Accounting from the accelerated ACCT program in the business school. I have been pretty happy with the education both my kids have received. We'll see where this goes....

Oh, and nobody who is in academics cares what US News and World report ranks schools..... That just sells magazines.

Miami is so obsessed with academics, and yet the school is mostly a joke. Not even a top 50 university in the country.

We were a better school when we didnt try so hard not to be ourselves.
Jim Tressel lol he is currently a University President and his knowledge of football speaks for itself
You don’t have a source.

You just make up sources and make 10,000 different predictions about what will happen. And sometimes you’ll be correct by dumb luck.

your username must be what your smoking. I provided the one other time I’ve made a prediction in the OP, and you can check my profile to see if I’ve made other faulty predictions. **** outta here
As has been addressed in other threads, if you think USNWR rankings don't mean anything, you are clueless. I guarantee you that every single admissions officer at UM knows exactly what the USNWR ranking is, because they are fielding questions about it on a regular basis.
What’s Miami’s ranking?
FSU isnt CLOSE to being a comparable university to MIAMI. FSU is a JOKE for admissions. Where do they get this from?
Saying FSU is comparable to a UM degree is absolutely wrong. My stepson has an IT degree from UM and that degree has got him numerous positions and he's only 32 and doing very well... he was told at a couple of them that it was his UM degree that got him the job.
Also, published college rankings with regards to UM and especially in medicine are not accurate... everybody has a hardon for the U.
that sucks I wanted some dumb bucktooth conservative hick that has Trump tattoo, big *** beat up truck and 6 toes.

Why are you relying on visual clues? Totally unnecessary. Just listen. It's like running backs with the spoon. Just feed me. Keep feeding me. They thrive on being fed.

Any lie. Any fear. Regardless of how preposterous or idiotic. Swallow anything that conforms to biases and dread.
Well, The Rock did say he could see himself as President. He didn't specify if he meant of the USA or UM.
FSU isnt CLOSE to being a comparable university to MIAMI. FSU is a JOKE for admissions. Where do they get this from?
US news and world report. Both at 57. Miami accepts 32 percent. FSU 37 percent. This is Frenk’s fault. Hire the best already. His hires have been underwhelming. Glad I went to a top law school. Lol.
FSU isnt CLOSE to being a comparable university to MIAMI. FSU is a JOKE for admissions. Where do they get this from?

Because half of the applicants to FIU, FAU, UCF, USF, FGCU, and UWF also applied to F$U, thus making F$U's "selectivity index" look better than it actually is.

If US News & World Report was serious about revising the rankings, they would ask universities to provide the statistics (GPA, SAT) for their rejected candidates, to determine whether they are rejecting statistically qualified applicants, or just a bunch of people who had no shot in the first place.

Harvard rejects VERY qualified applicants. F$U rejects unqualified Florida residents who want to go to a party school and who have $50 to blow on an application fee.