Enough is enough

McCloud isn’t injured. McCloud made his situation clear—he wants to RS but if he’s absolutely needed then he won’t. I’ve never heard Lingard’s story from Lingard. Only thing I’ve heard Lingard say is a tweet that he deleted saying he was healthy and that he’d post a video of himself dunking to prove it.
Ya seems like something fishy going on behind the scenes im not sure.
I honestly don't know how the people in the athletics department are able to sleep at night. Maybe living in ignorant bliss does work. Who in the world allows an athletics director to continue to waste millions and millions of dollars on incompetence and keep your job? Good work if you can get it I guess.

I have news for U... the athletic administration DOESN'T give a U KNOW WHAT ( " f " ) about the football program!
No one here is getting paid $3.5M to know the kicker intimately and know his psyche. That beaten face you see on him before he trots out on the field? His coaches should have known that’s who he is. His 50% “accuracy” in HS? His $3.5M coach should have planned around that.

You shills need to realize the fans aren’t getting paid to make contingency plans and to have other guys ready.

How about the Ragu situation at LB? Like Cribby so astutely answered one of the shills above when he pompously spouted off about Brooks only knowing the MLB spot, well, then, why couldn’t Brooks come in at MLB and move Shaq into Pink’s spot. The shill had no answer for that.

Dude, must be a mind reader. Because I MUMBLED the same exact notion to myself during the game. Why isn't Boy Manny and Baker playing Brooks at MLB and putting SQ in Michael's spot.
One common factor
I wonder what the mood is inside the locker room. Is it just the offensive players or is Manny at risk of losing this team?
They are barely loosing close games so I really hope he can hold this team together.

I was underwhelmed with his offensive staff from the beginning and it was really disheartening when you confirmed it. I just don’t think the South Florida mentality meshes with the MAC/Big 10 type philosophy; too much process and conservative overthinking.

I think a west coast or Texas type OC would work because it’s more of a simple, let it fly approach. I’m not talking just about formations but the actual ‘let’s do everything to score now’ vs the ‘let’s set them up for something big later’ type of strategy.
Yeah, Manny just fabricated that entire story out of thin air and shared with the press. C'mon man.

Not saying either way but Manny hasn’t been Sharing many truths all season, it’s definitely the possibility, first thing I thought when both Lo’s Cousin and Dad went ham on social media
Manny said that Lingard said that. Lingard never said anything, so you’re just taking the word of a coach who is clearly in over his head.

You're right. Manny Diaz came out and lied about it.

Can't. Fix. Stupid.
He was the LB coach and defensive coordinator for the last three years. Why was his recruiting so **** poor at the position that we don’t have a scholarship recruit as a backup at one of two linebacker spots?

That's a different discussion and a valid point but I also believe we had two unexpected career ending injuries.
Disappointing news. Disappointing thread. Disappointing season.
You're right. Manny Diaz came out and lied about it.

Can't. Fix. Stupid.

You see how he’s been getting caught in “lies” & “contradictions” all over the place on social media now. There’s quite a few reporters that are calling him out on it. He does stupid cliche coach speak so much that he forgets all of the bullsh*t that he’s said in the past.
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Not sure why anyone would have had any confidence in Baxa. He’s never in his life been an accurate kicker. And that pathetic dejected beaten face everyone saw BEFORE he trotted out to miss the kick against Ufayg? Shanny should have known that was his kicker.

Shanny’s ST “coach” is one of his unqualified crony sons. These guys were around Baxa all year last year. They are charged with the duty of knowing who their players are and what they’re capable of.

I’m sick of shills saying “well, the fans thought _____ was good so you can’t blame the coaches or the AD for thinking the same thing.” Well fck yes you can. The fans aren’t around these guys 365 days a year. The fans aren’t getting paid 6 and 7 figures to make these calls. When you’re getting paid like that then you have to deliver. Period. It’s a results business.

I mean, heavens to Mergatroid, anyone who thought that Baxa should've ever been allowed to take another FG attempt during a real tight game after he missed that PAT vs Vatech, just shouldn't be running ANY program

That's not second-guessing, that's common sense.
I mean, heavens to Mergatroid, anyone who thought that Baxa should've ever been allowed to take another FG attempt during a real tight game after he missed that PAT vs Vatech, just shouldn't be running ANY program

That's not second-guessing, that's common sense.

.... Which Manny needs to do.
You see how he’s been getting caught in “lies” & “contradictions” all over the place on social media now. There’s quite a few reporters that are calling him out on it. He does stupid cliche coach speak so much that he forgets all of the bullsh*t that he’s said in the past.

That is not something that a coach "lies" about and I'd imagine if it weren't true then Tweed on here would have said so.
are you retarded? It’s unacceptable that brooks doesn’t know both spots & the HC has fcked up the recruiting at that spot that a walk on has to play. Stupid MFer

Also, if Brooks only knows one spot and you have Shaq, a 4yr starter at a position where he should conceivably know the entire defense, why can't Shaq move over to Pinkney's spot for the remainder of the game?
Or does HE only know that one spot himself?

There are so many ways to look at that scenario that don't come to the conclusion to play the walk-on extended minutes.