BREAKING: Francois out for season, Blackman to start

Sept 16, we will find out if our offensive line has improved.
The Noles defense looks salty as ****. if we can run the ball against them that will give me great confidence for the rest of the season. It may be a 6-3 game. Lord help the melt down that will happen on this board if we can't beat them with a backup QB. I really don't think Francoise is a difference maker anyway. They had opportunities last night to take control of that game in the first half. Than Francoise and the special teams fell apart in the second half. Bama's offense did nothing last night.
What concerns me is that our QB might not be that much better than theirs.

Rosier doesnt impress me.
Any elite coach, with this team, beats that FSU team. Zero excuses. CMR better show me something.
Let's win next week then start talking about this

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I enjoy your other work as the guy at the end of a basketball bench that holds everyone back on the sideline after a big play. Don't ever change. The world needs people like you.

Two teams with inexperienced qbs. I'm expecting one of those ugly 13-10 type games that plagued this series from 2004-2006.
It's not a guaranteed win. They have other good players. For example of they are allowed to run for yards it will take pressure off him. I thought before Francois injury Louisville was going to win the Atlantic, Now I'm certain they will. They have been totally overlooked. Which is kinda baffling to me.

I don't know how we do it but we must end FSU's win streak now. We may have lucked out the game is so early too. Will have to see

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I hate FSU like nothing else but I feel bad for the kid.

I suspend all empathy for anyone the moment they commit to UiF or FSU. As Maya Angelou once said - "When someone shows you they have no soul believe them; the first time."
Just tell Jonathan Garvin to pin his ears back and add to the legend. I hope he haunts Blackman's career, football and beyond.
What concerns me is that our QB might not be that much better than theirs.

Rosier doesnt impress me.

i might be in the minority but following yesterday's less than stellar performance against B-C and given how well F$U played in the 1st half against 'Bama, I was expecting another L at Tally. With Francois out, it's anybody's ball game now. The Noles D is legit and our Offense still has question marks that can only be answered by playing a P5 opponent.

Im not sure how anynody can be confident that we are going to win given our performance yesterday in all 3 phases of the game. I need to see more before crowning our squad.