You are Kyle Murray.......

What do you think we talk about at birthday parties? How much our girls like American Girl Dolls? We talk about the As.

You clearly don’t have a clue what’s going on. The new As stadium is privately financed.
LOL, yep the A's are paying for a $700m stadium.
Baseball with the extra millions , try it out for two, three years. If it’s looking good and your in the major or close to it, you are set.
If not, you quit baseball and I’m sure you can still get a shot in the after NFL a couple years and probably command a good amount as a free agent
He has the chance to be picked #1 by Kliff Kingsbury. Go NFL. Remember he’s only played one year as a starter.
LOL, yep the A's are paying for a $700m stadium.

Yup. They are. If you don’t know this already then you don’t know much about the team. Lew Wolf is gone. The Fishers are billionaires and plan to sell off a minority stake to some Silicon Valley billionaires after the team is competitive and the new stadium is completed.

But keep talking about stuff you clearly know nothing about.
He will have the opportunity to make a bigger impact playing football and has already proven he can be a dominant player at the collegiate level.

I also think the baseball travel schedule is brutal and the season is way too long.
What QB is gonna get CTE the way they protect Qb's now a days? Even though hes a runner football is the safer bet. Chalk up another L for @Gordon SOlie
The man is getting paid big money in the MLB because they think he's a star. The A's are betting big on him; I doubt that he thinks he will be roaming the minors and doubt that the A's are just giving him that contract thinking he will be in the minors forever. Ultimately, I think that he wants to play football rather than baseball. IMO he'd be dumb to turn down a career in the MLB, but luckily the decision is not mine.

Also for those interested this is not the first time this has popped up (and it wont be the last) but I remember reading about it was when bleacher report made a comparison between Calvin Johnson and Jeff Samardzija
If I was Kyle Murray, I would probably wake up tomorrow morning, kiss my wife goodbye after a morning pickle tickle, make sure my kids were ready for school, and then go to work while checking my Twitter account periodically throughout the day to see what Kyler Murray is up to.
The dude is way better than tebow and tebow hadn't played since high school.

That’s not saying much.

If you’re looking at it from a pure numbers standpoint. Close to 2/3 of 1st round picks make it to the big leagues. So you’re giving yourself a 1/3 chance to not make it. Added to the fact he’ll have to wait 4-5 years for that big deal if he’s even worth it.

Instead in 3 months he could be cashing a $10-20 million check just for being drafted.
Some of you are also forgetting he’s a QB. The rules aren’t changing anytime soon. He’s not gonna take a beating like he would have 15 years ago
With the way the rules are changing and it is becoming such a pass happy league with penalties for just breathing on a QB I can see why he may want to do football.

If this were a decade ago I would have said Baseball for sure.
Baseball careers last longer, money is garranted, and you end up able to walk. But people always pick football. Mange baseball is as boring to play as it is to watch.
Easy. NFL, if you're not looking at getting an awesome 2nd contract than leave for the MLB. MLB isn't going anywhere it's mostly 28+ year old fat dads anyway.