Uncle Luke steps down as HS coach!

You will probably be floored if you knew Trump was hanging with Luke at some of his parties... lol By the looks of it he just has more connects then yawl do. ****, Paul Dee and Shalala loved him! Yawl better quit hate'n, when a man can command that kind of political pull he's a very important man!
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I use to like Luke but I have come to the conclusion that he has nothing left to cling to so he is a washed up, bitter man right now.

Makes no money off his music seeing that he lost his entire catalog in bankruptcy and it was bought by someone else. (his music has been sampled numerous times and he doesnt make a dime off it. Ask French Montana who he had to contact to get the clearance for "Pop That". Luke was hounding him for a check and Diddy broke him off something on "G" code because Luke didnt have the rights to the publishing on his own music. True Story.)

And now he has been trying to cling to Dade county football to no avail. UM will probably turn there back on him for good now because we dont need him anymore to give the staff a hood pass. Richt is jumpin in and out of the hood, making speeches, leading prayer and choppin it up like its nothing.

He is useless to us now. Hope he has copies of "The U". Thats his last claim to fame as it pertains to this program.

You objectify Luke like he isn't a real person with phrases like "we dont need him anymore" and he is "useless to us now", and paint caricature of the man by claiming he's "bitter" and "hounding".

Other than the obvious dehumanizing drivel you spew on the board, I wonder who the "we" and "us" are that you refer to in your post?
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Guys like Luke coach JUST TO SAY THEY COACH. They don't do anything to perfect their craft. That applies to a lot of coaches in South FLA.

Like honestly, what makes anybody think Luke would be a good coach? I haven't seen him at ONE SINGLE CLINIC anywhere in Florida. He wasn't at The U's Coaching Social that Golden had, and that **** was free and in his hometown.
Who's he learning from? Where's he getting his stuff? How's he working on his craft?

I go to clinics every year. The ONLY TIME I see South FLA guys is when they're asked to speak because they won a state championship. (BTW's staff, Central's staff, Flanagan's staff, Mike Rumph when he won a SC at Heritage, etc) And their clinics are an absolute joke compared to the Texas coaches that show up to speak. The HC at Katy high school made our South FLA high school guys look like optimist coaches last year. The South FLA guys don't even show up with slides/power points, they're on stage drawing **** with dry erase markers. LOL
Most of these guys don't care enough to make the trip to Orlando or Tampa (never mind out of state) to learn from anybody. Exactly how are you getting better as a coach?

Everything Luke knows he learned down here in the hood. That's why that MF plays nothing but Cover-1 Press-Man. (aka "cat ball")

Anybody who lines up in press-man versus a trips/bunch formation doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Period. That's all I needed to see.

Eight State Championships in the last four years between the two of them. Larry (My Boi Blue) says not too shabby. So I'd say stop going to Al Golden camps, and stop going to clinics with those TX guys from Katy High. Get you some dry erase markers, come to hood camp MIAMI and learn son "cat ball"....

Yeah, those SC's must have everything to do with coaching and nothing to do with the fact that those teams have 3x as much talent as anybody they play. LOL GTFOH.

YOU get a dry erase marker and your *** out there.
Guys like Luke coach JUST TO SAY THEY COACH. They don't do anything to perfect their craft. That applies to a lot of coaches in South FLA.

Like honestly, what makes anybody think Luke would be a good coach? I haven't seen him at ONE SINGLE CLINIC anywhere in Florida. He wasn't at The U's Coaching Social that Golden had, and that **** was free and in his hometown.
Who's he learning from? Where's he getting his stuff? How's he working on his craft?

I go to clinics every year. The ONLY TIME I see South FLA guys is when they're asked to speak because they won a state championship. (BTW's staff, Central's staff, Flanagan's staff, Mike Rumph when he won a SC at Heritage, etc) And their clinics are an absolute joke compared to the Texas coaches that show up to speak. The HC at Katy high school made our South FLA high school guys look like optimist coaches last year. The South FLA guys don't even show up with slides/power points, they're on stage drawing **** with dry erase markers. LOL
Most of these guys don't care enough to make the trip to Orlando or Tampa (never mind out of state) to learn from anybody. Exactly how are you getting better as a coach?

Everything Luke knows he learned down here in the hood. That's why that MF plays nothing but Cover-1 Press-Man. (aka "cat ball")

Anybody who lines up in press-man versus a trips/bunch formation doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Period. That's all I needed to see.

Eight State Championships in the last four years between the two of them. Larry (My Boi Blue) says not too shabby. So I'd say stop going to Al Golden camps, and stop going to clinics with those TX guys from Katy High. Get you some dry erase markers, come to hood camp MIAMI and learn son "cat ball"....

Like i said before it pretty obvious coaches outta state just jeolous they dont have the access to athletes from here so they have to discredit what these guys are doing down here. Since they didnt talk proper enough for you guys they cant coach? Coach bush had a GREAT defense last year and he was head coach/ defensive coordinator so he did something right. Its plenty of good coaching around here i can care less about some coaching clinic they can coach & lead a group of kids

I'm not from out of state. Look at my avatar, genius. I also started coaching in Broward in 2008. Like I told yall a$$es before, this ain't something I'm making up out of jealousy, this is something I know through experience. And I'm being objective. You obviously speak with a bias.

Coach Bush's whole defensive backfield is filled with P5 level kids, including LB's. And they recycle yearly. Ask any coach that's prepared for them and they'll even tell you that a lot of what they do is not fundamentally sound, they simply are just too fast to be blocked.

I'm telling you this man (Samuels) drew up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. LOL. Do you even know enough about football to know how retarded that is? Combine that with the fact that he acted arrogant as fvck and mocked anybody that asked him schematic questions. When someone asked him how they have success stopping the Wing-T he paused, laughed and said "Should I give it to him? Nahhhh dawg, watch the film." WTF? That's not a muthafvckin' real coach. Are you two MF's high?

The problem with you MF's is...just like Larry Blustein...yall don't know enough about football to recognize the difference between coaches who capitalize off of having great talent versus guys who really coach their a$$ off. Yall only pay attention to the urban teams and don't know **** about the landscape of South FLA football. Let yall tell it, the best coaches in South FLA are at Central, BTW, STA, Flanagan, Heritage, etc etc etc. (aka all the team with the most D1 talent) Yall don't have enough wherewithal to see the coaching job that the guy at Douglas is doing for example.

I've talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.

The first thing you should always observes is the talent at a coaches disposal. If a coach is loaded with talent and he's beating teams with inferior talent, well then how the **** do you know he's doing a great job of coaching? Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! STA is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! All you gotta do is look at signing day in February. They have more talent than anybody they play. Meanwhile a team like Coral Springs (with zero D1 kids) beats Deerfield and yall MF's have no clue. LOL

Just like Blu, yall MF's don't really know South FLA high school football, yall know the popular urban schools, that's it.
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Guys like Luke coach JUST TO SAY THEY COACH. They don't do anything to perfect their craft. That applies to a lot of coaches in South FLA.

Like honestly, what makes anybody think Luke would be a good coach? I haven't seen him at ONE SINGLE CLINIC anywhere in Florida. He wasn't at The U's Coaching Social that Golden had, and that **** was free and in his hometown.
Who's he learning from? Where's he getting his stuff? How's he working on his craft?

I go to clinics every year. The ONLY TIME I see South FLA guys is when they're asked to speak because they won a state championship. (BTW's staff, Central's staff, Flanagan's staff, Mike Rumph when he won a SC at Heritage, etc) And their clinics are an absolute joke compared to the Texas coaches that show up to speak. The HC at Katy high school made our South FLA high school guys look like optimist coaches last year. The South FLA guys don't even show up with slides/power points, they're on stage drawing **** with dry erase markers. LOL
Most of these guys don't care enough to make the trip to Orlando or Tampa (never mind out of state) to learn from anybody. Exactly how are you getting better as a coach?

Everything Luke knows he learned down here in the hood. That's why that MF plays nothing but Cover-1 Press-Man. (aka "cat ball")

Anybody who lines up in press-man versus a trips/bunch formation doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Period. That's all I needed to see.

Eight State Championships in the last four years between the two of them. Larry (My Boi Blue) says not too shabby. So I'd say stop going to Al Golden camps, and stop going to clinics with those TX guys from Katy High. Get you some dry erase markers, come to hood camp MIAMI and learn son "cat ball"....

Like i said before it pretty obvious coaches outta state just jeolous they dont have the access to athletes from here so they have to discredit what these guys are doing down here. Since they didnt talk proper enough for you guys they cant coach? Coach bush had a GREAT defense last year and he was head coach/ defensive coordinator so he did something right. Its plenty of good coaching around here i can care less about some coaching clinic they can coach & lead a group of kids

I'm not from out of state. Look at my avatar, genius. I also started coaching in Broward in 2008. Like I told yall a$$es before, this ain't something I'm making up out of jealousy, this is something I know through experience. And I'm being objective. You obviously speak with a bias.

Coach Bush's whole defensive backfield is filled with P5 level kids, including LB's. And they recycle yearly. Ask any coach that's prepared for them and they'll even tell you that a lot of what they do is not fundamentally sound, they simply are just too fast to be blocked.

I'm telling you this man (Samuels) drew up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. LOL. Do you even know enough about football to know how retarded that is? Combine that with the fact that he acted arrogant as fvck and mocked anybody that asked him schematic questions. When someone asked him how they have success stopping the Wing-T he paused, laughed and said "Should I give it to him? Nahhhh dawg, watch the film." WTF? That's not a muthafvckin' real coach. Are you two MF's high?

The problem with you MF's is...just like Larry Blustein...yall don't know enough about football to recognize the difference between coaches who capitalize off of having great talent versus guys who really coach their a$$ off. Yall only pay attention to the urban teams and don't know **** about the landscape of South FLA football. Let yall tell it, the best coaches in South FLA are at Central, BTW, STA, Flanagan, Heritage, etc etc etc. (aka all the team with the most D1 talent) Yall don't have enough wherewithal to see the coaching job that the guy at Douglas is doing for example.

I've talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.

The first thing you should always observes is the talent at a coaches disposal. If a coach is loaded with talent and he's beating teams with inferior talent, well then how the **** do you know he's doing a great job of coaching? Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! STA is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! All you gotta do is look at signing day in February. They have more talent than anybody they play. Meanwhile a team like Coral Springs (with zero D1 kids) beats Deerfield and yall MF's have no clue. LOL

Just like Blu, yall MF's don't really know South FLA high school football, yall know the popular urban schools, that's it.

Interesting stuff.
Guys like Luke coach JUST TO SAY THEY COACH. They don't do anything to perfect their craft. That applies to a lot of coaches in South FLA.

Like honestly, what makes anybody think Luke would be a good coach? I haven't seen him at ONE SINGLE CLINIC anywhere in Florida. He wasn't at The U's Coaching Social that Golden had, and that **** was free and in his hometown.
Who's he learning from? Where's he getting his stuff? How's he working on his craft?

I go to clinics every year. The ONLY TIME I see South FLA guys is when they're asked to speak because they won a state championship. (BTW's staff, Central's staff, Flanagan's staff, Mike Rumph when he won a SC at Heritage, etc) And their clinics are an absolute joke compared to the Texas coaches that show up to speak. The HC at Katy high school made our South FLA high school guys look like optimist coaches last year. The South FLA guys don't even show up with slides/power points, they're on stage drawing **** with dry erase markers. LOL
Most of these guys don't care enough to make the trip to Orlando or Tampa (never mind out of state) to learn from anybody. Exactly how are you getting better as a coach?

Everything Luke knows he learned down here in the hood. That's why that MF plays nothing but Cover-1 Press-Man. (aka "cat ball")

Anybody who lines up in press-man versus a trips/bunch formation doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Period. That's all I needed to see.

Eight State Championships in the last four years between the two of them. Larry (My Boi Blue) says not too shabby. So I'd say stop going to Al Golden camps, and stop going to clinics with those TX guys from Katy High. Get you some dry erase markers, come to hood camp MIAMI and learn son "cat ball"....

Like i said before it pretty obvious coaches outta state just jeolous they dont have the access to athletes from here so they have to discredit what these guys are doing down here. Since they didnt talk proper enough for you guys they cant coach? Coach bush had a GREAT defense last year and he was head coach/ defensive coordinator so he did something right. Its plenty of good coaching around here i can care less about some coaching clinic they can coach & lead a group of kids

I'm not from out of state. Look at my avatar, genius. I also started coaching in Broward in 2008. Like I told yall a$$es before, this ain't something I'm making up out of jealousy, this is something I know through experience. And I'm being objective. You obviously speak with a bias.

Coach Bush's whole defensive backfield is filled with P5 level kids, including LB's. And they recycle yearly. Ask any coach that's prepared for them and they'll even tell you that a lot of what they do is not fundamentally sound, they simply are just too fast to be blocked.

I'm telling you this man (Samuels) drew up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. LOL. Do you even know enough about football to know how retarded that is? Combine that with the fact that he acted arrogant as fvck and mocked anybody that asked him schematic questions. When someone asked him how they have success stopping the Wing-T he paused, laughed and said "Should I give it to him? Nahhhh dawg, watch the film." WTF? That's not a muthafvckin' real coach. Are you two MF's high?

The problem with you MF's is...just like Larry Blustein...yall don't know enough about football to recognize the difference between coaches who capitalize off of having great talent versus guys who really coach their a$$ off. Yall only pay attention to the urban teams and don't know **** about the landscape of South FLA football. Let yall tell it, the best coaches in South FLA are at Central, BTW, STA, Flanagan, Heritage, etc etc etc. (aka all the team with the most D1 talent) Yall don't have enough wherewithal to see the coaching job that the guy at Douglas is doing for example.

I've talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.

The first thing you should always observes is the talent at a coaches disposal. If a coach is loaded with talent and he's beating teams with inferior talent, well then how the **** do you know he's doing a great job of coaching? Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! STA is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! All you gotta do is look at signing day in February. They have more talent than anybody they play. Meanwhile a team like Coral Springs (with zero D1 kids) beats Deerfield and yall MF's have no clue. LOL

Just like Blu, yall MF's don't really know South FLA high school football, yall know the popular urban schools, that's it.

You sound like a typical coach who havent had had a chance to coach talented kids so you have to downplay coaches who do have the talent by saying they only win by talent. You keep bringing up this irrevelant *** coaching clinic. And im not even bias at all i never said coaching from other states and such trash just said it disrespectful to call coaching down here trash when thats not true and the reason u gave are even more trash.
Guys like Luke coach JUST TO SAY THEY COACH. They don't do anything to perfect their craft. That applies to a lot of coaches in South FLA.

Like honestly, what makes anybody think Luke would be a good coach? I haven't seen him at ONE SINGLE CLINIC anywhere in Florida. He wasn't at The U's Coaching Social that Golden had, and that **** was free and in his hometown.
Who's he learning from? Where's he getting his stuff? How's he working on his craft?

I go to clinics every year. The ONLY TIME I see South FLA guys is when they're asked to speak because they won a state championship. (BTW's staff, Central's staff, Flanagan's staff, Mike Rumph when he won a SC at Heritage, etc) And their clinics are an absolute joke compared to the Texas coaches that show up to speak. The HC at Katy high school made our South FLA high school guys look like optimist coaches last year. The South FLA guys don't even show up with slides/power points, they're on stage drawing **** with dry erase markers. LOL
Most of these guys don't care enough to make the trip to Orlando or Tampa (never mind out of state) to learn from anybody. Exactly how are you getting better as a coach?

Everything Luke knows he learned down here in the hood. That's why that MF plays nothing but Cover-1 Press-Man. (aka "cat ball")

Anybody who lines up in press-man versus a trips/bunch formation doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Period. That's all I needed to see.

Eight State Championships in the last four years between the two of them. Larry (My Boi Blue) says not too shabby. So I'd say stop going to Al Golden camps, and stop going to clinics with those TX guys from Katy High. Get you some dry erase markers, come to hood camp MIAMI and learn son "cat ball"....

Like i said before it pretty obvious coaches outta state just jeolous they dont have the access to athletes from here so they have to discredit what these guys are doing down here. Since they didnt talk proper enough for you guys they cant coach? Coach bush had a GREAT defense last year and he was head coach/ defensive coordinator so he did something right. Its plenty of good coaching around here i can care less about some coaching clinic they can coach & lead a group of kids

I'm not from out of state. Look at my avatar, genius. I also started coaching in Broward in 2008. Like I told yall a$$es before, this ain't something I'm making up out of jealousy, this is something I know through experience. And I'm being objective. You obviously speak with a bias.

Coach Bush's whole defensive backfield is filled with P5 level kids, including LB's. And they recycle yearly. Ask any coach that's prepared for them and they'll even tell you that a lot of what they do is not fundamentally sound, they simply are just too fast to be blocked.

I'm telling you this man (Samuels) drew up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. LOL. Do you even know enough about football to know how retarded that is? Combine that with the fact that he acted arrogant as fvck and mocked anybody that asked him schematic questions. When someone asked him how they have success stopping the Wing-T he paused, laughed and said "Should I give it to him? Nahhhh dawg, watch the film." WTF? That's not a muthafvckin' real coach. Are you two MF's high?

The problem with you MF's is...just like Larry Blustein...yall don't know enough about football to recognize the difference between coaches who capitalize off of having great talent versus guys who really coach their a$$ off. Yall only pay attention to the urban teams and don't know **** about the landscape of South FLA football. Let yall tell it, the best coaches in South FLA are at Central, BTW, STA, Flanagan, Heritage, etc etc etc. (aka all the team with the most D1 talent) Yall don't have enough wherewithal to see the coaching job that the guy at Douglas is doing for example.

I've talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.

The first thing you should always observes is the talent at a coaches disposal. If a coach is loaded with talent and he's beating teams with inferior talent, well then how the **** do you know he's doing a great job of coaching? Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! STA is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! All you gotta do is look at signing day in February. They have more talent than anybody they play. Meanwhile a team like Coral Springs (with zero D1 kids) beats Deerfield and yall MF's have no clue. LOL

Just like Blu, yall MF's don't really know South FLA high school football, yall know the popular urban schools, that's it.

If u had the chance to coach a team with talent and your success was taking away because of someone saying its only because u have more talent then anybody and they have no evidence to back that up you would be offended so kill at that and keep gossiping with the other jeolous coaches lol
Guys like Luke coach JUST TO SAY THEY COACH. They don't do anything to perfect their craft. That applies to a lot of coaches in South FLA.

Like honestly, what makes anybody think Luke would be a good coach? I haven't seen him at ONE SINGLE CLINIC anywhere in Florida. He wasn't at The U's Coaching Social that Golden had, and that **** was free and in his hometown.
Who's he learning from? Where's he getting his stuff? How's he working on his craft?

I go to clinics every year. The ONLY TIME I see South FLA guys is when they're asked to speak because they won a state championship. (BTW's staff, Central's staff, Flanagan's staff, Mike Rumph when he won a SC at Heritage, etc) And their clinics are an absolute joke compared to the Texas coaches that show up to speak. The HC at Katy high school made our South FLA high school guys look like optimist coaches last year. The South FLA guys don't even show up with slides/power points, they're on stage drawing **** with dry erase markers. LOL
Most of these guys don't care enough to make the trip to Orlando or Tampa (never mind out of state) to learn from anybody. Exactly how are you getting better as a coach?

Everything Luke knows he learned down here in the hood. That's why that MF plays nothing but Cover-1 Press-Man. (aka "cat ball")

Anybody who lines up in press-man versus a trips/bunch formation doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Period. That's all I needed to see.

Eight State Championships in the last four years between the two of them. Larry (My Boi Blue) says not too shabby. So I'd say stop going to Al Golden camps, and stop going to clinics with those TX guys from Katy High. Get you some dry erase markers, come to hood camp MIAMI and learn son "cat ball"....

Like i said before it pretty obvious coaches outta state just jeolous they dont have the access to athletes from here so they have to discredit what these guys are doing down here. Since they didnt talk proper enough for you guys they cant coach? Coach bush had a GREAT defense last year and he was head coach/ defensive coordinator so he did something right. Its plenty of good coaching around here i can care less about some coaching clinic they can coach & lead a group of kids

I'm not from out of state. Look at my avatar, genius. I also started coaching in Broward in 2008. Like I told yall a$$es before, this ain't something I'm making up out of jealousy, this is something I know through experience. And I'm being objective. You obviously speak with a bias.

Coach Bush's whole defensive backfield is filled with P5 level kids, including LB's. And they recycle yearly. Ask any coach that's prepared for them and they'll even tell you that a lot of what they do is not fundamentally sound, they simply are just too fast to be blocked.

I'm telling you this man (Samuels) drew up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. LOL. Do you even know enough about football to know how retarded that is? Combine that with the fact that he acted arrogant as fvck and mocked anybody that asked him schematic questions. When someone asked him how they have success stopping the Wing-T he paused, laughed and said "Should I give it to him? Nahhhh dawg, watch the film." WTF? That's not a muthafvckin' real coach. Are you two MF's high?

The problem with you MF's is...just like Larry Blustein...yall don't know enough about football to recognize the difference between coaches who capitalize off of having great talent versus guys who really coach their a$$ off. Yall only pay attention to the urban teams and don't know **** about the landscape of South FLA football. Let yall tell it, the best coaches in South FLA are at Central, BTW, STA, Flanagan, Heritage, etc etc etc. (aka all the team with the most D1 talent) Yall don't have enough wherewithal to see the coaching job that the guy at Douglas is doing for example.

I've talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.

The first thing you should always observes is the talent at a coaches disposal. If a coach is loaded with talent and he's beating teams with inferior talent, well then how the **** do you know he's doing a great job of coaching? Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! STA is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! All you gotta do is look at signing day in February. They have more talent than anybody they play. Meanwhile a team like Coral Springs (with zero D1 kids) beats Deerfield and yall MF's have no clue. LOL

Just like Blu, yall MF's don't really know South FLA high school football, yall know the popular urban schools, that's it.

You sound like a typical coach who havent had had a chance to coach talented kids so you have to downplay coaches who do have the talent by saying they only win by talent. You keep bringing up this irrevelant *** coaching clinic. And im not even bias at all i never said coaching from other states and such trash just said it disrespectful to call coaching down here trash when thats not true and the reason u gave are even more trash.

How the **** is the way a coach carries himself at a clinic irrelevant? It says a lot about how professional you are and how serious you take your job. You keep saying that **** is meaningless but nobody that's a good coach would ever draw up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. (you probably don't even know why that's a problem so I'm wasting my time)

I've coached quite a few talented kids dude, either directly or as a part of the staff. I've got a handful of kids playing D1 ball across the country and one kid in the NFL. I've had just enough D1 kids to realize how much of a difference they can make. I've been the same coach for years, however I looked like a much better coach when I had a D1 Defensive Tackle in my front. (and he was just 1AA, not even major) Meanwhile you got coaches out here with 5 or more kids on their starting defense who have D1 offers and you somehow attribute their success strictly to coaching. LOL (makes sense)

Truth be told, I'm barely responsible for any of the success my D1 kids have had. Those kids were able to do things that were unteachable. I teach every kid the same techniques, with the same passion and intensity, yet they don't all go D1. You teach them the basics and their talent takes it from there. COACHING IS MEASURED BY WHAT YOU DO WITH THOSE WHO ARE LESS TALENTED! You probably coached your a$$ off if you had a 5'8" 185lb Linebacker finish with 100 tackles or a 6'0" 190lb Defensive Lineman finish with 13 sacks. This is the **** that casual observers like yourself don't understand.

Go grab a whistle and get involved bro. It ain't that hard.
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Guys like Luke coach JUST TO SAY THEY COACH. They don't do anything to perfect their craft. That applies to a lot of coaches in South FLA.

Like honestly, what makes anybody think Luke would be a good coach? I haven't seen him at ONE SINGLE CLINIC anywhere in Florida. He wasn't at The U's Coaching Social that Golden had, and that **** was free and in his hometown.
Who's he learning from? Where's he getting his stuff? How's he working on his craft?

I go to clinics every year. The ONLY TIME I see South FLA guys is when they're asked to speak because they won a state championship. (BTW's staff, Central's staff, Flanagan's staff, Mike Rumph when he won a SC at Heritage, etc) And their clinics are an absolute joke compared to the Texas coaches that show up to speak. The HC at Katy high school made our South FLA high school guys look like optimist coaches last year. The South FLA guys don't even show up with slides/power points, they're on stage drawing **** with dry erase markers. LOL
Most of these guys don't care enough to make the trip to Orlando or Tampa (never mind out of state) to learn from anybody. Exactly how are you getting better as a coach?

Everything Luke knows he learned down here in the hood. That's why that MF plays nothing but Cover-1 Press-Man. (aka "cat ball")

Anybody who lines up in press-man versus a trips/bunch formation doesn't have a clue what he's doing. Period. That's all I needed to see.

Eight State Championships in the last four years between the two of them. Larry (My Boi Blue) says not too shabby. So I'd say stop going to Al Golden camps, and stop going to clinics with those TX guys from Katy High. Get you some dry erase markers, come to hood camp MIAMI and learn son "cat ball"....

Like i said before it pretty obvious coaches outta state just jeolous they dont have the access to athletes from here so they have to discredit what these guys are doing down here. Since they didnt talk proper enough for you guys they cant coach? Coach bush had a GREAT defense last year and he was head coach/ defensive coordinator so he did something right. Its plenty of good coaching around here i can care less about some coaching clinic they can coach & lead a group of kids

I'm not from out of state. Look at my avatar, genius. I also started coaching in Broward in 2008. Like I told yall a$$es before, this ain't something I'm making up out of jealousy, this is something I know through experience. And I'm being objective. You obviously speak with a bias.

Coach Bush's whole defensive backfield is filled with P5 level kids, including LB's. And they recycle yearly. Ask any coach that's prepared for them and they'll even tell you that a lot of what they do is not fundamentally sound, they simply are just too fast to be blocked.

I'm telling you this man (Samuels) drew up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. LOL. Do you even know enough about football to know how retarded that is? Combine that with the fact that he acted arrogant as fvck and mocked anybody that asked him schematic questions. When someone asked him how they have success stopping the Wing-T he paused, laughed and said "Should I give it to him? Nahhhh dawg, watch the film." WTF? That's not a muthafvckin' real coach. Are you two MF's high?

The problem with you MF's is...just like Larry Blustein...yall don't know enough about football to recognize the difference between coaches who capitalize off of having great talent versus guys who really coach their a$$ off. Yall only pay attention to the urban teams and don't know **** about the landscape of South FLA football. Let yall tell it, the best coaches in South FLA are at Central, BTW, STA, Flanagan, Heritage, etc etc etc. (aka all the team with the most D1 talent) Yall don't have enough wherewithal to see the coaching job that the guy at Douglas is doing for example.

I've talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.

The first thing you should always observes is the talent at a coaches disposal. If a coach is loaded with talent and he's beating teams with inferior talent, well then how the **** do you know he's doing a great job of coaching? Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! STA is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! All you gotta do is look at signing day in February. They have more talent than anybody they play. Meanwhile a team like Coral Springs (with zero D1 kids) beats Deerfield and yall MF's have no clue. LOL

Just like Blu, yall MF's don't really know South FLA high school football, yall know the popular urban schools, that's it.

If u had the chance to coach a team with talent and your success was taking away because of someone saying its only because u have more talent then anybody and they have no evidence to back that up you would be offended so kill at that and keep gossiping with the other jeolous coaches lol

No evidence? The evidence is on signing day, dude.

I would never take credit for succeeding with a bunch of D1 kids. That ain't my style. I pride myself in making chicken salad out of chicken ****.

If I had the 10th ranked defense in the county with only one D1 level kid, but then the following season I had the 1st ranked defense in the county with 6 D1 kids, I would 100% agree that our success can be attributed to the increase in talent. I'm the same **** coach that I was the year before! I don't change. If I went from 10th to 1st in a year span then obviously that can be attributed to a gain in talent.
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Eight State Championships in the last four years between the two of them. Larry (My Boi Blue) says not too shabby. So I'd say stop going to Al Golden camps, and stop going to clinics with those TX guys from Katy High. Get you some dry erase markers, come to hood camp MIAMI and learn son "cat ball"....

Like i said before it pretty obvious coaches outta state just jeolous they dont have the access to athletes from here so they have to discredit what these guys are doing down here. Since they didnt talk proper enough for you guys they cant coach? Coach bush had a GREAT defense last year and he was head coach/ defensive coordinator so he did something right. Its plenty of good coaching around here i can care less about some coaching clinic they can coach & lead a group of kids

I'm not from out of state. Look at my avatar, genius. I also started coaching in Broward in 2008. Like I told yall a$$es before, this ain't something I'm making up out of jealousy, this is something I know through experience. And I'm being objective. You obviously speak with a bias.

Coach Bush's whole defensive backfield is filled with P5 level kids, including LB's. And they recycle yearly. Ask any coach that's prepared for them and they'll even tell you that a lot of what they do is not fundamentally sound, they simply are just too fast to be blocked.

I'm telling you this man (Samuels) drew up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. LOL. Do you even know enough about football to know how retarded that is? Combine that with the fact that he acted arrogant as fvck and mocked anybody that asked him schematic questions. When someone asked him how they have success stopping the Wing-T he paused, laughed and said "Should I give it to him? Nahhhh dawg, watch the film." WTF? That's not a muthafvckin' real coach. Are you two MF's high?

The problem with you MF's is...just like Larry Blustein...yall don't know enough about football to recognize the difference between coaches who capitalize off of having great talent versus guys who really coach their a$$ off. Yall only pay attention to the urban teams and don't know **** about the landscape of South FLA football. Let yall tell it, the best coaches in South FLA are at Central, BTW, STA, Flanagan, Heritage, etc etc etc. (aka all the team with the most D1 talent) Yall don't have enough wherewithal to see the coaching job that the guy at Douglas is doing for example.

I've talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.

The first thing you should always observes is the talent at a coaches disposal. If a coach is loaded with talent and he's beating teams with inferior talent, well then how the **** do you know he's doing a great job of coaching? Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! STA is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! All you gotta do is look at signing day in February. They have more talent than anybody they play. Meanwhile a team like Coral Springs (with zero D1 kids) beats Deerfield and yall MF's have no clue. LOL

Just like Blu, yall MF's don't really know South FLA high school football, yall know the popular urban schools, that's it.

If u had the chance to coach a team with talent and your success was taking away because of someone saying its only because u have more talent then anybody and they have no evidence to back that up you would be offended so kill at that and keep gossiping with the other jeolous coaches lol

No evidence? The evidence is on signing day, dude.

I would never take credit for succeeding with a bunch of D1 kids. That ain't my style. I pride myself in making chicken salad out of chicken ****.

If I had the 10th ranked defense in the county with only one D1 level kid, but then the following season I had the 1st ranked defense in the county with 6 D1 kids, I would 100% agree that our success can be attributed to the increase in talent. I'm the same **** coach that I was the year before! I don't change. If I went from 10th to 1st in a year span then obviously that can be attributed to a gain in talent.

So you're from Bradenton Macho?
Eight State Championships in the last four years between the two of them. Larry (My Boi Blue) says not too shabby. So I'd say stop going to Al Golden camps, and stop going to clinics with those TX guys from Katy High. Get you some dry erase markers, come to hood camp MIAMI and learn son "cat ball"....

Like i said before it pretty obvious coaches outta state just jeolous they dont have the access to athletes from here so they have to discredit what these guys are doing down here. Since they didnt talk proper enough for you guys they cant coach? Coach bush had a GREAT defense last year and he was head coach/ defensive coordinator so he did something right. Its plenty of good coaching around here i can care less about some coaching clinic they can coach & lead a group of kids

I'm not from out of state. Look at my avatar, genius. I also started coaching in Broward in 2008. Like I told yall a$$es before, this ain't something I'm making up out of jealousy, this is something I know through experience. And I'm being objective. You obviously speak with a bias.

Coach Bush's whole defensive backfield is filled with P5 level kids, including LB's. And they recycle yearly. Ask any coach that's prepared for them and they'll even tell you that a lot of what they do is not fundamentally sound, they simply are just too fast to be blocked.

I'm telling you this man (Samuels) drew up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. LOL. Do you even know enough about football to know how retarded that is? Combine that with the fact that he acted arrogant as fvck and mocked anybody that asked him schematic questions. When someone asked him how they have success stopping the Wing-T he paused, laughed and said "Should I give it to him? Nahhhh dawg, watch the film." WTF? That's not a muthafvckin' real coach. Are you two MF's high?

The problem with you MF's is...just like Larry Blustein...yall don't know enough about football to recognize the difference between coaches who capitalize off of having great talent versus guys who really coach their a$$ off. Yall only pay attention to the urban teams and don't know **** about the landscape of South FLA football. Let yall tell it, the best coaches in South FLA are at Central, BTW, STA, Flanagan, Heritage, etc etc etc. (aka all the team with the most D1 talent) Yall don't have enough wherewithal to see the coaching job that the guy at Douglas is doing for example.

I've talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.

The first thing you should always observes is the talent at a coaches disposal. If a coach is loaded with talent and he's beating teams with inferior talent, well then how the **** do you know he's doing a great job of coaching? Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! STA is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! All you gotta do is look at signing day in February. They have more talent than anybody they play. Meanwhile a team like Coral Springs (with zero D1 kids) beats Deerfield and yall MF's have no clue. LOL

Just like Blu, yall MF's don't really know South FLA high school football, yall know the popular urban schools, that's it.

If u had the chance to coach a team with talent and your success was taking away because of someone saying its only because u have more talent then anybody and they have no evidence to back that up you would be offended so kill at that and keep gossiping with the other jeolous coaches lol

No evidence? The evidence is on signing day, dude.

I would never take credit for succeeding with a bunch of D1 kids. That ain't my style. I pride myself in making chicken salad out of chicken ****.

If I had the 10th ranked defense in the county with only one D1 level kid, but then the following season I had the 1st ranked defense in the county with 6 D1 kids, I would 100% agree that our success can be attributed to the increase in talent. I'm the same **** coach that I was the year before! I don't change. If I went from 10th to 1st in a year span then obviously that can be attributed to a gain in talent.

Your are arguing that since they have TALENTED kids they cant ******* coach you see how pathetic that sounds makes u look sad bruh. And you painted this narrative to all coaches down here...whether you would take credit if someone said you cant coach with a team such as booker t or not you still would be greatly offended if someone said you cant coach you just have talent. Would rather u say you not sure whether they can coach cause they have more talent then most or something like that then flat out say coaches down here cant coach they just have more talent, **** makes you look jeolous and sad. Im done though keep spreading your narratives as you please
You will probably be floored if you knew Trump was hanging with Luke at some of his parties... lol By the looks of it he just has more connects then yawl do. ****, Paul Dee and Shalala loved him! Yawl better quit hate'n, when a man can command that kind of political pull he's a very important man!

Is that what you really believe?
It’s unfortunate that some people think that they can come into our communities; tell us what we should do with our football programs and we shouldn’t have anything to say about it. And if we disagree it’s because we are blindly biased in favor of the brothers in the hood.

Now peep this. If you will recall, I asked the question; why don’t you come and coach at some of these other schools (lower profile schools) out here (city & co) that are in desperate need of coaches of your caliber? His reply was, 1) every job opening is not a good job opportunity. 2) Some jobs are too much of an uphill battle. 3) Some are in talentless neighborhoods. 4) Some schools get raided for talent by private schools. 5) Not every school has the same ceiling. 6) And the point he ultimately wants to make is, not every school is ready to do what it takes to win.

The reason for the question was to figure out what was most important to him; was it the player or the game? It took him almost a thousand words and at least three posts to figure it out. More about that later. If you want your kids new BFF to come hang out with you all this weekend the respectable thing to do is to ask the parents. Get to know them. These new jack leg summa’s just wanting you to give them the HC job. Don’t know ish about jack and don’t care to learn it.

Here is a little history about my “hood schools”. See we been had P5 level kids since the 1950’s and would have had many before that. That’s nothing new to us. Black segregated schools like Dorsey High School (Miami Northwest & BTW middle) from the 50’s were the genesis (the beginning) for what you now call P5 players. How the **** can you come to the “hood” and try and tell us how to best use a player of this caliber that you just discovered after 1966? Not in Dade.

And this is part of the reasons why we run your ***’z off the property because you don’t respect our history, heritage and our communities. Well I will tell you every one of those struggles from the past was tough, was hard, was vicious. But we survived through it. Today you look at the community and the attacks that it is now under, it is ferocious. We don’t need coaches that are all about the X’s and O’s. We are in need of the ones that are about the Tae’s and Baybay’s. Our football games are an integral part of our communities. We have been known to pull 12 to 15 thousand any given weekend.

Macho goes on to say that “I’ve talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.” “Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule!” “They have more talent than anybody they play.” If that were the case then why bother to play the game? Don’t get it twisted we have our share of undersized players as every other school. Really Macho, the problem is you. You don’t get it.

It took years to build what we have here. RespeK to coaches like Bush and Samuels that you mentioned. Guys like that have been parts of this grind with us since its conception. These men have gone away and returned home to us because they know and understand what coaching in the hood is all about. They may carry a few scares that they received along the way but they are standing strong protecting the community so that the next wave of youth can survive. So we don’t apologize for the rough talk, the speech impediments or lack of technical resources. Since the 1950’s we have been doing more with less anyways. Put the chicken **** down. Come get with this conch salad & fritter.

Hint to the wise. Learn what it takes from the Men that are doing it, how to mold and protect these young men. The fights for these lives started way before your two hour practices.

Drop The Mic:

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It’s unfortunate that some people think that they can come into our communities; tell us what we should do with our football programs and we shouldn’t have anything to say about it. And if we disagree it’s because we are blindly biased in favor of the brothers in the hood.

Now peep this. If you will recall, I asked the question; why don’t you come and coach at some of these other schools (lower profile schools) out here (city & co) that are in desperate need of coaches of your caliber? His reply was, 1) every job opening is not a good job opportunity. 2) Some jobs are too much of an uphill battle. 3) Some are in talentless neighborhoods. 4) Some schools get raided for talent by private schools. 5) Not every school has the same ceiling. 6) And the point he ultimately wants to make is, not every school is ready to do what it takes to win.

The reason for the question was to figure out what was most important to him; was it the player or the game? It took him almost a thousand words and at least three posts to figure it out. More about that later. If you want your kids new BFF to come hang out with you all this weekend the respectable thing to do is to ask the parents. Get to know them. These new jack leg summa’s just wanting you to give them the HC job. Don’t know ish about jack and don’t care to learn it.

Here is a little history about my “hood schools”. See we been had P5 level kids since the 1950’s and would have had many before that. That’s nothing new to us. Black segregated schools like Dorsey High School (Miami Northwest & BTW middle) from the 50’s were the genesis (the beginning) for what you now call P5 players. How the **** can you come to the “hood” and try and tell us how to best use a player of this caliber that you just discovered after 1966? Not in Dade.

And this is part of the reasons why we run your ***’z off the property because you don’t respect our history, heritage and our communities. Well I will tell you every one of those struggles from the past was tough, was hard, was vicious. But we survived through it. Today you look at the community and the attacks that it is now under, it is ferocious. We don’t need coaches that are all about the X’s and O’s. We are in need of the ones that are about the Tae’s and Baybay’s. Our football games are an integral part of our communities. We have been known to pull 12 to 15 thousand any given weekend.

Macho goes on to say that “I’ve talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.” “Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule!” “They have more talent than anybody they play.” If that were the case then why bother to play the game? Don’t get it twisted we have our share of undersized players as every other school. Really Macho, the problem is you. You don’t get it.

It took years to build what we have here. RespeK to coaches like Bush and Samuels that you mentioned. Guys like that have been parts of this grind with us since its conception. These men have gone away and returned home to us because they know and understand what coaching in the hood is all about. They may carry a few scares that they received along the way but they are standing strong protecting the community so that the next wave of youth can survive. So we don’t apologize for the rough talk, the speech impediments or lack of technical resources. Since the 1950’s we have been doing more with less anyways. Put the chicken **** down. Come get with this conch salad & fritter.

Hint to the wise. Learn what it takes from the Men that are doing it, how to mold and protect these young men. The fights for these lives started way before your two hour practices.

I can't let the comment about Larry (My Boi Blu!!) go unchecked. We have much love for Blu. It was people like Blu who had access and the media to come into the hood and publicize the most talented kids without bias. Blu got almost 50 years in this game. There are a lot of media outlets today that mute are mics, lock our posts and ban our accounts in defense of our kids. So props and much RespeK for My Boi Blu!!!!
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Like i said before it pretty obvious coaches outta state just jeolous they dont have the access to athletes from here so they have to discredit what these guys are doing down here. Since they didnt talk proper enough for you guys they cant coach? Coach bush had a GREAT defense last year and he was head coach/ defensive coordinator so he did something right. Its plenty of good coaching around here i can care less about some coaching clinic they can coach & lead a group of kids

I'm not from out of state. Look at my avatar, genius. I also started coaching in Broward in 2008. Like I told yall a$$es before, this ain't something I'm making up out of jealousy, this is something I know through experience. And I'm being objective. You obviously speak with a bias.

Coach Bush's whole defensive backfield is filled with P5 level kids, including LB's. And they recycle yearly. Ask any coach that's prepared for them and they'll even tell you that a lot of what they do is not fundamentally sound, they simply are just too fast to be blocked.

I'm telling you this man (Samuels) drew up a 6-man blitz out of Cover-2. LOL. Do you even know enough about football to know how retarded that is? Combine that with the fact that he acted arrogant as fvck and mocked anybody that asked him schematic questions. When someone asked him how they have success stopping the Wing-T he paused, laughed and said "Should I give it to him? Nahhhh dawg, watch the film." WTF? That's not a muthafvckin' real coach. Are you two MF's high?

The problem with you MF's is...just like Larry Blustein...yall don't know enough about football to recognize the difference between coaches who capitalize off of having great talent versus guys who really coach their a$$ off. Yall only pay attention to the urban teams and don't know **** about the landscape of South FLA football. Let yall tell it, the best coaches in South FLA are at Central, BTW, STA, Flanagan, Heritage, etc etc etc. (aka all the team with the most D1 talent) Yall don't have enough wherewithal to see the coaching job that the guy at Douglas is doing for example.

I've talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.

The first thing you should always observes is the talent at a coaches disposal. If a coach is loaded with talent and he's beating teams with inferior talent, well then how the **** do you know he's doing a great job of coaching? Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! STA is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule! All you gotta do is look at signing day in February. They have more talent than anybody they play. Meanwhile a team like Coral Springs (with zero D1 kids) beats Deerfield and yall MF's have no clue. LOL

Just like Blu, yall MF's don't really know South FLA high school football, yall know the popular urban schools, that's it.

If u had the chance to coach a team with talent and your success was taking away because of someone saying its only because u have more talent then anybody and they have no evidence to back that up you would be offended so kill at that and keep gossiping with the other jeolous coaches lol

No evidence? The evidence is on signing day, dude.

I would never take credit for succeeding with a bunch of D1 kids. That ain't my style. I pride myself in making chicken salad out of chicken ****.

If I had the 10th ranked defense in the county with only one D1 level kid, but then the following season I had the 1st ranked defense in the county with 6 D1 kids, I would 100% agree that our success can be attributed to the increase in talent. I'm the same **** coach that I was the year before! I don't change. If I went from 10th to 1st in a year span then obviously that can be attributed to a gain in talent.

Your are arguing that since they have TALENTED kids they cant ******* coach you see how pathetic that sounds makes u look sad bruh. And you painted this narrative to all coaches down here...whether you would take credit if someone said you cant coach with a team such as booker t or not you still would be greatly offended if someone said you cant coach you just have talent. Would rather u say you not sure whether they can coach cause they have more talent then most or something like that then flat out say coaches down here cant coach they just have more talent, **** makes you look jeolous and sad. Im done though keep spreading your narratives as you please

Bro I see why you think these coaches are awesome. You're as dense as they are.

I never said that they can't coach because they have talented kids. Pay fvckin' attention. My reasons for them saying that they can't coach go beyond that, stuff that I've seen with my own 2 eyes and things that I've heard them say. Yall two knuckleheads have this logic that since they win, they are awesome coaches. That's when I came in and said that they have 10x more talent than everybody else.

I'm done arguing with a fvckin' spectator. You're obviously just defending these dudes for reasons that don't even need to be stated. It's plain as day.

And it ain't just my narrative buddy, it's widely known. It's a popular narrative.
It’s unfortunate that some people think that they can come into our communities; tell us what we should do with our football programs and we shouldn’t have anything to say about it. And if we disagree it’s because we are blindly biased in favor of the brothers in the hood.

Now peep this. If you will recall, I asked the question; why don’t you come and coach at some of these other schools (lower profile schools) out here (city & co) that are in desperate need of coaches of your caliber? His reply was, 1) every job opening is not a good job opportunity. 2) Some jobs are too much of an uphill battle. 3) Some are in talentless neighborhoods. 4) Some schools get raided for talent by private schools. 5) Not every school has the same ceiling. 6) And the point he ultimately wants to make is, not every school is ready to do what it takes to win.

The reason for the question was to figure out what was most important to him; was it the player or the game? It took him almost a thousand words and at least three posts to figure it out. More about that later. If you want your kids new BFF to come hang out with you all this weekend the respectable thing to do is to ask the parents. Get to know them. These new jack leg summa’s just wanting you to give them the HC job. Don’t know ish about jack and don’t care to learn it.

Here is a little history about my “hood schools”. See we been had P5 level kids since the 1950’s and would have had many before that. That’s nothing new to us. Black segregated schools like Dorsey High School (Miami Northwest & BTW middle) from the 50’s were the genesis (the beginning) for what you now call P5 players. How the **** can you come to the “hood” and try and tell us how to best use a player of this caliber that you just discovered after 1966? Not in Dade.

And this is part of the reasons why we run your ***’z off the property because you don’t respect our history, heritage and our communities. Well I will tell you every one of those struggles from the past was tough, was hard, was vicious. But we survived through it. Today you look at the community and the attacks that it is now under, it is ferocious. We don’t need coaches that are all about the X’s and O’s. We are in need of the ones that are about the Tae’s and Baybay’s. Our football games are an integral part of our communities. We have been known to pull 12 to 15 thousand any given weekend.

Macho goes on to say that “I’ve talked about this **** a million times and people like you never get it.” “Flanagan is supposed to beat everybody on their schedule!” “They have more talent than anybody they play.” If that were the case then why bother to play the game? Don’t get it twisted we have our share of undersized players as every other school. Really Macho, the problem is you. You don’t get it.

It took years to build what we have here. RespeK to coaches like Bush and Samuels that you mentioned. Guys like that have been parts of this grind with us since its conception. These men have gone away and returned home to us because they know and understand what coaching in the hood is all about. They may carry a few scares that they received along the way but they are standing strong protecting the community so that the next wave of youth can survive. So we don’t apologize for the rough talk, the speech impediments or lack of technical resources. Since the 1950’s we have been doing more with less anyways. Put the chicken **** down. Come get with this conch salad & fritter.

Hint to the wise. Learn what it takes from the Men that are doing it, how to mold and protect these young men. The fights for these lives started way before your two hour practices.

Drop The Mic:


Bro, you sound dumb as a MF.

So X's and O's and professionalism are sacrificed for the sake of saving Baybay's? WTF? WHO TOLD YOU THAT YOU CAN'T DO BOTH?!?!

You keep referencing Flanagan for some reason. That ain't no MF'n hood school. I'm at a hood school bro. I coach at the most "ghetto" school in Manatee County so I don't need to hear your high and mighty speech about saving kids. Me and my staff BEEN doin that ****. That ain't no god **** excuse not to be a good X's and O's coach or not to be a professional.

LOL @ molding young men. How come yall don't mold/help the kids who aren't D1 caliber then? Man kill your fvckin' self. Trying to pretend these MF'n coaches are out here molding kids. MOLD YOUR OWN FVCKIN' KIDS THEN and stop recruiting.

Lmao. Biggest crock of **** I ever heard in my life. Yall molding kids. GTFOH

Sure yall do, if he's 6'1' and runs a 4.4 forty. LOL
Notice yall ain't molding any 5'7" kids.

Yall not in this **** to mold kids, yall in it for personal gain and ego. If yall was really in this for the sole reason of molding kids then you wouldn't be recruiting and trying to win at all costs.

And for what it's worth, I have no problem with Flanagan, as I actually think Bush is a good coach and leader. Samuels, not so much.
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