It would be interesting to see how many arrests and other disciplinary issues we've had to endure under Golden's tenure. It seems excessive.
Im trying to make the website go viral. I've been tweeting it at former players and media guys, they havent retweeted. Will keep trying.

I think including our player attrition numbers(lost 30 of 71 players), losing players to transfers and discipline issues, is a pretty big factor of our woes and goes a long way in debunking the "Golden is a great recruiter" mantra. 30 guys he brought in either didn't want to play for him, couldn't make the grades or couldn't act right. 30. That's over 3x the amount of schollies lost to the NCAA mess. Great recruiters don't strike out 30 times.
I may do another update at some point this evening.

I have applied for Google AdSense approval - I have no experience in such things, but I guess we'll see what happens.
Over 3K views in a day, cot ****.

Got about 2,000 views while I was out to dinner tonight. Went from about 1,600 to 3,600. Not sure where FB likes were before dinner (pretty sure they were under 100 though), but they jumped to 650+ after dinner. I guess it was FB that got the site all those hits. Google Analytics is not active yet, so I don't know for sure where the traffic spike came from.
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Your website is so good, I wish it didn't make me vomit in my mouth every time I opened up the stats page