The Demise of The U

Our program is dead because we hired five straight coaches who will never work again as head coaches.

That’s the beginning and end of the story.
you are wrong. That is part story, part symptom. One day you will get your head around the bigger scope of the issue.

love you man, but your mindset is narrow here, and exemplary of the reason we are in this mess. The problem is bigger than oops. It’s a failure to understand what we’re working with, or what to do with it.
didn't read the article but......Miami's demise started when Miami decided to become Harvard south at the expense of the football and athletics as a whole.

you are wrong. That is part story, part symptom. One day you will get your head around the bigger scope of the issue.

love you man, but your mindset is narrow here, and exemplary of the reason we are in this mess. The problem is bigger than oops. It’s a failure to understand what we’re working with, or what to do with it.
Exactly, I laid it out in the article. Part 2 will talk more about coaching hire failures. Put simply, Miami isn't Alabama before Saban or USC before Caroll. We caught lightning in a bottle, but the landscape of college football has changed and left us behind.
What is the bigger issue? Be specific.

Why did we pick four straight star coaches before picking five straight busts? Was it Tad Foote’s commitment to football?
Honestly, I have been exchanging views with you on this topic for ages. Happy to continue but not sure what is left to say. If you think the people picking coaches are similar today to the people in the ‘80s, you’re wrong. If you think the culture and things the admin cares about today are the same as back then, youre wrong. If you think the competitive landscape, table stakes and differentiators are the same today as back then, youre wrong.

Sorry man, but you’re telling yourself a story to make yourself feel better.
Honestly, I have been exchanging views with you on this topic for ages. Happy to continue but not sure what is left to say. If you think the people picking coaches are similar today to the people in the ‘80s, you’re wrong. If you think the culture and things the admin cares about today are the same as back then, youre wrong. If you think the competitive landscape, table stakes and differentiators are the same today as back then, youre wrong.

Sorry man, but you’re telling yourself a story to make yourself feel better.

In other words, you have no answer.
Honestly, I have been exchanging views with you on this topic for ages. Happy to continue but not sure what is left to say. If you think the people picking coaches are similar today to the people in the ‘80s, you’re wrong. If you think the culture and things the admin cares about today are the same as back then, youre wrong. If you think the competitive landscape, table stakes and differentiators are the same today as back then, youre wrong.

Sorry man, but you’re telling yourself a story to make yourself feel better.

The most telling comment on the article:

"I was a very very low level employee at the Hecht when discussions first started about leaving the OB in the summer of 2005. I was shocked that nobody in the department really gave it a second thought, almost like a move to Pro Player was a no brainer, but I never understood the move. In the week leading up to the GT game a chunk, and I mean a large chunk, of concrete just fell down about 100 feet into a concourse area so the OB was literally falling apart but I know the city put out a proposal for major renovations but the UM brass never really considered it. They fell in love with how much more revenue they would receive. It was almost as if they thought they were too good to be playing at the OB anymore and just like that Miami’s Fenway or Wrigley or more pertinently, its Rose Bow, was doomed.
The other thing I can distinctly remember is how much certain staffers ridiculed Florida with the Urban Meyer hire during his first season, with Larry Coker (real nice guy, but…) sailing their ship. Look at it now as completely clueless and lost. This article is spot on."
The most telling comment on the article:

"I was a very very low level employee at the Hecht when discussions first started about leaving the OB in the summer of 2005. I was shocked that nobody in the department really gave it a second thought, almost like a move to Pro Player was a no brainer, but I never understood the move. In the week leading up to the GT game a chunk, and I mean a large chunk, of concrete just fell down about 100 feet into a concourse area so the OB was literally falling apart but I know the city put out a proposal for major renovations but the UM brass never really considered it. They fell in love with how much more revenue they would receive. It was almost as if they thought they were too good to be playing at the OB anymore and just like that Miami’s Fenway or Wrigley or more pertinently, its Rose Bow, was doomed.
The other thing I can distinctly remember is how much certain staffers ridiculed Florida with the Urban Meyer hire during his first season, with Larry Coker (real nice guy, but…) sailing their ship. Look at it now as completely clueless and lost. This article is spot on."
Yep. They didnt understand anything about what worked, or why. Clueless!
You are better than your response here man. That’s childish. You know better than that or you’re truly delusional.

I gave a detailed response on the last page. Here is a link if you want to review:

Your response was “you’re wrong.” When I asked you for some detail, you said “you’re wrong.” That tells me you can’t answer the question.

We’ve picked bad coaches. The market confirmed that. They failed because they sucked, not because of Miami.

We’ve had four different ADs and two presidents making decisions. What is the bigger picture you keep referring to?

The same school with the same budget constraints picked four straight studs before five straight busts. Are we giving the credit to Tad Foote, a guy who hated football?

Picking coaches is hard and we’ve done a terrible job. We don’t have the money to make an obvious hire like Saban and Meyer. That’s why we are here.
From the article: "According to Butch, the Miami administration both micromanaged his program"

This can not be understated. This is what is really the root of the problem. The lemmings from the Shalala era are still there.
In his case, he was always being bugged by Hillary Biles, who should have nothing to do with athletics at all. Shalala didn’t arrive until after Butch left, but she sure didn’t know how to improve the situation.
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I think it took the game last Saturday to finally drive home just how poor this football program has become to the majority of fans and alums. We are just a **** midmajor anymore. We can’t compete successfully in D1 at all.. Bad coaches, lousy facilities (the Sofers should get their money back. Adidas made a terrible investment also.), Administrative indifference, and a dismal athletic department have destroyed it completely. Athletics at this school should just be dropped if this horrible mess is the best we can do. JUST DROP THE WHOLE THING. Don’t go to games or by merchandise. No alumni donations. End the Hurricane Club.
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I gave a detailed response on the last page. Here is a link if you want to review:

Your response was “you’re wrong.” When I asked you for some detail, you said “you’re wrong.” That tells me you can’t answer the question.

We’ve picked bad coaches. The market confirmed that. They failed because they sucked, not because of Miami.

We’ve had four different ADs and two presidents making decisions. What is the bigger picture you keep referring to?

The same school with the same budget constraints picked four straight studs before five straight busts. Are we giving the credit to Tad Foote, a guy who hated football?

Picking coaches is hard and we’ve done a terrible job. We don’t have the money to make an obvious hire like Saban and Meyer. That’s why we are here.
we have had this same discussion a dozen times. Do you not recall? It’s like a play we show up for and reenact on a regular basis.

In any case, i have no doubt the world feels better to you if you think it’s all just bad luck. Read up on Heinlein’s definition of bad luck.

“Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty.

“This is known as ‘bad luck.'”
Picking coaches is hard and we’ve done a terrible job. We don’t have the money to make an obvious hire like Saban and Meyer. That’s why we are here.
Miami is here because they routinely make bonehead decisions at every turn. They bought out a guy with no previous HC experience within 12 HOURS of the previous coach retiring. It's here because they have literally pulled the "lmfaojusthiretheDCiguess" move TWICE. It's here because they hired a coach out of retirement who couldn't win on the big stage at a program with "far" greater resources than miami. Anyone that can buy out a coach, pay said coach 3mil, and then pay more than a mil for Penos the OC, has money but they just don't know how to spend it. The list goes on....and when you look at it objectively, whether its incompetence or malice doesn't ******* matter. Everyone needs to go.
we have had this same discussion a dozen times. Do you not recall? It’s like a play we show up for and reenact on a regular basis.

In any case, i have no doubt the world feels better to you if you think it’s all just bad luck. Read up on Heinlein’s definition of bad luck.

It’s bad picks. Jimmy was an 8-win coach from Oklahoma State. Erickson was a 9-win coach from Washington State. Butch had never been a head coach. Those guys are still available if you pick right. Richt cost more than any of them.

We’ve had three presidents and five ADs from
Butch to Diaz. That’s why it bothers me when people talk about the “admin.” Who, specifically? The decisionmakers keep changing.

We are a coach away. But we’ve been a coach away for 15 years. Looking back, the one constant between all of our failed coaches is that they weren’t offensive innovators. Maybe that is the direction we need to go with the next hire.
It’s bad picks. Jimmy was an 8-win coach from Oklahoma State. Erickson was a 9-win coach from Washington State. Butch had never been a head coach. Those guys are still available if you pick right. Richt cost more than any of them.

We’ve had three presidents and five ADs from
Butch to Diaz. That’s why it bothers me when people talk about the “admin.” Who, specifically? The decisionmakers keep changing.

We are a coach away. But we’ve been a coach away for 15 years. Looking back, the one constant between all of our failed coaches is that they weren’t offensive innovators. Maybe that is the direction we need to go with the next hire.
You are confusing cause and effect. symptom and disease.

Sorry, but you sound like an addict in denial. The first step is admitting you have a problem. Bad luck aint our problem.
Like in any addiction , recovery never happens until everyone close is hurt and everything crashes and the last bit of denial is squeezed out.

We are just about there , we might have heard a thud we will see.
We aint there yet. We aint anywhere. We still high on crack.
It really is that simple. Nobody wanted these guys when they left Miami. It wasn’t a Miami problem. They just stunk.

Your second question is tougher. “Why have we hired bad coaches?”

The first answer is that it’s hard to pick coaches. Look at USC. If they didn’t stumble into Carroll (their sixth choice), they would have been irrelevant for three decades despite having an elite talent base. Clemson broke out of a three-decade slump by hiring their WR coach and not firing him when the fan base and boosters wanted him gone.

The second answer is that we don’t have the resources to pick a guaranteed stud coach. Very few programs do. Alabama and Ohio State have the luxury of breaking the bank for established championship coaches.

We need to make a smart pick and we haven’t done it. We can’t blame one AD, president or BOT because we’ve had different people making the same bad decisions.

So I would chalk it up to bad luck, bad picks and not having the resources to make no-brainer hires. This same program picked four straight NFL coaches before five busts. Maybe this is our luck evening out.


-Out recruit every team in the conference (Not including Clemson) ✔️
-Produce more NFL talent than anyone else in your conference ✔️
-Play in the weakest P5 conference ✔️
-Have some of the best players available with a 50 miles radius to recruit ✔️
-Be in a city that has great weather and beautiful ladies ✔️

I mean the list goes on, but it’s almost impossible not to be good. You have to have bad luck.... At the bare minimum we should be crushing the coastal division. Golden and Shannon sucked beyond belief. Mark Richt was the only recent coach that had an idea of what to do, and It got us to be ranked #2 at one point. I do think his health played a part of things not going his way, and also him just not having it in him anymore.

Even Golden had us ranked at #7 at one point. His *** would never do that anywhere else in the country.

Any average coach would have the U at 10 wins per season IMO. So I agree with DMoney that we have had the worst luck for 16 years when it comes to hiring.