The Demise of The U

The infestation is called "entitlement syndrome " it's a mindset with no foundation unable to connect to Cane legacy no character just me me me , I got the U on my helmet done attitude ends there .

The U was a legacy passed on like the play-maker said everyone who gets the opportunity to wear the U on there helmets OWES the founding fathers the same as the future they gave them.
There are more Millennial children attitudes that out number the Rohan Marley attitudes this is the problem , until the Rohan war hourse , no free lunch , domminate , take what's yours and as when Ray lewis says I 'm scared of Rohan on game day type players out number the entitlement enabled.


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Very good article....

Remember that 40-3 loss to LSU like it was yesterday....If Canes football was a stock chart, that LSU loss was breaking through the trend line on the downside on huge volume....The first of too many humiliations the program would suffer in the ensuing 15 years....

I feel bad for the guys who weren't alive or were otherwise engaged and occupied during the late 70s and early 80s....The ramp up to one of the greatest 20 year dynasties in college football history....The ramp up was as exciting as the wind down has been deflating....

I was around in the 60s and early-mid 70s when the Canes sucked....I have been a Cane deep in my soul for more than half a century....

Regardless of the current morbidity and malaise surrounding the program....Win or lose, I have been and will always be proud to be a Canes fan and alum....
Miami will NEVER die!! I'm a Cane Fan forever.

We just have a disease. We're like the alcoholic who is quickly approaching rock bottom.

Our problems can be solved IF we finally admit we have a problem with hiring good coaches....and do EVERYTHING it takes ( cleaning house AD & ALL current coaches) to avoid and not tolerate doing so again.

IF we don't accept that TOTAL ABSTINENCE is the only solution, we'll learn that rock bottom can always get lower.

We haven't started offering to suck ****s for drinks YET.....but the thought has crossed our minds..
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Butch left because a pro team offered him. That always happens. Coker sucked as a replacement. The LSU bowl game was when everyone knew things had to change. More bad hires. Lack of investment. Shapiro Scandal focusing us on austerity. Been a freaking nightmare.

Al getting investment in the program was actually maybe pulling out of the nosedive. Richt showing for a flash what it could be at the Rock. Richt putting his money up. Foundation there. And now Manny very well might be more Shannon than Johnson. Worried.
Its Dead Jim.jpg
Sorry if already posted, didn’t see anyone.

But this is a great article:

The demise started the day Coker got hired. We were just blinded by talent back then. Talent Butch assembled.
Miami will NEVER die!! I'm a Cane Fan forever.

We just have a disease. We're like the alcoholic who is quickly approaching rock bottom.

Our problems can be solved IF we finally admit we have a problem with hiring good coaches....and do EVERYTHING it takes ( cleaning house AD & ALL current coaches) to avoid and not tolerate doing so again.

IF we don't accept that TOTAL ABSTINENCE is the only solution, we'll learn that rock bottom can always get lower.

We haven't started offering to suck ****s for drinks YET.....but the thought has crossed our minds..
True but the problem is deeper. Howard was the only good hire the school ever made and it betrayed him on the one promise he asked: campus stadium. JJ virtually insisted on being hired; they were not looking for him. Dennis was left a treasure trove of talent from the recruiting god pair of Butch and JJ. Once he had his own players he was just a guy who drank too much. They didn't so much as search for and pick Butch; everyone else turned them down and he was they only one who would take the job. Larry, well he was so bad that he only got on NC from the greatest treasure trove of recruiting talent ever(Urban would have got 4 straight).

Then the administration, under Donna got its act together and did much better job getting exactly the type of HCs it wanted, no longer taking any chances on make the mistake of finding a rising star. Judiciously avoiding the third mistake of letting recruiting god Butch near the holy grail of greentree and Miami talent, they gave us Randy, Al, a washed up Mark, and a never had business being DC Manny.

I was there for Howard's hire and the betrayal, tust me tese clowns never really wanted to win. Then the players ruined the bowtie little life the elites live by winning and destroy all in the way. It wasn't the winning that bugged them it was that the kids, especially black kids, did it despite them not because of them. See the chosen ones hate have their power denied but our kids just keep doing it. They finally got the man they wanted in Donna and she made sure they rebellion was crushed.

We don't need the administration to pick the right coach. We need them to pick the wrong one. One that looks like the loser they seek but turns our to be a JJ instead. We needed Golden to dump his ego, fire his friend and hire Butch as DC and recruiting czar or something like that. Our beloved school does not want another Howard, JJ or Butch so we need them to mistakenly hire one.
I was starting to shed a tear just reading that article. great article but what perfect timing. shalala puts her pants one one leg at a time.. just like I do. She purpose ruined our program. It makes sense considering who she worked for and her politics. too much toxic masculinity
Very good article....

Remember that 40-3 loss to LSU like it was yesterday....If Canes football was a stock chart, that LSU loss was breaking through the trend line on the downside on huge volume....The first of too many humiliations the program would suffer in the ensuing 15 years....

I feel bad for the guys who weren't alive or were otherwise engaged and occupied during the late 70s and early 80s....The ramp up to one of the greatest 20 year dynasties in college football history....The ramp up was as exciting as the wind down has been deflating....

I was around in the 60s and early-mid 70s when the Canes sucked....I have been a Cane deep in my soul for more than half a century....

Regardless of the current morbidity and malaise surrounding the program....Win or lose, I have been and will always be proud to be a Canes fan and alum....
Nice post. Next time throw in a Stochastics and MACD reference as well. lol