The Demise of The U

True but the problem is deeper. Howard was the only good hire the school ever made and it betrayed him on the one promise he asked: campus stadium. JJ virtually insisted on being hired; they were not looking for him. Dennis was left a treasure trove of talent from the recruiting god pair of Butch and JJ. Once he had his own players he was just a guy who drank too much. They didn't so much as search for and pick Butch; everyone else turned them down and he was they only one who would take the job. Larry, well he was so bad that he only got on NC from the greatest treasure trove of recruiting talent ever(Urban would have got 4 straight).

Then the administration, under Donna got its act together and did much better job getting exactly the type of HCs it wanted, no longer taking any chances on make the mistake of finding a rising star. Judiciously avoiding the third mistake of letting recruiting god Butch near the holy grail of greentree and Miami talent, they gave us Randy, Al, a washed up Mark, and a never had business being DC Manny.

I was there for Howard's hire and the betrayal, tust me tese clowns never really wanted to win. Then the players ruined the bowtie little life the elites live by winning and destroy all in the way. It wasn't the winning that bugged them it was that the kids, especially black kids, did it despite them not because of them. See the chosen ones hate have their power denied but our kids just keep doing it. They finally got the man they wanted in Donna and she made sure they rebellion was crushed.

We don't need the administration to pick the right coach. We need them to pick the wrong one. One that looks like the loser they seek but turns our to be a JJ instead. We needed Golden to dump his ego, fire his friend and hire Butch as DC and recruiting czar or something like that. Our beloved school does not want another Howard, JJ or Butch so we need them to mistakenly hire one.

Wish I could up vote this more.
Miami, Nebraska, Tennessee - RIP. Gone for good, never coming back.

Yet, the VAST MAJORITY of CornSUCKER sod-buster's beg to disagree. After all, they, and the national CFB media-nexus, had them ranked in ALL the preseason polls and saw them finishing ranked at season's end. :ttdg2m10mxvzxan.jpg: Now that's fresh.
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The infestation is called "entitlement syndrome " it's a mindset with no foundation unable to connect to Cane legacy no character just me me me , I got the U on my helmet done attitude ends there .

The U was a legacy passed on like the play-maker said everyone who gets the opportunity to wear the U on there helmets OWES the founding fathers the same as the future they gave them.
There are more Millennial children attitudes that out number the Rohan Marley attitudes this is the problem , until the Rohan war hourse , no free lunch , domminate , take what's yours and as when Ray lewis says I 'm scared of Rohan on game day type players out number the entitlement enabled.



The ncaa took care of that with banning our stars from the sidelines at a key moment in time.
Whoever leads us out of the darkness will be revered. The opportunity is there for the taking.

Miami, Nebraska, Tennessee - RIP. Gone for good, never coming back.
That’s what manny meant by TNM (Tennessee, Nebraska, Miami)
All relics in a cfb world that has passed them all by for various reasons..

We’re a dead program similar to St. John’s and DePaul b-ball, tons of talent in their backyard but years of ineptitude have sunk us to where this is not salvageable unless there is a drastic change in the unathletic dept..that is highly unlikely since there is no accountability by the higher ups..
Instead of the university resting on its laurels , they are now going to hard sell to get the right people here.

Hypothetical; after 2001, 2002, even 2005; we could pretty much get any coach we wanted, couldn't we?

But in typical pound-foolish penny-shy fashion, they don't plan ahead and think $2 million for a coach is a fortune.

We had one of the most recognizable brands in all of sports, and they ****ed away an oppurtunity (especially after 30 for 30: The U) came out, to come out of the gate storming.

Now, we are not in a race to be relevant; we are in a race to not be bottom feeders.

We hired Richt, made a splash, beat ND, have a down year, Richt gifts us an oppurtunity of a lifetime.....

And the powers that be (Who empowered Blake James), ****ed it all up.

We're likely stuck with Diaz for the next two years.

And even if Diaz changes staff, succeeds, it will be IN SPITE of the administration panicking.

Ever heard the phrase 'Monkey ******' a football'?

This administration is the monkey, and the program, and the fans, are the football.
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I don't care how many times @Awsi Dooger tells me to make sure my VHS tapes of the good ol days still work because we ain't never comin back...

I'll never believe it. We're always one hire away and you can't be this wrong this many times in a row and not have a pretty good coach fall on your doorstep sooner rather than later. Yo man, good fortunes will come our way soon enough. I don't know when, I don't know who...but its comin.

If Miami is to win with the lack of resources put to the program (because they are cheap af) my guess is they will have to change the game and develop a moneyball philosophy, a deeper analytical look at the sport of football that other teams. Are some teams doing analytics in football...sure...but I'm talking wholesale deep dive analytics driving everything from staff to evaluations to position groups to playcalling. While some of this happening, wholesale buy in with a truly data driven staff could be the next wave and Miami would have to be on the cusp of that to really compete with whatever the current market is.
We HAVE and HAVE HAD the talent to win the ACC Costal division for at least most of the past FIFTEEN YEARS and have actually done it ONE TIME!!! This is not a talent issue, it is an adult professional leadership and coaching issue. Period. I still think we are one good Head Coach hire away from turning the whole thing around. I played at Miami during the years of Butch Davis and Tommy Moffit (i would argue that Tommy Moffit might have been Butch's most important hire in terms of getting us back on track). To be honest, in the moment, I don't think any of us thought we were working so much harder than our competition. You just physically worked as hard as you could. It wasn't complicated it just was. I cant imagine its all that difficult to keep that same mindset with the kids today. I feel like its already there with any group of gifted athletes and competitors. We just have incompetent people at the very top (the AD, etc.) hiring people who are NOT the best people for the job of Head Football Coach at UM. Over and f$&#ing over again this has happened. This fact can not go unpunished. That FIU game can not go unpunished. Losing more than 2 games with our roster and the schedule this year can not go unpunished. Adults need to lose their jobs and be replaced by competent leaders. If that happens, the kids will fall in line, work hard, and our talent alone will keep us relevant nationally because of the brand that has been built and the cupcake division that we play in every year.
You got teams like Baylor succeeding. Painful thing is it’s just one coach away from something long lasting, but the people who run things refuse to let football minded professionals make the call.

Baylor is a school with a lot of old-money connections in Texas. The school has a lot of pride.

Baylor invests in its program. They have a beautiful on-campus stadium and fantastic facilities. They have boosters who are involved in the program. They pay what they need to pay for the best coaches.

Miami has no sense of school pride. Miami is basically the ten cent ***** of the NCAA, and the admin just pimp the school out for conference revenue and merchandising. They don't give a ****.

On the other hand, Baylor has alumni who are in powerful positions and who care about keeping the school respectable in football.
You got teams like Baylor succeeding. Painful thing is it’s just one coach away from something long lasting, but the people who run things refuse to let football minded professionals make the call.

That's ultimately been our story. We don't have the stones to do what needs to be done. We are very lazy as a University and have made lazy hire after lazy hire after lazy hire. Not only were they misfires, they were just getting lazy shots off. Coaches like Mike Leach, Dan Mullen, and Butch Davis (who would have been a good hire a decade ago) have been connected with actively wanting this job and we legitimately passed on it. Mario Cristobal has been connected to this program for seemingly a decade to the point that he now wouldn't really be interested in coaching here.

We took ONE real swing at a calculated hire with Al Golden and it was a flop for a myriad of reasons. Baylor took a shot, very quickly into what was supposed to be a long winter for them, to a fast riser from Temple in Matt Rhule and its been a hit. Our shot at a fast riser from Temple just so happened to not be a fit and was a bust. It is what it is, and thats the game, I guess. But everything else...lazy hires that were not inspiring at all. The Manny Diaz hire was the laziest. They didn't even think for a moment to look around and gauge the market - a year after the Turnover Chain season...which, you'd figure would have given us a little bit of momentum for a coach to build on.

I know everyone here hates Mario, and I am not a Mario Cristobal guy...but we'd be in a MUCH different - much better - place right this very second on the field and on the recruiting trail if he were named coach a year ago. No matter how much you hate Mario, you can't deny that. And Mario would have been a lazy hire. Just think how lazier you had to be to hire Manny. Think of the strength of that weed that got you couchlocked to just bring Manny back instead of asking anyone else. Crazy.
Thanks for the kind words guys, this article was not fun to write. I would have rather wiped than floor with FIU and thrown this piece that was already written after the GT debacle into the scrap heap, but enough is enough. Part two is going live tomorrow morning at 930 am.
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I believe one of our biggest obstacles today is failure to recognize the strategic difference between overwhelming talent and just better talent. Our admin and much lf this board thinks talent is a linear function, so if we have more, we should win. It aint like that. At all. At all. @DMoney. It’s a log function, in effect. Within range, talent is just something alongside skill, motivation, scheme, game plan and play calling. When talent is truly differentiated, your solution set works differently. But in a narrower band, it’s about other factors. We celebrate a few pros, a few prospects, and our history. And we keep failing. Because we fail to recognize the dynamic we actually operate in. Sorry to say that.
I believe one of our biggest obstacles today is failure to recognize the strategic difference between overwhelming talent and just better talent. Our admin and much lf this board thinks talent is a linear function, so if we have more, we should win. It aint like that. At all. At all. @DMoney. It’s a log function, in effect. Within range, talent is just something alongside skill, motivation, scheme, game plan and play calling. When talent is truly differentiated, your solution set works differently. But in a narrower band, it’s about other factors. We celebrate a few pros, a few prospects, and our history. And we keep failing. Because we fail to recognize the dynamic we actually operate in. Sorry to say that.

Our program is dead because we hired five straight coaches who will never work again as head coaches.

That’s the beginning and end of the story.
Not so simple.

It really is that simple. Nobody wanted these guys when they left Miami. It wasn’t a Miami problem. They just stunk.

Your second question is tougher. “Why have we hired bad coaches?”

The first answer is that it’s hard to pick coaches. Look at USC. If they didn’t stumble into Carroll (their sixth choice), they would have been irrelevant for three decades despite having an elite talent base. Clemson broke out of a three-decade slump by hiring their WR coach and not firing him when the fan base and boosters wanted him gone.

The second answer is that we don’t have the resources to pick a guaranteed stud coach. Very few programs do. Alabama and Ohio State have the luxury of breaking the bank for established championship coaches.

We need to make a smart pick and we haven’t done it. We can’t blame one AD, president or BOT because we’ve had different people making the same bad decisions.

So I would chalk it up to bad luck, bad picks and not having the resources to make no-brainer hires. This same program picked four straight NFL coaches before five busts. Maybe this is our luck evening out.