The Demise of The U

Whoever leads us out of the darkness will be revered. The opportunity is there for the taking.
are you kidding, those sorry ******** had a chance, no 3 chances to hire the very man that led us out of the darkness the last time and didnt do it, they are worthless, bunch O chuck shumer ****'s
are you kidding, those sorry ******** had a chance, no 3 chances to hire the very man that led us out of the darkness the last time and didnt do it, they are worthless, bunch O chuck shumer ****'s
I'm talking about whatever new AD/coach gives us the next championship.
Wins is what matters. But - compare the draft picks between all three schools.
I'm talking about whatever new AD/coach gives us the next championship.
Ah, well homeboy had a shot to be that man, he coulda hired Butch, maybe he wanted to but was told no, who knows with these idiots running the show, their not accountable for anything they do, nice job to have
Ah, well homeboy had a shot to be that man, he coulda hired Butch, maybe he wanted to but was told no, who knows with these idiots running the show, their not accountable for anything they do, nice job to have
Yup, so did every coach and AD since 2000. You've got to try hard to have this string of failures while attempting to be successful.
Yup, so did every coach and AD since 2000. You've got to try hard to have this string of failures while attempting to be successful.
i lol'd. But damm think about it, this string of failures is really hard to top at a program like this, it would almost have to be intentional, nobody is that horrid, and these people have degree's, wow. You could put a really good 6a Texas HS coach here and he'd do better
Please don’t throw a piling on flag here on me.

I also think we’ve lost what it means to run out thru the tunnel of smoke even.
It use to mean us against the world like hitting the beach and that boat door opens and we’re being shot at, we need each other to survive attitude us against the world.

Why we run out all fired up with empty inspirations then we call upon them and nothing is there but empty spirit.

any way I’ve been feeling this more and more lately
Please don’t throw a piling on flag here on me.

I also think we’ve lost what it means to run out thru the tunnel of smoke even.
It use to mean us against the world like hitting the beach and that boat door opens and we’re being shot at, we need each other to survive attitude us against the world.

Why we run out all fired up with empty inspirations then we call upon them and nothing is there but empty spirit.

any way I’ve been feeling this more and more lately
starts at the top and works its way down, but yea
The infestation is called "entitlement syndrome " it's a mindset with no foundation unable to connect to Cane legacy no character just me me me , I got the U on my helmet done attitude ends there .

The U was a legacy passed on like the play-maker said everyone who gets the opportunity to wear the U on there helmets OWES the founding fathers the same as the future they gave them.
There are more Millennial children attitudes that out number the Rohan Marley attitudes this is the problem , until the Rohan war hourse , no free lunch , domminate , take what's yours and as when Ray lewis says I 'm scared of Rohan on game day type players out number the entitlement enabled.



Entitlement syndrome is not limited to the players. We chased off our first Coastal winning 10 win season coach in 15 years. No one worth a $&@% will want this job now.
Entitlement syndrome is not limited to the players. We chased off our first Coastal winning 10 win season coach in 15 years. No one worth a $&@% will want this job now.

WOW , a concise spot on bullseye, I can’t even add one single word.
Slow Clap 👏 right here , I myself ignored this , thank you for drawing me back from placing all the blame on the players, I SMH in acknowledging your point.
Butch left because a pro team offered him. That always happens. Coker sucked as a replacement. The LSU bowl game was when everyone knew things had to change. More bad hires. Lack of investment. Shapiro Scandal focusing us on austerity. Been a freaking nightmare.

Al getting investment in the program was actually maybe pulling out of the nosedive. Richt showing for a flash what it could be at the Rock. Richt putting his money up. Foundation there. And now Manny very well might be more Shannon than Johnson. Worried.
Our administration helped push Butch out the door. Don’t get it twisted. After a 12-1 season Paul dee and company ****ed him over on the contract negotiations.
All of our coaches have been different. Coker was well-traveled but ran a loose ship. Shannon was strict but knew nothing outside of Miami. Golden was the ascendant mid-major coach who didn’t fit Miami. Richt was the established SEC coach with a 1993 offense. Diaz was supposed to be the forward-thinker.

The only consistent thread is that none of them were offensive innovators. That would be my focus. We have more than enough money to catch someone on the way up. Mullen and Leach begged for the job.

The consistent thread is how LAZY and shortsighted every single one of those searches were. Ask yourself why that is??
At the end of the day, the fans outside of Hecht knew that all 5 were horrible hires.. read this board in its various versions from 2000... it chronicled everything.

The cane fans have had a better pulse on each of these hires than any of the hired experts and Bagdad Bobs of the administration.
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I'm asking for specific answers, not vague references to "institutional commitment to winning."

"Who" is at fault? Paul Dee hired Coker. Kirby Hocutt hired Golden. Blake James hired Diaz. Shalala has been gone for four years. Who is the "admin?"

We agree that Blake should go. He subverted process and put his chips in with Manny, so he should fall with him. But what is the broader institutional issue you keep talking about? And why did it only appear in 2002? Tad Foote was not a champion of football, and we didn't spend. And if the culture really did change overnight, why has it lingered for 15 years despite the turnover in decision-makers? Is your theory that the Hecht Building is cursed, and that's why our program can't come back?

Was it "insane and inexplicable" when Clemson hired its WR coach off a failed staff? Did Clemson's "admin" suffer from some undefined "culture" disease? These blanket statements are silly.

The key there is that Richt was expensive. The folks complaining about budget don't realize that Richt was a bigger budget item than Jimmy, Erickson and Butch. We have underperformed our budget.

He was absolutely ascendant in 2011 and anyone denying that is trying to rewrite history. Me, you and 99% of the board were excited about getting someone without Miami ties on the upswing after the Shannon debacle.

I answered the first question several pages ago. But here you go:

Why do we hire so badly?

(1) Picking big-time football coaches is hard, as other powerhouses like USC and Tennessee have proven.
(2) We don't have the budget for a no-brainer pick like Saban, Meyer or Harbaugh.
(3) We have been too eager to pick the opposite of the previous failed regime.

Al Golden didn't have Miami connections and failed because he didn't understand Miami. Shannon had Miami connections but failed because he didn't know anything outside of Miami. Richt was a CEO. Diaz was not a CEO.

The only common thread is that we haven't hired an innovative offensive mind. With a fifteen-year sample size to review, I would say that is our biggest problem. The Miami dynasty began with offensive innovation and that is what's needed to reignite that dynasty.

Please explain this.
This person is not qualified to manage and oversee a coaching search.
**** like this is why every coaching search has been a lazy joke.

"Jennifer Strawley: UM’s Deputy Athletic Director, Chief Operations Officer, and Chief Woman Administrator, is second in charge in the Miami Athletic Department and was the manager and overseer of the 2015 coaching search."
Our administration helped push Butch out the door. Don’t get it twisted. After a 12-1 season Paul dee and company ****ed him over on the contract negotiations.

Please explain.

I remember Butch pulling a reverse Saban just before signing day.

As to being forced, he had a k ready for his signature for $1.4 Million per year. In Cleveland, five years, nearly $15 million.

I don’t remember him being pushed out. I have offered some of my employees the option of resigning rather than being terminated. Forced em out. How was Davis pushed out? Was Miami going to fire him?

I will be happy to change the narrative if he was truly pushed out.
Bunch of loser talk. So long as you can recruit top 15 classes in a crappy division of a Power 5 conference without even being competitive on the field, then a good run is always only a good coach / culture change away. And with that kind of recruiting capability, you don't need a HOF coach - you need hungry young guys. If they use this as a stepping stone, that's fine.
I don't care how many times @Awsi Dooger tells me to make sure my VHS tapes of the good ol days still work because we ain't never comin back...

I'll never believe it. We're always one hire away and you can't be this wrong this many times in a row and not have a pretty good coach fall on your doorstep sooner rather than later. Yo man, good fortunes will come our way soon enough. I don't know when, I don't know who...but its comin.

If Miami is to win with the lack of resources put to the program (because they are cheap af) my guess is they will have to change the game and develop a moneyball philosophy, a deeper analytical look at the sport of football that other teams. Are some teams doing analytics in football...sure...but I'm talking wholesale deep dive analytics driving everything from staff to evaluations to position groups to playcalling. While some of this happening, wholesale buy in with a truly data driven staff could be the next wave and Miami would have to be on the cusp of that to really compete with whatever the current market is.

We were never going to join the mega elite programs and stay there. That's why I made sure to tape games and save them. I eventually found a friend of my dad who taped many Canes games that I didn't have access to in Las Vegas. Once that guy's daughter enrolled at Florida he actually became a Gator fan and happily mailed two boxes of Canes tapes to me. That's why I have even the obscure games. They would have all been on YouTube now if the NFL and International Olympic Committee hadn't zapped my channel due to copyright complaints.

Your version is not impossible and far more sensible than virtually any other proposal I've seen. Miami has to get ahead of the game from a math perspective. Right now the national focus is on situational analytics but there has to be a method to translate that to coaching hires and recruiting also. Everything you mentioned including play calling. I am never exaggerating when I emphasize the stupidity of the third down screen pass. Those are garbage calls. I watched a large office break out in laughter every week when those calls were made nationwide, especially in pivotal situations. I stood up and screamed as soon as Miami was moronic enough to run a 3rd and 10 screen against Ohio State in that Fiesta Bowl. That play ruined McGahee's knee but never should have been on any play sheet to begin with. This sport is still relying far too much on subjectivity, and that translates to inept conventional wisdom.

Miami would need to identify someone with that type of understanding at a lower level and grab him before anyone else was aware. Second place might as well be last place because freaks like that are not going to show up every other year or even every 5 years. There might be one more resurgent opportunity within my lifespan but I don't expect it.