The Banner is a stupid idea and other thoughts

I wish I could fly a 100-plane squadron over Sun Life with banners until he's gone.

This site has to take the opposite stance since it's now under heavy surveillance from the athletic department, but those of you saying it'll hurt with recruiting or the next coach clearly don't follow SEC football. This is tame compared to what actual passionate fans do when it's clear they have a lemon of a coach.

It's really not the case, man. I have hundreds of posts logged as an Adminstrator that question the pillars, the philosophy, the results, the conservative in-game approach. You name it. This would be the third season of the same skepticism, basically. I've openly admitted what players have told me they feel about the pillars and "motivational" stuff. It's all out there.

As for not knowing SEC football, I know we're not in that conference, don't have the same type of immediacy with how we handle these situations and, most of all, are a lightning rod for anything negative. It doesn't help that our local media has the program's worst interest in mind as well. I think it's distinguishable from what happens at SEC schools.

Like I said, you guys are gonna do whatever you wanna do anyway. I hope it nets a positive result that leads to future wins.

No one gives a **** about miami football anymore!!! We couldn't buy an ad on espn homepage
Completely disagree D$.

The banner will get people talking. We need Al out by any means neccessary.

It's not an opinion, man.

Like I told D$ off the board and wrote in the original thread that got deleted, I totally get that fans want to be seen as passionate about how they feel and ultimately heard about where they stand. I'm just also aware what the people who make decisions are already thinking. What they'd feel about a banner. And, what it'd likely do to whoever presumably comes in to clean up the mess. If Golden continues to do what he's done, it will simply play out. Talk about contracts. Talk about buyouts. Whatever. It'll be figured out. Trustees are aware of how core fans feel. Big $ boosters are aware and frustrated. A lot of those guys are are die hard as we are.

A banner will not move the needle on what they already feel, but it will move the needle negatively on other fronts (like recruiting and perception that would matter to the next coach).

Ya'll know where I stand on the pillars, philosophy and any other thing that has not only failed to produce results but has soured some internally.

Agree w/ the mods. Though I definitely have had it with the staff and think a majority should go - the board and the alum do have a history of NOT putting up with this crap for long. There are a lot of powerful alum in this program. The way everybody sees this playing out is continued ****ty on field product due directly to coaching and we will lose enough games to stir the pot enough for the board to act.

I think the negative banners have served their purpose in the past - but this isn't the right time. After years of mediocrity it could drive the nail in the coffin of our program further. It could have a real affect on recruiting. Right now we have a team with a few of those special leaders that have been around since op football. How are the Quan Johnson's gonna look at a banner with other former leaders like Tracy and Duke and Chad T getting disrespected when they know the problem is corching.

I think the best thing is to let it play out and let the alum and board take care of business (hopefully 3/4 of the way thru the season) this time around as opposed to the very end of the season so the hiring process can begin early and the next coach can come in and salvage the incoming '15 class. I bet a Nebraska loss would do enough rustling for that to happen (though I would never root for us to lose).
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We could learn a thing or two from their tendency to give the hook early and not tolerate mediocrity.

And while DMoney is here, what are you hearing on Howard and Duke with regards to the staff? Heard there's some real friction brewing.
A banner will not move the needle on what they already feel, but it will move the needle negatively on other fronts (like recruiting and perception that would matter to the next coach).

this banner is not the brightest idea. if we lose to famu or arkansas st,, that's another matter. but after week 1, i think it will do much more harm.
These players, alums, boosters, and fans all deserve a better product then what's being given to us by Golden.

If anyone still wants to support the banner/billboard idea, matriculate on over to for more info.

It really ****es me off that this site will support anything pro-Golden.

As soon as something anti-Golden comes up, it's locked and or deleted

Literally the only things that have been deleted are banner threads. Everything else has stayed. **** near every thread is anti-Golden. ****, Lucane has been posting his heavy concerns of Golden and staff for a while now.

The **** athletic department hasn't even given us press passes
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I wish I could fly a 100-plane squadron over Sun Life with banners until he's gone.

This site has to take the opposite stance since it's now under heavy surveillance from the athletic department, but those of you saying it'll hurt with recruiting or the next coach clearly don't follow SEC football. This is tame compared to what actual passionate fans do when it's clear they have a lemon of a coach.

It's really not the case, man. I have hundreds of posts logged as an Adminstrator that question the pillars, the philosophy, the results, the conservative in-game approach. You name it. This would be the third season of the same skepticism, basically. I've openly admitted what players have told me they feel about the pillars and "motivational" stuff. It's all out there.

As for not knowing SEC football, I know we're not in that conference, don't have the same type of immediacy with how we handle these situations and, most of all, are a lightning rod for anything negative. It doesn't help that our local media has the program's worst interest in mind as well. I think it's distinguishable from what happens at SEC schools.

Like I said, you guys are gonna do whatever you wanna do anyway. I hope it nets a positive result that leads to future wins.

No one gives a **** about miami football anymore!!! We couldn't buy an ad on espn homepage

They care enough to write negative **** any chance they get. Even in the local papers.
crossover22[]_[];1964897 said:
crossover22[]_[];1964882 said:
It embarrasses the team and parents too. It is the first game, and will make the whole program look more like a circus opening the door further for negative recruiting and decommits.

Or we let the season play out and the decision will be clear.

I think the parents are already embarrassed. Look at dukes mom.

A mom frustrated after a miserable loss? Oh my.

Different than having to answer questions about a banner.

You want recruits parents asking current parents about a banner?
She said she was ****ed about a lot of stuff.

You think a banner will hurt recruiting more then playing like pussies on the field

Golden isn't getting fired one game into the season, so yes I think it will compound issues and make recruiting more difficult.

How many games did it take Pat Haden to fire Lame *****in last year? I'll take that.

All I hear on the recruiting board is "win and we'll get all the guys we want." It should be painfully obvious after that UL game that were not going to win big this year. It'll take a minor miracle at this point to win the lousy Coastal. Losing and playing pu$$y ball is going to be the undoing of this recruiting machine.

On top of all that, I, for one, don't give a fck about accumulating talent if we're just going to waste it on game day anyway. Al has proven he has no idea what to do with the talent he's bringing in. He's getting humiliated by guys from South Florida he didn't even want. Maybe the next coach will get saddled with some guys like Gaines, Burgess, Rogers, etc. and kick some ***.
crossover22[]_[];1964897 said:
crossover22[]_[];1964882 said:
I think the parents are already embarrassed. Look at dukes mom.

A mom frustrated after a miserable loss? Oh my.

Different than having to answer questions about a banner.

You want recruits parents asking current parents about a banner?
She said she was ****ed about a lot of stuff.

You think a banner will hurt recruiting more then playing like pussies on the field

Golden isn't getting fired one game into the season, so yes I think it will compound issues and make recruiting more difficult.

How many games did it take Pat Haden to fire Lame *****in last year? I'll take that.

All I hear on the recruiting board is "win and we'll get all the guys we want." It should be painfully obvious after that UL game that were not going to win big this year. It'll take a minor miracle at this point to win the lousy Coastal. Losing and playing pu$$y ball is going to be the undoing of this recruiting machine.

On top of all that, I, for one, don't give a fck about accumulating talent if we're just going to waste it on game day anyway. Al has proven he has no idea what to do with the talent he's bringing in. He's getting humiliated by guys from South Florida he didn't even want. Maybe the next coach will get saddled with some guys like Gaines, Burgess, Rogers, etc. and kick some ***.

Quality post.
Good post D other than the banner comments.

Fans drive the bus. We can sit back and claim that a bunch of stuffed shirts will eventually do the right thing on their own, but that's not how it works in real life.

The stuffed shirts are all about taking the easiest possible path. If the fans sit back and act like all is well waiting for the stuffed shirts to rescue the program they won't do it. The fans will force their hand by raising ****. If some hoity toity folks get embarrassed in the process, then so be it.

you are right, get on the phone with Blake James and let him know your mind. or better yet, drive over to the Hecht Center.
So is Golden under any pressure? He sure doesn't operate like a guy who feels like his job is on the line. He was allowed to retain Donofrio. He just got blown out again and threw the offense under the bus again. Seems like he takes no accountability. Seems like he needs a slap in the face.

If he needs a slap in the face he has a cb on the team with plenty of experience on this subject.
Great post DMoney you are on target with everything you said. My biggest fear is that Al Golden is a micromanager and he's trying to coach every position and every scheme. I am convinced the defense is his and that Mark D'Onofrio is following his boss's command. I can't believe that Coley put in that offense Monday, everyone in the world apparently other than Al Golden knew Louisville was going to stack the box. By stacking the box they choke our running game and neuter Duke Johnson and they put pressure on to rattle the freshman QB.

We've got to support Golden and hope that he learns from the disastrous game at Louisville. If this season becomes a disaster I'm sure it will be addressed by the university and the board.

The banner is a terrible idea that will only hurt the university and football program.

- I've tried to write an in-depth breakdown of the loss, but I just don't have the will to watch the film. The game made me physically sick. I've got a newborn, and the least I've slept was Monday night because my stomach was in knots. It's not that I expected to win. I had no clue and went in with a totally open mind. It's that everything was so **** familiar. Dade County players making plays for Louisville, inexplicable Gus Edwards runs on third down, players melting down on the sideline. It was the Rustled Bowl with green helmets.

What really kills me is that I can no longer see light at the end of the tunnel. Nebraska is pure mediocrity and the world still expects us to get smoked. And they should. We are what we've shown over the past three years. We consistently lose to less-talented teams, and we can no longer blame it on youth or adjustment to a system.

- As for the banner, I think it's stupid. People have the right to express themselves (that's why this site exists) but I don't want to be associated with it. Call me a communist or a ***g0t or whatever you want, but that's where I stand. I regret that I wasn't online to delete those threads earlier. The people planning this are true fans with pure motives-- you guys just want to see Canes football again. But I can't personally endorse this approach.

Why is the banner stupid? It's September 3rd. The guy isn't getting fired on Sunday. There is a season to be played that we waited nine months for. Do I expect anything to change over the next 11 games? No. Three years of results have killed any blind optimism I have. But this banner is going to be nothing but a distraction for the players and fodder for dip**** local writers and a national media that feeds off Miami negativity. Let it play out. If Golden is the coach that history suggests he is, the fanbase won't need any banner.

I can tell you that the people who actually matter are getting fed up with the product on the field. They see the same things you do. But these decision-makers won't look at this banner as an eye-opener. They will look at it as an embarrassment.

- Re: Kaaya/Heaps, people need to be consistent. First, the coaches were too gutless to start a true freshman. Now they're idiots for doing it. Heaps got beat out because Kaaya is a better quarterback.

Where the coaches failed (and Golden basically admitted this) is neutering Kaaya on game day. The reason they picked Kaaya over Heaps is because Heaps is extremely limited. He's too short to do anything in the middle of the field, he's unathletic, and there are many he throws he can't make. Kaaya can make those throws and has the height and length to see over the scrum. But all those advantages go out the window when you totally limit the game plan.

This is the most fundamental reason we lost on Monday and it falls squarely on the coaches. And even though I think we win that game with Ryan Williams, they can't use his injury as a crutch. Golden signed off on Preston Dewey, Gray Crow and Kevin Olsen. There isn't a serviceable quarterback in the bunch. Kaaya getting the start is a direct result of those signings.

Everything else has been said better than I could say it. It's an embarrassing time to be a Canes fan. See you on Saturday.
I wish I could fly a 100-plane squadron over Sun Life with banners until he's gone.

This site has to take the opposite stance since it's now under heavy surveillance from the athletic department, but those of you saying it'll hurt with recruiting or the next coach clearly don't follow SEC football. This is tame compared to what actual passionate fans do when it's clear they have a lemon of a coach.

It's really not the case, man. I have hundreds of posts logged as an Adminstrator that question the pillars, the philosophy, the results, the conservative in-game approach. You name it. This would be the third season of the same skepticism, basically. I've openly admitted what players have told me they feel about the pillars and "motivational" stuff. It's all out there.

As for not knowing SEC football, I know we're not in that conference, don't have the same type of immediacy with how we handle these situations and, most of all, are a lightning rod for anything negative. It doesn't help that our local media has the program's worst interest in mind as well. I think it's distinguishable from what happens at SEC schools.

Like I said, you guys are gonna do whatever you wanna do anyway. I hope it nets a positive result that leads to future wins.

No one gives a **** about miami football anymore!!! We couldn't buy an ad on espn homepage

They care enough to write negative **** any chance they get. Even in the local papers.

Look at Greg Cote's blog right now, saying how miami fans are typically overreacting and need to calm down.

I can't think of any time in history where the Herald criticized Golden.
The banner is a great idea because we are telling the administration we just don't want the coordinators fired we want them all. And yes I donated to the cause
We could learn a thing or two from their tendency to give the hook early and not tolerate mediocrity.

And while DMoney is here, what are you hearing on Howard and Duke with regards to the staff? Heard there's some real friction brewing.

Good question
I wish I could fly a 100-plane squadron over Sun Life with banners until he's gone.

This site has to take the opposite stance since it's now under heavy surveillance from the athletic department, but those of you saying it'll hurt with recruiting or the next coach clearly don't follow SEC football. This is tame compared to what actual passionate fans do when it's clear they have a lemon of a coach.

It's really not the case, man. I have hundreds of posts logged as an Adminstrator that question the pillars, the philosophy, the results, the conservative in-game approach. You name it. This would be the third season of the same skepticism, basically. I've openly admitted what players have told me they feel about the pillars and "motivational" stuff. It's all out there.

As for not knowing SEC football, I know we're not in that conference, don't have the same type of immediacy with how we handle these situations and, most of all, are a lightning rod for anything negative. It doesn't help that our local media has the program's worst interest in mind as well. I think it's distinguishable from what happens at SEC schools.

Like I said, you guys are gonna do whatever you wanna do anyway. I hope it nets a positive result that leads to future wins.

No one gives a **** about miami football anymore!!! We couldn't buy an ad on espn homepage
This is so not true, we got like 4 prime time games. Miami is still relevant as of now but it won't be if we keep getting embarrassed on National TV over and over again.
The banner will move more needles after Nebraska than it ever would move before a FAMU game. I think that is the point everyone is trying to make and its very simple point. Its about timing. Hopefully dude who already bought the banner comes to his senses and realizes that if you want to band together and do something for the sake of our program, at least be smart and do it strategically instead of haphazardly thru anger. Just think it thru. That's my final two cents on the matter.
I wish I could fly a 100-plane squadron over Sun Life with banners until he's gone.

This site has to take the opposite stance since it's now under heavy surveillance from the athletic department, but those of you saying it'll hurt with recruiting or the next coach clearly don't follow SEC football. This is tame compared to what actual passionate fans do when it's clear they have a lemon of a coach.

It's really not the case, man. I have hundreds of posts logged as an Adminstrator that question the pillars, the philosophy, the results, the conservative in-game approach. You name it. This would be the third season of the same skepticism, basically. I've openly admitted what players have told me they feel about the pillars and "motivational" stuff. It's all out there.

As for not knowing SEC football, I know we're not in that conference, don't have the same type of immediacy with how we handle these situations and, most of all, are a lightning rod for anything negative. It doesn't help that our local media has the program's worst interest in mind as well. I think it's distinguishable from what happens at SEC schools.

Like I said, you guys are gonna do whatever you wanna do anyway. I hope it nets a positive result that leads to future wins.

No one gives a **** about miami football anymore!!! We couldn't buy an ad on espn homepage

They care enough to write negative **** any chance they get. Even in the local papers.

Look at Greg Cote's blog right now, saying how miami fans are typically overreacting and need to calm down.

I can't think of any time in history where the Herald criticized Golden.

Manny Navarro ripped him on the radio for having 9 months to prepare and coming out looking like crap and for saying that Kaaya was an attacking QB and handcuffing him during the game.
What D$ said is the truth. Everything about that game was just so predictable and familiar, and that's precisely the reason why he needs to go immediately. Nothing changes. Lessons aren't learned. Nobody is held accountable. It's a cycle that will continue to perpetuate itself until something is done. The NCAA investigation has less than nothing to do with the fundamental flaws and an unwillingness to change.
Good post D other than the banner comments.

Fans drive the bus. We can sit back and claim that a bunch of stuffed shirts will eventually do the right thing on their own, but that's not how it works in real life.

The stuffed shirts are all about taking the easiest possible path. If the fans sit back and act like all is well waiting for the stuffed shirts to rescue the program they won't do it. The fans will force their hand by raising ****. If some hoity toity folks get embarrassed in the process, then so be it.

It's the timing that makes it look clownish.

If it was the last game of the year, I would find it unseemly (because it's Senior Day) but understandable. Doing it after the first game just gives people an excuse to laugh at us. And, more tangibly, it hurts recruiting and makes the program less appealing to coaching candidates.

I don't care what people who laugh at passionate UM fans think. It's nervous laughter probably coming from gators and Seminoles who fear what a real coach could do down here with this sleeping giant.

It's not one game by the way. It's year 4, and we're coming off an off-season where our beloved HC begged another school to hire him. You want to talk about embarrassment and laughter tell me how Shalala felt when she didn't know where her HC was and had to give an embarrassing answer to the media when they asked her where he was and what he was up to.
crossover22[]_[];1964897 said:
crossover22[]_[];1964882 said:
I think the parents are already embarrassed. Look at dukes mom.

A mom frustrated after a miserable loss? Oh my.

Different than having to answer questions about a banner.

You want recruits parents asking current parents about a banner?
She said she was ****ed about a lot of stuff.

You think a banner will hurt recruiting more then playing like pussies on the field

Golden isn't getting fired one game into the season, so yes I think it will compound issues and make recruiting more difficult.

How many games did it take Pat Haden to fire Lame *****in last year? I'll take that.

All I hear on the recruiting board is "win and we'll get all the guys we want." It should be painfully obvious after that UL game that were not going to win big this year. It'll take a minor miracle at this point to win the lousy Coastal. Losing and playing pu$$y ball is going to be the undoing of this recruiting machine.

On top of all that, I, for one, don't give a fck about accumulating talent if we're just going to waste it on game day anyway. Al has proven he has no idea what to do with the talent he's bringing in. He's getting humiliated by guys from South Florida he didn't even want. Maybe the next coach will get saddled with some guys like Gaines, Burgess, Rogers, etc. and kick some ***.

Lane Kiffin has zero impact on Al Golden not getting fired this week.

So you don't want to accumulate better players for the Miami football team because you think the coach needs to be fired?