Still wanna laugh it off?

I’d say it would be good to have Shalala back since she knows about cutting deals in the shadows, but that money would likely go anywhere but the football program or recruiting.
I don't want shalalallalalalala anywhere near this school again and it would certainly be towards those interests and more. The particular individuals involved in communication before seem to be BIG sports fans.
I don't want shalalallalalalala anywhere near this school again and it would certainly be towards those interests and more. The particular individuals involved in communication before seem to be BIG sports fans.
Sorry man, I clearly didn't lay the sarcasm on thick enough.
Unless she is coming back to rebuild the Ole Girl by hand herself, she should report to the pen as far as I’m concerned.
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Why would college football care about some of those things or what place does college football have at the table for human rights in any given state?
You finally got it. They don't. Money is flowing, so they don't care. College football runs over lives, entire livelyhoods.

Or, as a professor at UCLA once said it: Every three or four years, a football player rapes a townee at a fraternity party and the reputation of the university is still pretty **** good.
This thread is embarrassing
I Guess If You Say So GIF
By proxy, RSA owns a chunk of Chelsea now. RSA also HEAVILY invested in esports. I personally know 2 young dudes in USA that make bank from the Saudis
I know A LOT more than that. AC got into xset which made me jump in and let's just say there's a WHOLE bunch of bread from out there already in that.
Nah champ. The Saudis did 911. F them and their entire existence forever.
I lost two of my family members that day and I don't wanna insult anyone's beliefs one way or the other. So I'll simply say after some of the things I've read on this throughout the years when I was somewhat consumed by the topic I think there is PLENTY of blame to go around in that... Plenty of examples in life that show us maybe the individuals we put our trust into we should be a lil more guarded towards.
I lost two of my family members that day and I don't wanna insult anyone's beliefs one way or the other. So I'll simply say after some of the things I've read on this throughout the years when I was somewhat consumed by the topic I think there is PLENTY of blame to go around in that... Plenty of examples in life that show us maybe the individuals we put our trust into we should be a lil more guarded towards.
Showtime Recording GIF by CBS
I for one welcome our new Ishmaelite overlords… Stan Smith from American Dad taught me you have to take the positives with the negatives when dealing with that world.
Gotta be careful with the deal you make with the devil. Once you depend on that money you become their pawn. What happens when a student-athlete begins to speak out against human rights violations or what happens when an administration encourages its students to stay silent? It creeps into a program insidiously and there’s no going back.

Trust me, my macro level view of this definitely is essentially aligned with yours.

I just think the time has came and went about 100 different times in relation to Saudi Arabia and we're all to blame- both sides of the political spectrum that have no spines and/or are hypocrites/bought off and the general American public that act as though the world is ending if gas goes up a buck or two for a few they drive their $95k King Ranch or $125k Range Rover to the local Apple store in Nashville or San Francisco to wait in line for the next $1200 iPhone.

Saudi Arabia should've been made a pariah state immediately after 9/11 and we should've commenced refocusing our foreign policy attention and priorities to Asia (and Russia to a slightly lesser extent) and far away from the Middle East as possible as we did everything possible to ramp up our own energy production. And this could've/should've happened in every administration from Dubya until now.

Sooooo, I hate the idea of their money- and it's actually scared money because they do see the timeline with petroleum and its influence and their absolute need to diversify their economy- entering American sports but I think the only fight left is to limit their overall influence. Let them try to "wash" without having the power to dictate.
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Trust me, my macro level view of this definitely is essentially aligned with yours.

I just think the time has came and went about 100 different times in relation to Saudi Arabia and we're all to blame- both sides of the political spectrum that have no spines and/or are hypocrites/bought off and the general American public that act as though the world is ending if gas goes up a buck or two for a few they drive their $95k King Ranch or $125k Range Rover to the local Apple store in Nashville or San Francisco to wait in line for the next $1200 iPhone.

Saudi Arabia should've been made a pariah state immediately after 9/11 and we should've commenced refocusing our foreign policy attention and priorities to Asia (and Russia to a slightly lesser extent) and far away from the Middle East as possible as we did everything possible to ramp up own energy production. And this could've/should've happened in every administration from Dubya until now.

Sooooo, I hate the idea of their money- and it's actually scared money because they do see the timeline with petroleum and its influence and their absolute need to diversify their economy- entering American sports but I think the only fight left is to limit their overall influence. Let them try to "wash" without having the power to dictate.
I couldn't have said it better myself.
By proxy, RSA owns a chunk of Chelsea now. RSA also HEAVILY invested in esports. I personally know 2 young dudes in USA that make bank from the Saudis

Forget sports teams…the countries of SA, Qatar, etc are major landholders in major US cities including DC. ****, Qatar just bought a stake in the wizards/capitals!