Stephen A Smiff Mad Yall

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Babers was the best black candidate this go round but he was not more qualified than Richt


Their resumes are practically the same. Except it took Babers 28 years to get a HCing job, while it only took Richt 15. Skip was right, CFB DOES need a Rooney Rule.

their resumes are nothing alike. put that crack pipe down for a sec.

You're right, Baber's resume is better. Try not to blow the neighborhood up geeker.

yeah those 8-4, 9-3 seasons at Bowling Green is nothing to sneeze at. I'm surprised USC didn't come calling.

oh and i'm black too you airhead. I guess that's hard for you to pickup since I'm not crying "racist! racist!" everywhere. are you one of those #blacklivesmatter simpletons?
So Richt gets unfair consideration for the job, but giving it to an "average" black guy is ok? Makes sense. And since when was 10 wins "average"?
LOL at bringing up race and butthurt that Charlie Scrong was not hired.

Also, I have heard that Bob Stoops is mean as **** to his players.
So Richt gets unfair consideration for the job, but giving it to an "average" black guy is ok? Makes sense. And since when was 10 wins "average"?

Babers $h!ts on Richt...Babers would've MURKED the SEC East with the talent Richt had...matter of fact Babers wouldn't have gotten fired...FOHWTS!
Why is it that Miami is the one that has to hire a black coach? Did he complain that USC, UGA, and VT didn't hire a black guy?

Maybe DMoney is is Stephen A., considering their absurd fascination with Charlie Weak.
what black coach does he think got over looked? lol if its strong the man is still collecting 5 mill a year from texas so wtf is he talkin about
So Richt gets unfair consideration for the job, but giving it to an "average" black guy is ok? Makes sense. And since when was 10 wins "average"?

Babers $h!ts on Richt...Babers would've MURKED the SEC East with the talent Richt had...matter of fact Babers wouldn't have gotten fired...FOHWTS!

It's easy to say what he "would have" done if he could have actually landed a job in the SEC.
Rooney Rule, that's the rule that has candidates come in dressed up for a job they know they have no chance of getting right? I bet that's not embarrassing. The Rooney Rule has been a joke in the NFL.

Its a joke, but still needed. Because Blacks still have to dress up and make the powers that be "comfortable"

Such is life in America,
It literally is all about making the powers that be comfortable and able to feel good about themselves.

whites don't have to dress up for interviews? Come on man. Everybody has to suck up to the rich people doing the hiring. The rooney rule puts emphasis on race.
skips the only one that made any decent points

like his ablility to motivate and get guys up for the big games

stephen a made it sound like he sucked at georgia
Skip Bayless is a certified idiot as well. Their show is literally one of the worst sports shows on the air.
If you like a guy like Strong for a major gig, after the mess he made of himself at Texas, then you are racist. Period end of story.

Stephen A is probably one of those like we had on here who blamed the mean liberals of Austin Texas for Charlie's failure.
Can't anyone ever have a discussion on TV these days without the topic of race coming up?
can't stand that ******. he tries to act like he works for an actual news network
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