SIAP. FACEBOOK has FSU Qb punching girl in the face


Dork with glasses and big girl are at the bar.

Victim arrives at bar.

Assailant muscles out big girl and starts to muscle victim by making physical contact.

Victim objects to the contact and assailant uses forearm to shove her back.

Victim balls hand with thumb extended in a relatively harmless manner while continuing to object.

Assailant grabs arm and pushes it to the victim's chest and pushes the victim backwards into the dork with the glasses.

Victim, acting in self defense, pushes assailant back with knee and takes a swing with her free hand. It somehow connects with the assailant's head with little to no force and little chance of injury.

Assailant throws a punch with suitable force in order to seriously injure the victim and connects leaving the victim stunned and clearly in pain.

Assailant leaves the scene.

I rest my case.
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And you are missing something. He put his hands on her and still had his hand on her before she took a girl-swipe at him. Then. He guy-punched her.

Guys shouldn't hit girls particularly the way he hit her. It's unmanly. No class. Weak.

So your saying at a bar where it's dark and hes probably drunk, he should have distinguished that he was hit by a "Girl-swipe" despite getting boxed out by the broad from a distance, kneed in the balls, and punched in the face? It sounds like some of y'all have never been involved in any type of altercation at a bar or period.
Looks like a drunk, angry TriDelt.

Which, from my experience, is a redundancy in description.
Yall dudes justifying his response as "self-defense" or "partially her fault" are ridiculous.

If she was on some Ronda Rousey type moves, by all means, do the best you can to defend yourself. But that wasn't the situation ...

He didn't strike her out of fear ... He struck her out of anger. And in doing so, in my opinion, he demonstrated incredible weakness and abusive behavior.

I'm not arguing her wrong in this situation. She was disrespectful to him with her behavior, I get it.

So, he punched her. Like she was another man ...

It's not any more complicated than that.

And anybody advocating the acceptance of him punching her because she disrespected him is as weak and lame as he is.

Her disrespect didn't warrant the response he delivered ...
Expensive night out for that guy. Cost him a four year scholarship at FSU. Not to mention whatever happens next. Could've told her to chill, bought her a drink and walked to the other side of the bar.
Am I missing something here, she clearly threw the first punch. All he has to do is claim self defense and he'll probably get off all charges

No, you got it right. The Chick threw the first punch! She put herself in the place of a man...and she paid for it.

Now, don't condone men hitting women. Likewise, I don't condone women hitting men.

It would have been great if the kid did not swing in Self Defense. However, what he did was legal.

Should not matter that she is a woman.
Yall dudes justifying his response as "self-defense" or "partially her fault" are ridiculous.

If she was on some Ronda Rousey type moves, by all means, do the best you can to defend yourself. But that wasn't the situation ...

He didn't strike her out of fear ... He struck her out of anger. And in doing so, in my opinion, he demonstrated incredible weakness and abusive behavior.

I'm not arguing her wrong in this situation. She was disrespectful to him with her behavior, I get it.

So, he punched her. Like she was another man ...

It's not any more complicated than that.

And anybody advocating the acceptance of him punching her because she disrespected him is as weak and lame as he is.

Her disrespect didn't warrant the response he delivered ...

She tried to punch him like She Was A Man.........Play With The Bull - You Get The Horns!
Johnson went easy on her one-timing her. If she swung on me like she did on him her face would have looked like it went through a meat grinder. She would have looked like she had a hair lip by the time I was done pounding her out. I'm an angry, violent man who relishes the rare chances I get to injure people with impunity.

My dad used to punch me in the eye just for talking at the dinner table. I learned from that. I like to pass along his teachings to those not fortunate enough to have been schooled directly by pops.
Expensive night out for that guy. Cost him a four year scholarship at FSU. Not to mention whatever happens next. Could've told her to chill, bought her a drink and walked to the other side of the bar.

He couldn't do sh/tt.
- the chic at start of looking dead at him walk up and purposely cuts him off.
-he tries to get the vacated spot what it looks like he asked the girl for the spot and chic is literally not trying to allow him to get that spot either.

-shouldn't have hit her...but chic seemed to be on full provoke mode and extra.

-only thing he could have fond is probably curse at her or something but that seemed to have her moving aggressively at him too... She obviously threw the shoulder shrug..and then balled up her fist.

-I probably would of got the bartender attention and stated f her order or something.

Had this been the ra from the third floor dorm it doesn't make the news.

And all these folks with the he hit a girl stuff would of been standing right there just like the two dudes at the bar.

If I'm Johnson in trying to get that girl a battery charge too for messing my college career up before it got started.
Are you guys seriously advocating hitting a woman? She hit him and nothing happened to him. He hit her and broke her nose, I would really wonder if you guys would have that same tone if that was your sister in that situation.

You're looking at this from a moral perspective, not a legal one. Legally, she was the instigator. She swung first.
Video doesn't show everything so you can't draw conclusions.

Are you guys seriously advocating hitting a woman? She hit him and nothing happened to him. He hit her and broke her nose, I would really wonder if you guys would have that same tone if that was your sister in that situation.

You're looking at this from a moral perspective, not a legal one. Legally, she was the instigator. She swung first.
Watched video a few times again:

Johnson didn't initiate first contact. Chick slid in position first.
-Johnson then tried to get the open spot which was about to be vacated by the black girl who had the drink. If you can see, he because it being packed brushed her too. He isn't even paying attention to the white girl as he is trying to get to the open spot since she no gardens the previous spot. White girl turns around sells out, then is actually sliding over trying to not allow him to even get the wide open spot. She is already in front if the bar. She slowly moving over to stop him from going then throws her shoulder back into him if you pay attention. Maybe chick was drunk or something bit she was the direct cause of this whole situation in my opinion.

Dude could of handle it differently but my years of clubbing and bouncing and being In packed *** clubs I see this weekly. Dude obviously looked like he wasn't trying to get I to it with her too much till she threw her shoulder back into him, and then preceded to throwing her fist up. He grabbed her hand she throws kicks, and then throws the hook. He landed the PAC man jones and turn that night of clubbing for her into a hair salon trip.

The fact that he is grabbing the bar trying to get to the open spot shows he ain't really wanted to just bogard her but chick wasn't having it. Again also stop calling him some big football player...Johnson is like 6'0-6'1 170...which is why she pulled that stunt.

-watching it again from the start. Chick was being messy!!! She actually sees him coming and purposely does that cut him off thing as she was flat out chilling behind that lame dude at the bar. Pay attention! It wasn't some oh he brushed pass the poor blonde trying to be a star thing. This chic was just being nasty..//

I showed the video to my wife. My wife says the girl turned to him, raised her left fist, and said "I will punch you in the face!" That's why he grabbed her hand.
She threatens him, she kicks him, and then she punches him before he punches her. If he goes to jail for that it will set a very poor precedence. Assault and battery should be the same whether it's a man or a woman. What she did is assault and battery. She threatened him with violence and then was physically violent. imo he should not be going to jail for that. I bet money, if the hefer was a dude nobody would be saying anything.
Watched video a few times again:

Johnson didn't initiate first contact. Chick slid in position first.
-Johnson then tried to get the open spot which was about to be vacated by the black girl who had the drink. If you can see, he because it being packed brushed her too. He isn't even paying attention to the white girl as he is trying to get to the open spot since she no gardens the previous spot. White girl turns around sells out, then is actually sliding over trying to not allow him to even get the wide open spot. She is already in front if the bar. She slowly moving over to stop him from going then throws her shoulder back into him if you pay attention. Maybe chick was drunk or something bit she was the direct cause of this whole situation in my opinion.

Dude could of handle it differently but my years of clubbing and bouncing and being In packed *** clubs I see this weekly. Dude obviously looked like he wasn't trying to get I to it with her too much till she threw her shoulder back into him, and then preceded to throwing her fist up. He grabbed her hand she throws kicks, and then throws the hook. He landed the PAC man jones and turn that night of clubbing for her into a hair salon trip.

The fact that he is grabbing the bar trying to get to the open spot shows he ain't really wanted to just bogard her but chick wasn't having it. Again also stop calling him some big football player...Johnson is like 6'0-6'1 170...which is why she pulled that stunt.

-watching it again from the start. Chick was being messy!!! She actually sees him coming and purposely does that cut him off thing as she was flat out chilling behind that lame dude at the bar. Pay attention! It wasn't some oh he brushed pass the poor blonde trying to be a star thing. This chic was just being nasty..//

I showed the video to my wife. My wife says the girl turned to him, raised her left fist, and said "I will punch you in the face!" That's why he grabbed her hand.
She threatens him, she kicks him, and then she punches him before he punches her. If he goes to jail for that it will set a very poor precedence. Assault and battery should be the same whether it's a man or a woman. What she did is assault and battery. She threatened him with violence and then was physically violent. imo he should not be going to jail for that. I bet money, if the hefer was a dude nobody would be saying anything.

Completely agreed.

I guess people gloss over all what she does because of the power and force of his punch.

They bypass her cutting him off on purpose then throwing a shoulder back into him. Also the turn around saying something to him while his back was turned( could if been the racial slur part he alludes to). Then her balling fist in a threatening manner to hit him. And the knees/kick to midsection, then the mayweather jab she connected with before dude hit her. Like you stated if he got into it with the dude at the bar if he did the same thing it wouldn't even be a facebook post.

- fsu is just saving face because their good at his position now.

- if joHnson got misdemeanor battery chick deserves it as doubt about it
Expensive night out for that guy. Cost him a four year scholarship at FSU. Not to mention whatever happens next. Could've told her to chill, bought her a drink and walked to the other side of the bar.

He couldn't do sh/tt.
- the chic at start of looking dead at him walk up and purposely cuts him off.
-he tries to get the vacated spot what it looks like he asked the girl for the spot and chic is literally not trying to allow him to get that spot either.

-shouldn't have hit her...but chic seemed to be on full provoke mode and extra.

-only thing he could have fond is probably curse at her or something but that seemed to have her moving aggressively at him too... She obviously threw the shoulder shrug..and then balled up her fist.

-I probably would of got the bartender attention and stated f her order or something.

Had this been the ra from the third floor dorm it doesn't make the news.

And all these folks with the he hit a girl stuff would of been standing right there just like the two dudes at the bar.

If I'm Johnson in trying to get that girl a battery charge too for messing my college career up before it got started.

“ I can tell you a hundred percent that she is not going to be charged. She is not going to be arrested. She was not the agressor in this case.” said State Attorney Willie Meggs, who states that “the video is very strong evidence” and he saya the woman still has a black eye. State Attorney Meggs further states that he went over the video frame by frame with the woman who says the first contact was by Johnson when he elbowed her in the back, then pushed his way to the bar. She turned to tell him to back off her while raising her hand to show that she was serious. He grabbed her hand and she responded by kneeing him and attempting to throw a punch. He then let loose with a right to her face.
Watched video a few times again:

Johnson didn't initiate first contact. Chick slid in position first.
-Johnson then tried to get the open spot which was about to be vacated by the black girl who had the drink. If you can see, he because it being packed brushed her too. He isn't even paying attention to the white girl as he is trying to get to the open spot since she no gardens the previous spot. White girl turns around sells out, then is actually sliding over trying to not allow him to even get the wide open spot. She is already in front if the bar. She slowly moving over to stop him from going then throws her shoulder back into him if you pay attention. Maybe chick was drunk or something bit she was the direct cause of this whole situation in my opinion.

Dude could of handle it differently but my years of clubbing and bouncing and being In packed *** clubs I see this weekly. Dude obviously looked like he wasn't trying to get I to it with her too much till she threw her shoulder back into him, and then preceded to throwing her fist up. He grabbed her hand she throws kicks, and then throws the hook. He landed the PAC man jones and turn that night of clubbing for her into a hair salon trip.

The fact that he is grabbing the bar trying to get to the open spot shows he ain't really wanted to just bogard her but chick wasn't having it. Again also stop calling him some big football player...Johnson is like 6'0-6'1 170...which is why she pulled that stunt.

-watching it again from the start. Chick was being messy!!! She actually sees him coming and purposely does that cut him off thing as she was flat out chilling behind that lame dude at the bar. Pay attention! It wasn't some oh he brushed pass the poor blonde trying to be a star thing. This chic was just being nasty..//

I showed the video to my wife. My wife says the girl turned to him, raised her left fist, and said "I will punch you in the face!" That's why he grabbed her hand.
She threatens him, she kicks him, and then she punches him before he punches her. If he goes to jail for that it will set a very poor precedence. Assault and battery should be the same whether it's a man or a woman. What she did is assault and battery. She threatened him with violence and then was physically violent. imo he should not be going to jail for that. I bet money, if the hefer was a dude nobody would be saying anything.

Key words "if the hefer was a dude". but she's not. welcome to the 21st century cromagnon man
Watched video a few times again:

Johnson didn't initiate first contact. Chick slid in position first.
-Johnson then tried to get the open spot which was about to be vacated by the black girl who had the drink. If you can see, he because it being packed brushed her too. He isn't even paying attention to the white girl as he is trying to get to the open spot since she no gardens the previous spot. White girl turns around sells out, then is actually sliding over trying to not allow him to even get the wide open spot. She is already in front if the bar. She slowly moving over to stop him from going then throws her shoulder back into him if you pay attention. Maybe chick was drunk or something bit she was the direct cause of this whole situation in my opinion.

Dude could of handle it differently but my years of clubbing and bouncing and being In packed *** clubs I see this weekly. Dude obviously looked like he wasn't trying to get I to it with her too much till she threw her shoulder back into him, and then preceded to throwing her fist up. He grabbed her hand she throws kicks, and then throws the hook. He landed the PAC man jones and turn that night of clubbing for her into a hair salon trip.

The fact that he is grabbing the bar trying to get to the open spot shows he ain't really wanted to just bogard her but chick wasn't having it. Again also stop calling him some big football player...Johnson is like 6'0-6'1 170...which is why she pulled that stunt.

-watching it again from the start. Chick was being messy!!! She actually sees him coming and purposely does that cut him off thing as she was flat out chilling behind that lame dude at the bar. Pay attention! It wasn't some oh he brushed pass the poor blonde trying to be a star thing. This chic was just being nasty..//

I showed the video to my wife. My wife says the girl turned to him, raised her left fist, and said "I will punch you in the face!" That's why he grabbed her hand.
She threatens him, she kicks him, and then she punches him before he punches her. If he goes to jail for that it will set a very poor precedence. Assault and battery should be the same whether it's a man or a woman. What she did is assault and battery. She threatened him with violence and then was physically violent. imo he should not be going to jail for that. I bet money, if the hefer was a dude nobody would be saying anything.

Completely agreed.

I guess people gloss over all what she does because of the power and force of his punch.

They bypass her cutting him off on purpose then throwing a shoulder back into him. Also the turn around saying something to him while his back was turned( could if been the racial slur part he alludes to). Then her balling fist in a threatening manner to hit him. And the knees/kick to midsection, then the mayweather jab she connected with before dude hit her. Like you stated if he got into it with the dude at the bar if he did the same thing it wouldn't even be a facebook post.

- fsu is just saving face because their good at his position now.

- if joHnson got misdemeanor battery chick deserves it as doubt about it

"De’Andre Johnson’s family wants to take the lead in helping him learn and grow from this experience. He is currently participating in community service, and faith-based programs focused on battered women, substance abuse, and the empowerment of children. De'Andre is extremely embarrassed by this situation and would like to express his heartfelt apologies to everyone, including those who were directly affected, Coach [Jimbo] Fisher and his teammates, the entire Florida State University community as well as his family and friends." Jorge Baez, attorney for De'Andre Johnson.

There is no case here...his attorney Baez and the State Attorney Meggs already have DA Johnson doing community service, faith-based programs on battered women, and substance abuse programs" to mitigate his culpability. He is probably a first time offender and instigator, so he will get the usual comm service, substance abuse, and other rehab based typed of treatment and get the case dismissed after a probation period provided he assaults no other, stay clean & away from the bars [he supposed to anyway as he is under 21] and essentially out of trouble
Expensive night out for that guy. Cost him a four year scholarship at FSU. Not to mention whatever happens next. Could've told her to chill, bought her a drink and walked to the other side of the bar.

He couldn't do sh/tt.
- the chic at start of looking dead at him walk up and purposely cuts him off.
-he tries to get the vacated spot what it looks like he asked the girl for the spot and chic is literally not trying to allow him to get that spot either.

-shouldn't have hit her...but chic seemed to be on full provoke mode and extra.

-only thing he could have fond is probably curse at her or something but that seemed to have her moving aggressively at him too... She obviously threw the shoulder shrug..and then balled up her fist.

-I probably would of got the bartender attention and stated f her order or something.

Had this been the ra from the third floor dorm it doesn't make the news.

And all these folks with the he hit a girl stuff would of been standing right there just like the two dudes at the bar.

If I'm Johnson in trying to get that girl a battery charge too for messing my college career up before it got started.

“ I can tell you a hundred percent that she is not going to be charged. She is not going to be arrested. She was not the agressor in this case.” said State Attorney Willie Meggs, who states that “the video is very strong evidence” and he saya the woman still has a black eye. State Attorney Meggs further states that he went over the video frame by frame with the woman who says the first contact was by Johnson when he elbowed her in the back, then pushed his way to the bar. She turned to tell him to back off her while raising her hand to show that she was serious. He grabbed her hand and she responded by kneeing him and attempting to throw a punch. He then let loose with a right to her face.

June 24, 2015 at Yianni's nightclub in Tallahassee. -- A woman was waiting to order a drink at the crowded bar when she felt someone pushing her from behind. After a verbal altercation, the woman raised her right arm to defend herself when Johnson grabbed her arm and pushed her. The woman then knee'd Johnson in attempt to shove him away and he then pulled her arm down at the same time. That's when the woman attempted to hit the Johnson and he retaliated by punching her in the face.

State Attorney Willie Meggs states a witness heard the woman yell "no" to Johnson twice before he punched her in the face. The woman suffered bruising under her left eye, swelling to the left cheek and upper lip and a small cut near the bridge of her nose. The woman did not know Johnson,
Look Jimbo gets whatever he wants in Trailerhasse and Jimbo is still mad his pretty little blonde wifey was getting straight pound town by some young buck combined with his years of frustration from dealing with Winston an he simply transferred that rage onto Johnson an cut him loose.

This punch is nothing compared to Winston raping a chick, of which there were witnesses and video's of the incident. So Johnson being dismissed from FSU is him taking one for Jimbo's sanity.

Go Canes

Hmmm, what witnesses are you referring to? Cleatchaser was guided by her lawyer aunt thinking they were gonna get a $7M payday.. nope.
Expensive night out for that guy. Cost him a four year scholarship at FSU. Not to mention whatever happens next. Could've told her to chill, bought her a drink and walked to the other side of the bar.

He couldn't do sh/tt.
- the chic at start of looking dead at him walk up and purposely cuts him off.
-he tries to get the vacated spot what it looks like he asked the girl for the spot and chic is literally not trying to allow him to get that spot either.

-shouldn't have hit her...but chic seemed to be on full provoke mode and extra.

-only thing he could have fond is probably curse at her or something but that seemed to have her moving aggressively at him too... She obviously threw the shoulder shrug..and then balled up her fist.

-I probably would of got the bartender attention and stated f her order or something.

Had this been the ra from the third floor dorm it doesn't make the news.

And all these folks with the he hit a girl stuff would of been standing right there just like the two dudes at the bar.

If I'm Johnson in trying to get that girl a battery charge too for messing my college career up before it got started.

“ I can tell you a hundred percent that she is not going to be charged. She is not going to be arrested. She was not the agressor in this case.” said State Attorney Willie Meggs, who states that “the video is very strong evidence” and he saya the woman still has a black eye. State Attorney Meggs further states that he went over the video frame by frame with the woman who says the first contact was by Johnson when he elbowed her in the back, then pushed his way to the bar. She turned to tell him to back off her while raising her hand to show that she was serious. He grabbed her hand and she responded by kneeing him and attempting to throw a punch. He then let loose with a right to her face.

June 24, 2015 at Yianni's nightclub in Tallahassee. -- A woman was waiting to order a drink at the crowded bar when she felt someone pushing her from behind. After a verbal altercation, the woman raised her right arm to defend herself when Johnson grabbed her arm and pushed her. The woman then knee'd Johnson in attempt to shove him away and he then pulled her arm down at the same time. That's when the woman attempted to hit the Johnson and he retaliated by punching her in the face.

State Attorney Willie Meggs states a witness heard the woman yell "no" to Johnson twice before he punched her in the face. The woman suffered bruising under her left eye, swelling to the left cheek and upper lip and a small cut near the bridge of her nose. The woman did not know Johnson,

Believe it or not Meggs has always had a hard on for locking up FSU football players.. Or you could just watch the video to see it yourself compared to his statements.