Really good numbers article from the Herald

A top recruits tenure at Miami ala last 20 years:

As a recruit: were told they’ll be the next Santana Moss, Vilma, Ed Reed, Ray Lewis, etc...Hype builds by fans, media, and coaches during the off-season.

year one: believes the hype goes out an exceeds expectations based on natural talent. They are crowned the next great at their position.

year two: player reads their press clippings and think they are better than they are and prepare less and think their talent exceeds every one else. Sophomore Slump.

year three (90% last season): make or break year. Train hard, study film, e.. Season starts they are under used, playing out of position, not being put in position to excel.

Year three (2nd half of season): losses pile up, fans call them bust, stats are not up to par with other draftable players. They coast the rest of the way to preserve themselves for the NFL.
How'd Richt fare against Wisconsin? Both times? Pretty sure we got our **** pushed in. Bro, explain last season if you wanna defend Richt so badly. Enos seems to suffer from the same delusion: the kids need to suck less cause my system is perfect, and they're not executing it right. I'll give Richt some props, dude knew playing from under center with our line is suicide. I'm really starting to think you're trolling lol. Either way, I wish we'd go get Yost out of Texas Tech. I don't think we'll make changes this offseason though.

Did you actually witness the 1st wisconsin, ot course wisconsin was a more physical team than us, are you seriously trying to blame coach richt for that in his 2nd year, lol, that's the delusional **** im talking about with you and those who think like you, people act like coach richt inherited this job from butch davis and had nothing to fix,. But by the way, if you been watching college football for awhile you'd know we pretty much never ever have been more physical in football than wisconsin, ohigho fake nor Michigan, that's always been they're game, trench bullies. Our game has always been about speed, and im not just talking bout UM, this goes all the way back to highschool, its no secret we had a lot of Great players come out of this area in years past, but we wasnt winning to many highschool state championships cause when we would go up the road, those northern Florida teams had those country fed o-linemen, but now things in the trenches have changed, now we bringing home damyum near more highschool Championships than a lil bit because our trench game has caught up alot. Even in the dominant years, go look at that game from round 88 against Michigan.

Point being, when it comes to those games its not a surprise at the physicality, but anybody with common sense who watched that 1st wisconsin, no we got robbed, we were on the verge and about to run them out the building, and than the refs stepped in, looking the other way and letting wisconsin's o-line consistently hold, looking the other way on that pass interference call where the db grabbed cager to pull himself even and than make the pick. But the fire richt crew just want to blame coach richt even in success, cause here it is, we havent been that relevant in years, and thru coach richt's leadership, we get their, and ****'s still whining and complaining in his 2nd year like he took over a Championship team, lol, its that type of delusion that's asanine. I dont have to defend coach richt, the facts do that for him, the bottom line, the UM administration and many of the b.o.t.'s have remained stupid and it consistently shows. The 1st established and legitimate headcoach we've had since dennis erickson to come here and he got no support, lol, this school has earned the losing, that's for. To be clear, butch davis turned into a legitimate headcoach, he just wasnt an established headcoach prior too. Those who want to act as if coach richt didnt do a good job here should enjoy coach diaz and not complain, lol.
The number that matters is 3. Why 3? Because that is the number of teams kmon the CFP with transfer QBs. That should tell you something.

I think Miami needs to go hard after Stanford's Costello.
Costello sucks. He'd be screwed behind our crappy line.
He’s been lying lol. I don't believe he is returning

I've seen many posters say this over the past few weeks. I'm trying to figure out what makes anybody believe that Manny will fire him. Unless Enos leaves for another job, I don't see any evidence leading me to believe Manny will let him go. The offensive "changes" we will see will be similar to the "57" changes that Al Golden made after the 2014 season......which was essentially nothing.
Here were my key take always for those who can’t read the article.

“It just looked like [offensive coordinator Dan] Enos wanted to run his offense (which is a perfectly fine offense) with players that didn’t fit in anyway. He didn’t have the fullback, the blocking tight ends, the big offensive line, but did have the athletic QBs, athletic receivers but ran an offense that didn’t use any of that.”

“The play calling/scheme and execution were both so volatile it just ruined so many plays.”

“I never saw an effort to focus the offense on getting certain players the ball, or using players in ways that maximized their skill set. Mallory is good while running but was being used on five-yard stop routes. Thomas wasn’t used downfield enough while Harley was getting deep targets. DeeJay Dallas is an ex-wide receiver but was only used on screens.”

A UM player said some of the veterans on the team don’t seem terribly interested or motivated to play this Independence Bowl game And that should be a big concern because Louisiana Tech should be highly motivated. That’s one reason why playing some of the hungry freshmen would seem to be a good idea.

The player said the offense struggled against the scout team defense during parts of practice last week - I wasn’t given an updat on this week - and Tate Martell’s performance remained erratic.”

Not surprised so many of these older dudes are leaving with Manny’s “blessing”. We’ve got to kick these dead beats off the team.
LOL at blaming the veteran players. Same tired **** we’ve seen from the last 4 lousy HCs other than Rick. And even Rick’s top guy, Uncle Tom Brown, started doing this same **** when his offense was proven to be a puke pile.

When you’re an epic failure as a leader, you blame your troops to save your job. This dude couldn’t lead a 16 year old Amish kid to get a tumescence at a strip club. ******* failure.
Both things can be true. Bad coaches and lazy players. Dont think it was a coaching issue when Shaq was half-assing against FIU and getting trucked. Problem with Diaz saying it's a culture problem is that he recruited 1/2 of the team.
Do you guys understand that pushing the right buttons to get players to give consistent effort week to week is probably the HC’s most important job?

You guys act like the HC is just there to grow a neatly trimmed beard and design jewelry and hashtags. His fcking job is to make sure his team shows up to play every week.

Remember the “culture” issues that Ufayg had for so many years? Mullet didn’t use that as an excuse to lose every other week. He fixed it immediately. That’s what good coaches do. They don’t act like innocent bystanders who are victims. They fix ****.
Costello sucks. He'd be screwed behind our crappy line.

I respectfully disagree. Leaps and bounds better than what we have. Either way I think that the fact 3/4 of the playoff teams have transfer QBs is going to be the new normal.

Its hard to claim Martell can't QB because it's safe to say that pEnos wouldn't design the offense around the QB. He wants a QB that runs his offense.
It’s so alarming how bad the coaches are on this team. I mean this isn’t even group of five stuff right here. This is D2 or 3 level coaches here. Unacceptable and the exact reason football needs to be taken away from Blake and given to a guy with a backbone like Alonzo who knows what a football program is supposed to look like. There’s no way In **** Diaz is allowed to hire or keep on these bums after the season of work they just put out if we had a real AD that actually does his job by holding his employees accountable unlike that that ***** Blake who according to everyone involved with the program it’s not his “style” to hold the HC accountable! Smh 🤢🤮
Did you actually witness the 1st wisconsin, ot course wisconsin was a more physical team than us, are you seriously trying to blame coach richt for that in his 2nd year, lol, that's the delusional **** im talking about with you and those who think like you, people act like coach richt inherited this job from butch davis and had nothing to fix,. But by the way, if you been watching college football for awhile you'd know we pretty much never ever have been more physical in football than wisconsin, ohigho fake nor Michigan, that's always been they're game, trench bullies. Our game has always been about speed, and im not just talking bout UM, this goes all the way back to highschool, its no secret we had a lot of Great players come out of this area in years past, but we wasnt winning to many highschool state championships cause when we would go up the road, those northern Florida teams had those country fed o-linemen, but now things in the trenches have changed, now we bringing home damyum near more highschool Championships than a lil bit because our trench game has caught up alot. Even in the dominant years, go look at that game from round 88 against Michigan.

Point being, when it comes to those games its not a surprise at the physicality, but anybody with common sense who watched that 1st wisconsin, no we got robbed, we were on the verge and about to run them out the building, and than the refs stepped in, looking the other way and letting wisconsin's o-line consistently hold, looking the other way on that pass interference call where the db grabbed cager to pull himself even and than make the pick. But the fire richt crew just want to blame coach richt even in success, cause here it is, we havent been that relevant in years, and thru coach richt's leadership, we get their, and ****'s still whining and complaining in his 2nd year like he took over a Championship team, lol, its that type of delusion that's asanine. I dont have to defend coach richt, the facts do that for him, the bottom line, the UM administration and many of the b.o.t.'s have remained stupid and it consistently shows. The 1st established and legitimate headcoach we've had since dennis erickson to come here and he got no support, lol, this school has earned the losing, that's for. To be clear, butch davis turned into a legitimate headcoach, he just wasnt an established headcoach prior too. Those who want to act as if coach richt didnt do a good job here should enjoy coach diaz and not complain, lol.
Man stop it already. Richt QUIT. Because he knew he was failing. He lost 4 in a row after the lucky start in ‘17, and in ‘18, went 7-6 with three of the seven wins being over toledo, savannah state and fiu. The facts are he was losing and getting worse and saw the trash heap recruiting was becoming because no kids wanted to play for his garbage offense. Just because manny is worse and incompetent doesn’t mean richt was doing a good job.
Man stop it already. Richt QUIT. Because he knew he was failing. He lost 4 in a row after the lucky start in ‘17, and in ‘18, went 7-6 with three of the seven wins being over toledo, savannah state and fiu. The facts are he was losing and getting worse and saw the trash heap recruiting was becoming because no kids wanted to play for his garbage offense. Just because manny is worse and incompetent doesn’t mean richt was doing a good job.
Our scholarly fans can’t seem to comprehend that Rick and Manure can both suck. They think that Manure’s historic suckitude somehow erases the fact that Ricky was circling the drain at light speed.

They forget how putrid our offense was and how badly our recruiting class was deteriorating and, in what might have been the most insane move in program history, he named Bandtender and Shytke as his permanent Co-DCs.
Man stop it already. Richt QUIT. Because he knew he was failing. He lost 4 in a row after the lucky start in ‘17, and in ‘18, went 7-6 with three of the seven wins being over toledo, savannah state and fiu. The facts are he was losing and getting worse and saw the trash heap recruiting was becoming because no kids wanted to play for his garbage offense. Just because manny is worse and incompetent doesn’t mean richt was doing a good job.

Ok man, no side neck talking, let's just see if the facts agree with you:
* 1st coach to win a bowl game at UM in around 10years
* 1st coach at UM with a 10 win season in over 12years
* 1st coach @UM to win a legitimate on the field coastal division title since joining the ACC 12years prior
* 1st coach @Umto lead the team to an ACC championship game
* 1st coach @UM to bring in the I.P.F. to reality
* 15 game winning streak
* #2 ranking and barely missed the CFP
* Coach of the Year
* 2 Freshmen All everything (Ahmon richards & Brevin)
* Ended Fsu's 7 game winning streak and started our own winning streak now @3
* Defense at UM brought back to the 4-3 and being up near the tops in the nation in several categories
* Told flake james to: ***** OFF

Ok, your post confuses us, can you please clarify!
Our scholarly fans can’t seem to comprehend that Rick and Manure can both suck. They think that Manure’s historic suckitude somehow erases the fact that Ricky was circling the drain at light speed.

They forget how putrid our offense was and how badly our recruiting class was deteriorating and, in what might have been the most insane move in program history, he named Bandtender and Shytke as his permanent Co-DCs.

This x 1000.

I wonder if this year would have been that much better than 6-6 with Richt as HC, and Banda and Patke as co-DCs.

I wish Richt had stayed an extra year so that people would stop praising him, and because Manny wouldn’t have been his replacement after he had a bad year at Temple.

The only problem is that we might have had problems finding a replacement for Richt after we fired him. With the 2018-2019 recruiting class being even worse than it was in real life (Manny did a good job somewhat saving the class with the transfer portal) and the 2019-2020 class probably being bad too, there might not have been a lot of people willing to take the Miami job.
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Ok man, no side neck talking, let's just see if the facts agree with you:
* 1st coach to win a bowl game at UM in around 10years
* 1st coach at UM with a 10 win season in over 12years
* 1st coach @UM to win a legitimate on the field coastal division title since joining the ACC 12years prior
* 1st coach @Umto lead the team to an ACC championship game
* 1st coach @UM to bring in the I.P.F. to reality
* 15 game winning streak
* #2 ranking and barely missed the CFP
* Coach of the Year
* 2 Freshmen All everything (Ahmon richards & Brevin)
* Ended Fsu's 7 game winning streak and started our own winning streak now @3
* Defense at UM brought back to the 4-3 and being up near the tops in the nation in several categories
* Told flake james to: ***** OFF

Ok, your post confuses us, can you please clarify!
Which part of he quit and was failing are you confused by? Do you doubt either?

He was 4-9 in his last 13 games against P5 teams. Think about that. There is a reason he quit.

Recruits saw his offensive ineptitude and nepotism and were turning elsewhere.

Your list above is idiotic, also. So he won a single bowl game, got his **** pushed in twice by Wisconsin. If your point is he was better than Shannon and Golden, great, I agree. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t failing. He was. He quit for a reason.

His win streak was followed by the ugly 4-9 streak against P5 teams, which you conveniently ignore. That no.2 ranking was a chimera, and Richt proved it by losing his next 3 games.
Which part of he quit and was failing are you confused by? Do you doubt either?

He was 4-9 in his last 13 games against P5 teams. Think about that. There is a reason he quit.

Recruits saw his offensive ineptitude and nepotism and were turning elsewhere.

Your list above is idiotic, also. So he won a single bowl game, got his **** pushed in twice by Wisconsin. If your point is he was better than Shannon and Golden, great, I agree. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t failing. He was. He quit for a reason.

His win streak was followed by the ugly 4-9 streak against P5 teams, which you conveniently ignore. That no.2 ranking was a chimera, and Richt proved it by losing his next 3 games.
All that stuff he presents are normal for a program like Miami and the fact those are such accomplishments, show just how bad the previous corches are; not how great he was.