POLL: Do You Want Chip Kelly?

Do you want Chip Kelly?

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I said yes, although I do worry he'd be a little like Erickson. Win a bunch and leave a mess. No doubt we are back in the mix with Kelly.
Which would explain y these spread teams have a hard time against really good defenses that have good d linemen. **** they aren't used to blocking anyone let alone a line full of studs. That's the kind of line your team is gonna face in the final 4 every year......

Wouldn't any offense have trouble against a " really good defense "?

I mean it is a " really good defense"

Of course they would it's a good defense. But wouldn't your o linemen do better against that defense because they have actually been blocking guys all year? I don't want my lineman to get in the biggest game of the year and have the complete shock of having to block...that's all. And I'm not anti spread at all. I have no problem with it. There are good things about pro and spread.
I want Chip Kelly. However after thinking it over, I do believe that there is no way that he will be our coach next year. It just is not gonna happen. Having said that this is what we need to do...

Hire Butch.

Once Indiana fires Kevin Wilson Hire him as OC. Look for Wilson to get fired or straight up RESIGN once his idiot AD Fred Glass gets canned any day now. As Franchise has mentioned, Kevin Wilson would straight up light it up at Miami. If we got all this ****ing money then pay this guy 1.5 million a year to run our offense. He will be worth every dime.

Franchise has been pushing for this guy long before me. He was and is dead on. I have a brother who works for IU and I live in Indy. My brother told me Glass was as good as done as AD and that Wilson could get canned too. If true we need to get his ***.

With Butch as a HC and Kevin Wilson as an OC, we will be right in the mix for a final 4 birth next year. We would average 45 points a game.

For those of you who know nothing about Kevin Wilson, research him. Look at what his offense's have done at ****ing IU with 1 and 2 star players...

Funny, I believe more in the posters here, than in our administration!! LOL!
******* suckers! Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Chip will have us in the playoffs next year. The only game where we wont be favorites will probably be the ND game.

Brad Kaaya will have to transfer if Kelly is hired.

Strong candidate for dumbest porst in CIS history.

Nick Foles in his 1st year as a starter under Chip: 13/10 203/317 64.0% 2,891 yards 9.1 ypa 27/2 119.2 rtg 57-221 3.9 ypc 3 TDs
Nick Foles this year without Chip: 7/6 161/265 60.8% 1,699 yards 6.4 ypa 6/5 79.1 rtg 11-42 3.8 ypc 1 TD

Nobody simplifies the QB position like Chip. But I know that's hard for the idiot portion of the fanbase to understand because they're still stuck in the year 2000.
Cool story bro!

Now I am just gonna wait until Threadkilla comes and asks how many titles Chip has won.

Anyway, it's not like there is only one hire that will work at the U. There are about 5 candidates on the market now that could bring us to the playoffs. The decision is gonna be based on cost vs. risk.
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If you answer no to this question you're a ****ing ******.

Just saying...no pressure though.

Obviously your were not around to see the greatest college football team EVER that Butch built even with sanctions!!!! Who's the freaking ****** now?

Except that nowhere does this poll mention Butch. This is strictly about Kelly, not Butch over Kelly or vice versa.
Which would explain y these spread teams have a hard time against really good defenses that have good d linemen. **** they aren't used to blocking anyone let alone a line full of studs. That's the kind of line your team is gonna face in the final 4 every year......

Wouldn't any offense have trouble against a " really good defense "?

I mean it is a " really good defense"

This. To add to the point, the only thing that has up to this point been a ***** in Bama's stout defense has been the hurry up no huddle gimmick. You line up against defenses like Bama's with a pro style and you get crushed.

That is Bama's weak link -- the complexity of Nick's defense and need for specialist. Any of our old defenses would not have that weakness. We stayed in base most of the time, attacked up field and disrupted the offense. Up tempo would wilt against the speed, aggression and versatility of the talent only Miami can garner enough of defense. That is where our advantage is. The talent we can get on offense is so good we do not need uptempo, but again if we avoid a OC that insists on so much side line control, we can keep the defense from substitution by staying with our 11 and quick snap whenever Ncik tries to. Nick's offense might be the most trouble for us, but I trust our speed and aggression to be to much for him most of the time.
How are the Eagles quarterbacks doing this year? I will answer it for you. Not so hot.
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I was flying home for Thanksgiving and this random texas weatherman from San Antonio was on my flight. He said chip kelly is a homerun for washed up program like UM as both peaked years ago. Rude ******* that guy.
Kyle Long had 2 years of OL experience at Oregon, was drafted in the 1st round and is now one of the best OL in the NFL playing with outstanding technique.

Eagles OL was among the best in the NFL under Chip, especially in terms of pulling and blocking defenders at the 2nd level.

Geoff Schwartz is full of ****. Uptempo spread offenses like Chip's or Texas A&M's make OL look better than they are because DL can't rush upfield aggressively when they are tired and trying to find the ball/contain the QB. How is this a bad thing? You think recruits don't want to be drafted in the 1st round like Long, Joeckel, Jake Matthews, Ogbuehi because they're worried about their technical experience for the NFL? What a joke. $$$ talks and Chip is cash.
You think recruits don't want to be drafted in the 1st round like Long, Joeckel, Jake Matthews, Ogbuehi because they're worried about their technical experience for the NFL?

Luke Joeckel huh?

When it comes to the physical aspect of the game, Joeckel appears to have all the measurables to be a top tackle in the NFL. Standing at 6’6’’ and weighing in at 306 pounds with long arms, he is a large and long presence on the back side of the line. His 40 yard dash was nothing to gawk over being a 5.25, but that doesn't negate the fact that he is a great athlete. Playing at Texas A&M, who runs a spread style offense based off the zone running game (the same as the Jaguars running scheme) he shouldn’t have any problems playing in our system…..Right? Not quite! While they both might run a zone scheme, the Jaguars have run more of an outside zone style compared to Texas A&M who was more based around the inside zone play. Some might say, “Same thing, zone is zone!”. Wrong! While some of the skills and rules might be the same, the attack points and landmarks are different. The inside zone doesn’t require the lineman to play in as much space. It is based on more confined spaces and many of the climb blocks are inside the box. The outside zone/stretch zone plays that fans of the Jaguars have become accustomed to seeing utilizes more reach blocks and wider space for the lineman to work in. It demands a lot out of these big bodies, asking them to move their massive 6’5’’+ and 300+ pound frames in the open field working up to block a linebacker and at times safeties or even corners. Most if not all offensive line coaches have told me that it is easier to teach the outside zone before the inside zone. It is easier to teach a kid to block in space than it is the other way around. That being said this could have a very big impact on Joeckel’s development in the NFL.
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I also heard rumblings of NCAA violations. After all that work it took for Al GolDon to navigate us through the storm.. they're going to turn around and let someone like Chip Kelly ruin it??? I don't think so.

Your on PCP right?

the NCAA clearly said that Chip Kelly knew nothing about the violations that occurred while he was coach at Oregon. You know the ones that made them lose one scholarship.

The NCAA said the same thing about Butch with the violations that occurred at UNC... You know the ones that about shut the program down and got his ask fired.

You do know that he had an 18-month show cause handed down to him by the NCAA. They don't give you a show cause for being innocent. The **** some of you posters come up with on this site is legendary.

Plus, Oregon is Nike's baby. The NCAA knew better than to crush them, so their violations got swept under the rug. Just like Bama, Taint, Free Shoes, Clemson, etc.. The NCAA traditionally only hammers smaller private universities like the U, USC, SMU, that have threatened the order of how they like to run things.

They will protect their Blue Bloods at all costs. Emmett is a career corrupt politician. Look his history up. It's all a big crime trail. That's why he was given the reigns to the NCAA.

Butch had no show cause. Learn your facts before you spew more nonsense.

Is there any other kind?
If you answer no to this question you're a ****ing ******.

Just saying...no pressure though.

Well this once again proves this site is half retarded . They'd prefer having " their " guy over the " better guy".

You're absolutely right...the retards come out in full blossom.

Chip Kelly isn't "my" or "their" guy...he's THE guy. He's the absolute best hire we could make among guys who could (or that we currently know of) or will be available.

Holy ******* ****.
I would hate to score so many points and win so many games.

DMoney that advertising at Office of Special Education Programs is really paying off.
If you answer no to this question you're a ****ing ******.

Just saying...no pressure though.

Obviously your were not around to see the greatest college football team EVER that Butch built even with sanctions!!!! Who's the freaking ****** now?

Correct me if I'm wrong...but forget titles....has Butch even had a DOUBLE DIGIT winning season?

He's a nostalgic shot in the dark. This site has gone full ****** in their longing for Butch. For as good a recruiter and talent evaluator he is/was....he's a horrible gameday coach. I was around to witness that.

Sites gone full ****** if Butch is even considered to be on the same planet as Kelly in terms of CURRENT quality of the candidate.