Phillip Buchanan’s take

One season, in 2018. Butch won 6, I think the following year, I don’t remember. Not a very strong argument. Either way, winning at FIU isn’t easy to do. Mario literally elevated that dead program for a couple of years.

To see him having success at Oregon shouldn’t surprise no one. Only the Cane fans who hate him because he left this incompetent program because it’s run by morons.

The way you are doubling down on your wrongness is cracking me up. Mario elevated a dead program? They only had a football program for 5 years and a FBS program for a grand total of 2 years before Cristobal. Don Strock was their HC for the first 5 seasons. His on field record was 15-41, which is a win percentage of .267. Mario was their HC for 6 seasons, his overall record was 27-47, which is a win percentage of .365. Wow, that's a whole 9% better. Yup, Mario sure turned that program around.

You asked when FIU had a better coach.
Butch went 8-5 in 2017, followed it up with a 9-4 season in 2018, then dropped to 6-7 in 2019.

Mario went 7-6, then 8-5, then 3-9. In comparing their two best seasons, Butch wins. As for which coach improved the team the most, Butchs predecessors went 14-34, a win percentage of .291. Since then, Butch is 24-22 , a .521 win percentage.

You want to stick by your argument that a coach with a .365 win percentage in 6 seasons was a better coach for FIU than Butch Da Gawwwd Davis, with a .521 win percentage 2 games into his fifth season? Ok, chief.

And the coup de grace to ending your ridiculous "oh I knew he was a great coach all along" chest thumping is that no program, big or small, offered him a HC job after he was fired from FIU. If ANY AD in the country thought Mario was HC material who got screwed by the FIU AD, they would have snatched him up in a heartbeat. Instead Mario went back to being a position coach for several years until working for Saban washed off enough stink.

Cristobal being a mediocre coach at FIU who learned to be a great coach through Saban is nothing to be ashamed of. That's proof positive that he was able to recognize that he isn't the smartest guy in the room, identify his own flaws, and put a plan in motion to become a better coach. I applaud that level of self awareness.

Cristobal himself credits Saban for much of his success.

“If you come to our practice, you’d wonder if you were (at Alabama) or here. That is a real-deal blueprint of what you want from your very own (program) in terms of development, toughness and competitiveness.”

If you really think Mario would have turned Oregon into a national contender without his time working for and learning from Saban, you are out your mind. It is because he worked for Saban that I have confidence that he understands how to run a big time program. After FIU and before he worked for Bama, he was just a jumbo sized Manny Diaz.
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With a better coach in James Franklin, A lesser app state team took a talented pen state to the wire a few years point? 2018 PSU and 2021 Miami, talent wise (based on recruiting sites) are just about the same..when you drop passes, don’t line up on the LOS that negates a score..a team like app state will Have you in a dog the idea that THIS Iteration of Miami should be able to “out talent” a top g5 program like App’s short sighted. Got to keep recruiting and getting the talent in the building. It’s not there yet. But the talent is good enough to win 10 games with this schedule

People know that App State can give anybody a game.

What has people ****ed is that after a 4 game losing streak, the team didn’t come out sharp and hungry to dominate a less talented opponent. Especially one we demolished in their stadium when people were talking upset alert when we faced them under Richt.
I have zero doubt Manny cares. I don't blame him at all. He's just a dude who was offered a raise and position he wasn't qualified for and took it. I think most people would have done what Manny did in their own respective career pursuits.

This is why I spew all my venom at the administration and the BOT. THEY are the disease here. Manny is just a symptom.
I also blame Mandy. Don’t absolve him of this. If he was such a “fan” of Miami, he should have never accepted the job especially without an interview. His ego, his “smartest guy in the room” analytical attitude, deluded him from the fact that he could have never done this job.
Is James Franklin a better coach than manny Diaz?

James Franklin plays in a much tougher conference, and BY FAR, the toughest division between the two schools (OSU, UM, & Indiana is in the division) & yet, he’s found a way to 10+ games 3x & won The Conference by his 3rd yr as HC.

So yeah, he’s a better coach. PSU “may” be on their way to another 10+ win season, w/ a chance to win the conference this season.
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I think it's weird that so many think his coaching and team leading is a finished product. It's super early in year three. Running a big time college program requires a lot of different skills. Recruiting, marketing, dealing with alumni, dealing with students, x's and o's on the field, player development, player discipline, etc times 1,000.

Why not just take a deep breath and see where things are at the end of the year, or at the end of next year?
I’ve been suspecting that you’re either a Criminole or Gaytor troll, and now I’m certain of it.

You’re doing the bit where you get on the opposing fan’s page and defend your enemy’s coach so that they can drown in mediocrity for as long as they can.

Only weird thing is you defending this disaster of a corch and his regime.

@RVACane, this dude smells like a troll rat.
What may be weird is that I think Manny cares. I really think he does.

He’s just not good enough to get the results needed nor does he have the support needed from the school to make it happen but if he was good enough, that’s half the battle. He’s just not. I appreciate he cares & his vision. He’s just not able to bring it home.

I don't think we've ever spent this much on coaches, he has an IPF and decent deal with Adidas; how does he not "have the support needed from the school"? He has more than any coach has ever had here..
I think it's weird that so many think his coaching and team leading is a finished product. It's super early in year three. Running a big time college program requires a lot of different skills. Recruiting, marketing, dealing with alumni, dealing with students, x's and o's on the field, player development, player discipline, etc times 1,000.

Why not just take a deep breath and see where things are at the end of the year, or at the end of next year?
he's been running the defense 6 years..
I don't think James has to go if he relinquish football decisions to football people. I dont care how much panties he needs to buy for the swim team. He can continue doing that. Waste James..
would definitely be a Miami maneuver. Bring in someone who knows WTF is going on to do the work and Blake gets credited for "leadership" on his resume.
start by firing both CMD and James, both are in over their heads. maybe see if A.Highsmith would be interested in FootballCzar/AD.... hire an assistant AD to handle a lot of details. revamp BOT as we'll as they have been consistent in their failures as well.....recruits 4-5* star differences makers are not coming to a program that is consistently 4-2 in ACC Coastal and lose bowl games.... let CMD run for Mayor of Hialeah ......
How do you "revamp BOT" at a private school?
I also blame Mandy. Don’t absolve him of this. If he was such a “fan” of Miami, he should have never accepted the job especially without an interview. His ego, his “smartest guy in the room” analytical attitude, deluded him from the fact that he could have never done this job.
He's a coach, he didn't hire himself. Any coach aspires to one day be a head coach at a prestigious school. That opportunity presented itself and he did what anyone would have done...he went for it. Now he knows he sucks at it and probably won't try again.

I'll say it again.......150% of this is to blame on the INCOMPETENT and APATHETIC administration this program is saddled with.
What may be weird is that I think Manny cares. I really think he does.

He’s just not good enough to get the results needed nor does he have the support needed from the school to make it happen but if he was good enough, that’s half the battle. He’s just not. I appreciate he cares & his vision. He’s just not able to bring it home.
Hold the ****-on. How can you say MANNY doesn't have the support when they've allowed HIM(MANDY ****** DIAZ) to HIRE & FIRE THREE DIFFERENT STAFFS... That's literally the definition of support. Stop defending these clown *** coaches that do nothing but tear down this program and call them out for what they are. It's not that he doesn't care. It's that he has no clue what he's doing. Hence why when you hire a football coach you at least hire someone who's played the game & has illustrated some type of knowledge of how to set forth a plan.
I think it's weird that so many think his coaching and team leading is a finished product. It's super early in year three. Running a big time college program requires a lot of different skills. Recruiting, marketing, dealing with alumni, dealing with students, x's and o's on the field, player development, player discipline, etc times 1,000.

Why not just take a deep breath and see where things are at the end of the year, or at the end of next year?
I'd simply like to say I'd happily push you off of macarthur causeway... I'm hoping you're a troll. Cause by saying early in year three you're neglecting the fact that he's still running his defense for 6 years now and AINT **** CHANGED MY DUDE...
Whatever. You keep talking about the disease and mentioning the BOT and Blake but the BOT is futile in that conversation. There are BOT members who are watching now in a different capacity than they did before and it’s not because of this or any message board.
But to be fair the individual you're saying is watching I've told you has always been watching as well as the other two... Yet they've failed to point out the obvious,rally the troops and save us from purgatory. He's gotta strap on his **** kickers & kick some ****
The way you are doubling down on your wrongness is cracking me up. Mario elevated a dead program? They only had a football program for 5 years and a FBS program for a grand total of 2 years before Cristobal. Don Strock was their HC for the first 5 seasons. His on field record was 15-41, which is a win percentage of .267. Mario was their HC for 6 seasons, his overall record was 27-47, which is a win percentage of .365. Wow, that's a whole 9% better. Yup, Mario sure turned that program around.

You asked when FIU had a better coach.
Butch went 8-5 in 2017, followed it up with a 9-4 season in 2018, then dropped to 6-7 in 2019.

Mario went 7-6, then 8-5, then 3-9. In comparing their two best seasons, Butch wins. As for which coach improved the team the most, Butchs predecessors went 14-34, a win percentage of .291. Since then, Butch is 24-22 , a .521 win percentage.

You want to stick by your argument that a coach with a .365 win percentage in 6 seasons was a better coach for FIU than Butch Da Gawwwd Davis, with a .521 win percentage 2 games into his fifth season? Ok, chief.

And the coup de grace to ending your ridiculous "oh I knew he was a great coach all along" chest thumping is that no program, big or small, offered him a HC job after he was fired from FIU. If ANY AD in the country thought Mario was HC material who got screwed by the FIU AD, they would have snatched him up in a heartbeat. Instead Mario went back to being a position coach for several years until working for Saban washed off enough stink.

Cristobal being a mediocre coach at FIU who learned to be a great coach through Saban is nothing to be ashamed of. That's proof positive that he was able to recognize that he isn't the smartest guy in the room, identify his own flaws, and put a plan in motion to become a better coach. I applaud that level of self awareness.

Cristobal himself credits Saban for much of his success.

“If you come to our practice, you’d wonder if you were (at Alabama) or here. That is a real-deal blueprint of what you want from your very own (program) in terms of development, toughness and competitiveness.”

If you really think Mario would have turned Oregon into a national contender without his time working for and learning from Saban, you are out your mind. It is because he worked for Saban that I have confidence that he understands how to run a big time program. After FIU and before he worked for Bama, he was just a jumbo sized Manny Diaz.
Fair enough on the winning percentage with Butch. I didn’t realize Butch was at FIU that long. But for Mario to take that program (to your point brand new) to 8 wins, a bowl game, win a classic game, and establish a national star in TY, is quite impressive. I don’t know what happened afterwards before he got fired but if you want to believe García that’s the reason for firing then knock yourself out. There were rumors other **** went down but that’s neither here nor there. FIU isn’t an easy place to win at.

I give kudos to Mario to for leaving the **** hole in Miami and learning from Saban. It’s paying dividends, today. But many other coaches have learned from Saban and have failed miserably. Mario, for now, is one of the few that have found success outside of Alabama. Which to my point, explains why he had success at FIU. Which also tells me, he would have us competitive here.
Hold the ****-on. How can you say MANNY doesn't have the support when they've allowed HIM(MANDY ****** DIAZ) to HIRE & FIRE THREE DIFFERENT STAFFS... That's literally the definition of support. Stop defending these clown *** coaches that do nothing but tear down this program and call them out for what they are. It's not that he doesn't care. It's that he has no clue what he's doing. Hence why when you hire a football coach you at least hire someone who's played the game & has illustrated some type of knowledge of how to set forth a plan.