OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

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Its funny you say that because i feel like the whiter more secluded parts are more likely to be less racist as compared to places like parts of FL where they do come in contact minorities.

I don't think all white people are racist but alot of them are, they feel threatened by minorities and look at demographic movement and are freaked out, which is the main driver behind the orange one.

That's not it at all, you don't want to hear the truth. You are so off base on your second paragraph it isn't funny. The main driver of the orange one? LMAO You don't have the clue. Kind of funny you can't even give him credit where credit is due. Black unemployment lowest in history. Lowest Latino unemployment in history, wages finally rising because he is creating jobs, real jobs. I could school you all day but why bother, you've already made up your mind. Kind of like what a racist does. I'd say you have some racial anger built up, stop blaming others for your shortcomings.
Civil liberties... lol another ****head making excuses... I'm not touching this thread, but I call someone a racist name in public I'm gonna lose business. He lost his position on the baseball team. It's 2018 if he's not that socially aware he should be gone.

Yup you're right nobody wants a cancer around them, this kid was toxic did it over and over again from what I read.
Bro you’re brainwashed
That's not it at all, you don't want to hear the truth. You are so off base on your second paragraph it isn't funny. The main driver of the orange one? LMAO You don't have the clue. Kind of funny you can't even give him credit where credit is due. Black unemployment lowest in history. Lowest Latino unemployment in history, wages finally rising because he is creating jobs, real jobs. I could school you all day but why bother, you've already made up your mind. Kind of like what a racist does. I'd say you have some racial anger built up, stop blaming others for your shortcomings.
Black unemployment blah blah blah. It was on a steady downward trend under Obama and it continues. There are people left who can actually read. If Orange sped it up, great but this economic platform was created by Obama. And Obama last 15 months, created more job than Orange first 15. You can quote all the stats and whatever, i can quote some too. This man is a threat to my existence as a person who is not white. Fine ***** and all that. And one thing you will never ever get me to get over was him and alot of his followers perpetrating a vicious lie that Obama was not born in America and he was sending people to investigate and all that which is how he got to politics.
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Unless you think he should be totally kicked out of school, then I don’t agree. But as far as him playing baseball the team should suspend/ punish him no doubt about it

If he was drunk said it one time, I might agree get him some help, but from what I read that wasn't the case.
Black unemployment blah blah blah. It was on a steady downward trend under Obama and it continues. There are people left who can actually read. If Orange sped it up, great but this economic platform was created by Obama. And Obama last 15 months, created more job than Orange first 15. You can quote all the stats and whatever, i can quote some too. This man is a threat to my existence as a person who is not white. Fine ***** and all that. And one thing you will never ever get me to get over was him and alot of his followers perpetrating a vicious lie that Obama was not born in America and he was sending people to investigate and all that which is how he got to politics.

How is he a threat to your existence? Now don't run away and hide, let's talk about that one. Obama spent 10 trillion of the next generations money on propping up the economy = to all the other presidents combined. Over his 8 years he had a growth rate of 1.8%, Trump is already crushing those #s. Now I'll blame that on his white half. Trump was in politics his whole life. lol Obama could have come out and showed his BC right away but he wouldn't. And if you'd do your homework Clinton was the first to come out with that BC BS not Trump. Why don't you blame that corrupt *****? . Between Bush and Obama I don't know who was a bigger F up. The two worst presidents in a hundred years or more. Obama got in because Bush was such a ***** up. He was a community organizer that's it, before he got into a gov job. Obama talked nice to people, was funny, but he didn't have a clue about fixing anything in this country and it showed. He's half white so that's the half I'm bashing so I don't offend you.
Black unemployment blah blah blah. It was on a steady downward trend under Obama and it continues. There are people left who can actually read. If Orange sped it up, great but this economic platform was created by Obama. And Obama last 15 months, created more job than Orange first 15. You can quote all the stats and whatever, i can quote some too. This man is a threat to my existence as a person who is not white. Fine ***** and all that. And one thing you will never ever get me to get over was him and alot of his followers perpetrating a vicious lie that Obama was not born in America and he was sending people to investigate and all that which is how he got to politics.

You want to learn the differences between Trumps economy and Obama's economy? Watch Charles Payne on Fox business news, my favorite person on business news. He's black so you don't have to listen to a white man, you know they're all are racists and ****. This guy is sharp as ****, love him.
If he was drunk said it one time, I might agree get him some help, but from what I read that wasn't the case.

How is he a threat to your existence? Now don't run away and hide, let's talk about that one. Obama spent 10 trillion of the next generations money on propping up the economy = to all the other presidents combined. Over his 8 years he had a growth rate of 1.8%, Trump is already crushing those #s. Now I'll blame that on his white half. Trump was in politics his whole life. lol Obama could have come out and showed his BC right away but he wouldn't. And if you'd do your homework Clinton was the first to come out with that BC BS not Trump. Why don't you blame that corrupt *****? . Between Bush and Obama I don't know who was a bigger F up. The two worst presidents in a hundred years or more. Obama got in because Bush was such a ***** up. He was a community organizer that's it, before he got into a gov job. Obama talked nice to people, was funny, but he didn't have a clue about fixing anything in this country and it showed. He's half white so that's the half I'm bashing so I don't offend you.
This is how i see it. If you like this guy, we don't have anything in common. Its a cult. There is nothing that he says or does you wont support. There is no in between, you stay on your side and i stay on mine. We gonna ride this out until he's either voted out, impeached, arrested, or all of the above. I said as much as i would say, which if it wasn't a canes site, which means u prolly have some sense, otherwise it would have been nothing. I have no interest in hearing why you are a member of his cult.
You want to learn the differences between Trumps economy and Obama's economy? Watch Charles Payne on Fox business news, my favorite person on business news. He's black so you don't have to listen to a white man, you know they're all are racists and ****. This guy is sharp as ****, love him.
Why do white people think that token blackies change the subject of an issue?
You want to learn the differences between Trumps economy and Obama's economy? Watch Charles Payne on Fox business news, my favorite person on business news. He's black so you don't have to listen to a white man, you know they're all are racists and ****. This guy is sharp as ****, love him.

Read the WSJ it is 100x better than fox business news. If you were to ever bring up a talking point like "so I heard Charles Payne say .... on Fox Business news last night" at any big company in the financial sector you would get laughed out of the meeting.
Why do white people think that token blackies change the subject of an issue?

Token black people? This guy is one of the sharpest people on the economy and market in the entire country. I watch him because he's smart I don't care about color like you do. What a f rotten thing to say, what the **** is wrong with you?
There should not be a double standard on the word.

If blacks can say it, everyone can say it.

What you 'intend' the mean the word as should not matter a ****.

I can my friend an a-hole, and totally mean it in a good way, I call someone an a-hole, I could get my *** beat.

A-hole is a-hole.

N word is n word.

And frankly, I tire of hearing how people are 'offended'. You know how many times I heard, "**** you cracka. **** you white bread. **** you white boy." working in Liberty City as a medic?

You think I cared? And you know why I didn't? Because I was a grown man who didn't give one good god****. I didn't have the maturity of an eight year old when someone uses racial insults.

I'll tell you a quick story. In my 20s, when I wasn't working, I was a volunteer for a martial arts program that was state funded so that youths could stay out of trouble. We had all kinds of students, and one of them was an 8 year old black kid. He worked hard, athletically gifted, but he slacked off in school.

So, one day, it was progress report day, and during warmups I would go around, quietly asking how they were doing. I came up to him, and asked him how he was doing in school, and he hung his head down.

I said, "Didn't do too well, huh?"

He said, "No sir, I didn't."

I patted him on the back and said, "Boy, you have to study hard in school. Martial Arts is not just about physically strong, its about being mentally strong. This time around, will you try your best?

Head hung low again "I'll try my best."

"Thats all that we ask. Otherwise, we can't keep training you if you slack off, okay?"

"Okay, Mr. Tommy."

After that class I didn't see him. A week later, I didn't see him again. The parent came by to pick up his gear. I asked what happened to him, she wouldn't say anything at first.

Finally, because I was curious, and because he was a good student, I asked her when he was coming back, she told me, "Hes not coming back."

I asked, "Why, Mrs. *******, he was doing well here."

She said, "You don't even know, do you? You don't remember calling my son 'boy'? Like he was some sort of slave and you're the slave master?"

My face went pale, then flushed in anger.

I politely informed her (really, I did), that I was often called 'boy' as a term of endearment in my family when I was messing up and needed to correct the behavior.

I then informed her politely that I was sorry about any misunderstanding about calling her boy a boy, and that if she truly felt that way, I would leave the program so her child would not be punished for something *I* supposedly did.

Thats when the main instructor came over and asked what was going on. After talking with her for five minutes, she agreed to bring her son back.

I got a "Just be careful what you say Tom. No big deal."

It ****ed me off for the rest of the week.

Thats one of the many reasons why I really don't give a **** about PC language.

Acta non verba
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Token black people? This guy is one of the sharpest people on the economy and market in the entire country. I watch him because he's smart I don't care about color like you do. What a f rotten thing to say, what the **** is wrong with you?
He is token blackie because you made him one by thinking you should say he's black so i would be ok listening to whatever he's saying. I did not question his knowledge, don't know the guy. I doubt i will listen to it. I try not to listen to state run propaganda
He is token blackie because you made him one by thinking you should say he's black so i would be ok listening to whatever he's saying. I did not question his knowledge, don't know the guy. I doubt i will listen to it. I try not to listen to state run propaganda

In his defense Fox News is completely different from Fox business. Fox Business is way less biased and isn't filled with propaganda/fake news like you would expect.
Why do white people think that token blackies change the subject of an issue?
Lmao cause it fits they narrative. Like that one black guy with the perm who is picked and likely paid to stand behind trump during rallies..
In his defense Fox News is completely different from Fox business. Fox Business is way less biased and isn't filled with propaganda/fake news like you would expect.
To me if it’s on Fox it’s pitched to that brainwashed audience. Do that they wrap it up diff, sure. But it’s all the same. Personally I try to watch both spectrums. But the **** Fox peddles is such blantant propaganda. CNN and MSNBC push liberal views too but they def fact check wayyy more than Fox
There should not be a double standard on the word.

If blacks can say it, everyone can say it.

What you 'intend' the mean the word as should not matter a ****.

I can my friend an a-hole, and totally mean it in a good way, I call someone an a-hole, I could get my *** beat.

A-hole is a-hole.

N word is n word.

And frankly, I tire of hearing how people are 'offended'. You know how many times I heard, "**** you cracka. **** you white bread. **** you white boy." working in Liberty City as a medic?

You think I cared? And you know why I didn't? Because I was a grown man who didn't give one good god****. I didn't have the maturity of an eight year old when someone uses racial insults.

I'll tell you a quick story. In my 20s, when I wasn't working, I was a volunteer for a martial arts program that was state funded so that youths could stay out of trouble. We had all kinds of students, and one of them was an 8 year old black kid. He worked hard, athletically gifted, but he slacked off in school.

So, one day, it was progress report day, and during warmups I would go around, quietly asking how they were doing. I came up to him, and asked him how he was doing in school, and he hung his head down.

I said, "Didn't do too well, huh?"

He said, "No sir, I didn't."

I patted him on the back and said, "Boy, you have to study hard in school. Martial Arts is not just about physically strong, its about being mentally strong. This time around, will you try your best?

Head hung low again "I'll try my best."

"Thats all that we ask. Otherwise, we can't keep training you if you slack off, okay?"

"Okay, Mr. Tommy."

After that class I didn't see him. A week later, I didn't see him again. The parent came by to pick up his gear. I asked what happened to him, she wouldn't say anything at first.

Finally, because I was curious, and because he was a good student, I asked her when he was coming back, she told me, "Hes not coming back."

I asked, "Why, Mrs. *******, he was doing well here."

She said, "You don't even know, do you? You don't remember calling my son 'boy'? Like he was some sort of slave and you're the slave master?"

My face went pale, then flushed in anger.

I politely informed her (really, I did), that I was often called 'boy' as a term of endearment in my family when I was messing up and needed to correct the behavior.

I then informed her politely that I was sorry about any misunderstanding about calling her boy a boy, and that if she truly felt that way, I would leave the program so her child would not be punished for something *I* supposedly did.

Thats when the main instructor came over and asked what was going on. After talking with her for five minutes, she agreed to bring her son back.

I got a "Just be careful what you say Tom. No big deal."

It ****ed me off for the rest of the week.

Thats one of the many reasons why I really don't give a **** about PC language.

Acta non verba

It really isn't a double standard. It is the way the word is used. For example. If I went to a fat person and said "You are unhealthily obese" they would most likely get offended, but if a doctor told a patient the same thing that no be offensive. In fact it would be beneficial. Asians and Latinos say the word all the time and it is OK because they are not being racist about it. You even see white people from the hood and white rappers, etc. using it and no one really cares because they are not using it as a slur. Just because you don't get offended by the C word does not mean other people should feel like they should not get offended. I would be fired if I used the C word at work. I don't get bothered by words. Anyone could call me anything they want. I don't care, but I understand why someone would get offended by getting called a slur. Especially when the word was used by a person in the position of power in the past. The C word was used by lower level people referring to people richer and more powerful than them so it doesn't hold the same power as many other slurs for all different races.
Read the WSJ it is 100x better than fox business news. If you were to ever bring up a talking point like "so I heard Charles Payne say .... on Fox Business news last night" at any big company in the financial sector you would get laughed out of the meeting.

I don't care about fox B news, Charles is why I turn in. He's very accurate on his economy views and I just like him. I don't need WSJ, I do my own homework on what's going in the economy. Just like I did in RE in the early 2000's. These jackass economists were all wrong with the RE market. I use to talk to the most respected RE economist in Florida, worked at CFU I think. I told him in 2005 the market was done, he laughed, we had been talking for 2.5 years on a blog in Sarasota. I sold everything I had, he said I was crazy, I bashed him 6 months later till he left. Most of these so called experts are morons. I do my own homework.. RE in CA is showing signs of weakness right now, that's where it will start again this time. As housing goes so goes the economy. Let's see how long Trump can hold it up, doing an awesome job with the trade deals. We shouldn't even be trading with communist China it's time do something about them before it's too late. But ***** the WSJ. lol
He is token blackie because you made him one by thinking you should say he's black so i would be ok listening to whatever he's saying. I did not question his knowledge, don't know the guy. I doubt i will listen to it. I try not to listen to state run propaganda
Crazy how they point out “well there’s that black guy on Fox” 😂
To me if it’s on Fox it’s pitched to that brainwashed audience. Do that they wrap it up diff, sure. But it’s all the same. Personally I try to watch both spectrums. But the **** Fox peddles is such blantant propaganda. CNN and MSNBC push liberal views too but they def fact check wayyy more than Fox

CNN and MSNBC have democratic leaning biases. MSNBC is the counterpart to Fox News.

So far, best mainstream news source I found is BBC News. Always good to get an outsider perspective.
I don't care about fox B news, Charles is why I turn in. He's very accurate on his economy views and I just like him. I don't need WSJ, I do my own homework on what's going in the economy. Just like I did in RE in the early 2000's. These jackass economists were all wrong with the RE market. I use to talk to the most respected RE economist in Florida, worked at CFU I think. I told him in 2005 the market was done, he laughed, we had been talking for 2.5 years on a blog in Sarasota. I sold everything I had, he said I was crazy, I bashed him 6 months later till he left. Most of these so called experts are morons. I do my own homework.. RE in CA is showing signs of weakness right now, that's where it will start again this time. As housing goes so goes the economy. Let's see how long Trump can hold it up, doing an awesome job with the trade deals. We shouldn't even be trading with communist China it's time do something about them before it's too late. But ***** the WSJ. lol

You are 100% correct regarding the economists. That is where people go wrong. They watch Kramer and think " hey I should buy his stocks and I will become a millionaire". Listening to any of these guys advice is usually a bad tactic. Of course they will be right sometimes, but it is very dumb to blindly listen to them. The WSJ is basically the best source of business news you can get. The WSJ is the paper of choice for every high level employee in the financial sector. You read it and make your own assessments based on the information provided.
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