OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

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Good old SEC. Sure, sure, keep going to Tuscaloosa and such for the $ bags and what not, but never forget that to most of those people you're just a bunch of trained means-to-an-end. I wish more recruits would think about that.
Black unemployment blah blah blah. It was on a steady downward trend under Obama and it continues. There are people left who can actually read. If Orange sped it up, great but this economic platform was created by Obama. And Obama last 15 months, created more job than Orange first 15. You can quote all the stats and whatever, i can quote some too. This man is a threat to my existence as a person who is not white. Fine ***** and all that. And one thing you will never ever get me to get over was him and alot of his followers perpetrating a vicious lie that Obama was not born in America and he was sending people to investigate and all that which is how he got to politics.
what ? You’re talking about how insecure and racist “most” white people are because they fear the success of minorities... you’re spewing a whole other tangent right now lol
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It really isn't a double standard. It is the way the word is used. For example. If I went to a fat person and said "You are unhealthily obese" they would most likely get offended, but if a doctor told a patient the same thing that no be offensive. In fact it would be beneficial. Asians and Latinos say the word all the time and it is OK because they are not being racist about it. You even see white people from the hood and white rappers, etc. using it and no one really cares because they are not using it as a slur. Just because you don't get offended by the C word does not mean other people should feel like they should not get offended. I would be fired if I used the C word at work. I don't get bothered by words. Anyone could call me anything they want. I don't care, but I understand why someone would get offended by getting called a slur. Especially when the word was used by a person in the position of power in the past. The C word was used by lower level people referring to people richer and more powerful than them so it doesn't hold the same power as many other slurs for all different races.
I agree with you but you can’t deny how our pc culture has wrecked a lot of things like now you have to be careful which gender pronouns you use with small children.
Boston and Philly are just as racist as some parts of the south.
Completely true, but if Mr. UGA Baseball pulled that stunt in either of those cities, there would be at least a handful of people that would check him.
I agree with you but you can’t deny how our pc culture has wrecked a lot of things like now you have to be careful which gender pronouns you use with small children.
Not going to get to much into this thread, but ... man, what are you doing? Do you not see where some of the statements you’re making are demonstrably false? Especially in your previous post.

PC culture has wrecked things? Politics have wrecked things. Things were wrecked and being wrecked long before PC became a concept.

The problem is that the “packagers” have brainwashed people into thinking that PC is all left/liberal when any type of “inconvenience” could be PC.

Every thread is political now.
I skipped to the end to say to terragonsix that I knew your story wasn't going to have a happy ending the second I read the part where you called the kid "boy." Honestly, though, I thought you were going to say that the kid beat the **** out of you after you said that. LOL
Not going to get to much into this thread, but ... man, what are you doing? Do you not see where some of the statements you’re making are demonstrably false? Especially in your previous post.

PC culture has wrecked things? Politics have wrecked things. Things were wrecked and being wrecked long before PC became a concept.

The problem is that the “packagers” have brainwashed people into thinking that PC is all left/liberal when any type of “inconvenience” could be PC.

Every thread is political now.
Sure politics ruined pc culture and ruin a lot of things hence why people shouldn’t talk about it lol

But when you give a platform and empower these purpled hair people you end up with gender spectrum, safe spaces and feminazis.

I’ll do you one better have you heard of “theybies”
Sure politics ruined pc culture and ruin a lot of things hence why people shouldn’t talk about it lol

But when you give a platform and empower these purpled hair people you end up with gender spectrum, safe spaces and feminazis.

I’ll do you one better have you heard of “theybies”
Trying my best to stay out of these political spats on the board but they’re in almost every thread. PC is a package usually labeled left. It if PC was real and not just a construct then.

- manners would be PC
- taking off your hat or putting a hand over your heart for the anthem would PC ...

Using the overreaches of any political affiliation to belittle or eliminate what started off as additions to “common courtesy” is wrong, imo.

Well that didn't take long, boosters are ****ED...Baseball player who yelled racial slurs already dismissed from the program.

Person who reported it also had these interesting quotes "Everyone else around him wasn't saying anything, just laughing at the situation,"

"This isn't the first time this kind of issue has happened on campus, and I didn't want to let this go unheard. Nothing was being done about these situations, and people aren't talking about it enough. "

Can he punt?
Asking for a coach, err, friend.
I understand the moral context here. What I disagree with is UGA setting a dangerous precedent and making descions off that moral context and not respecting someone's civil liberties.

Man, GTFOH with that civil liberty, free speech chit, lol. You can say what you want to say, without fear of being arrested by the Gov. However, if someone takes a video of you saying it, while holding a tiki torch, and they decide to send that to your job. Your job can do what they want to do with your employment. Why the **** you don’t see too many peoples win free speech cases against places of employment? That student didn't have the sign that code of conduct, probably wouldn't have been accepted, but he did, and he was held to that. Just like if you work for someone under the same code of conduct! You don’t have to sign it if you don’t want to 😂.

And honestly, that was probably the best thing that could have happen, cause he would have got some serious smoke from the athletes out there.
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CNN and MSNBC have democratic leaning biases. MSNBC is the counterpart to Fox News.

So far, best mainstream news source I found is BBC News. Always good to get an outsider perspective.
Democratic leaning? That's like saying Liberace may have had homosexual tendencies.
CNN and MSNBC have democratic leaning biases. MSNBC is the counterpart to Fox News.

So far, best mainstream news source I found is BBC News. Always good to get an outsider perspective.

you are 100% wrong. BBC is as lefty as they come. MSNBC is not a counterpart to Fox News. MSNBC is radically leftist. Foxnews is nowhere near that on the other side. Foxnews simply provides more conservative voices that the other sites. It is a copout to say anything else. Foxnews simply kicks everyones *** because their news section is simply the best. I don't agree with all their opinion reports on the right, but at least they are honest about who they are. CNN and MSNBC try to act that they are neutral.
Sure politics ruined pc culture and ruin a lot of things hence why people shouldn’t talk about it lol

But when you give a platform and empower these purpled hair people you end up with gender spectrum, safe spaces and feminazis.

I’ll do you one better have you heard of “theybies”

LOL not trying to get into politics but the change to the PC Principal avator is hilarious!

I skipped to the end to say to terragonsix that I knew your story wasn't going to have a happy ending the second I read the part where you called the kid "boy." Honestly, though, I thought you were going to say that the kid beat the **** out of you after you said that. LOL

Nah. Would take a lot of 8 year old kids to do that. xD

He was 8. He was a boy. I don't regret saying it. If he was 22, someone might have a point. But they don't. Because hes a boy.
Keep telling your self that. Places in Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and parts of Florida still think its the 1950's. As a black man who has seen **** like this first hand, the "deep south" is alive an well.

Oh yeah I know there is a "scary racist guy" behind every bush...
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