OT: UGA Baseball Player Dismissed for Slurs

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Who made an excuse for him? Did I ? Did you read my post?

You lied about him getting kicked out of school so you could take the opportunityto defend the racist.t’s funny because you think you’re taking a stand on some sort of principle but you’ll always make excuses and deflect for the racists.
You lied about him getting kicked out of school so you could take the opportunityto defend the racist.t’s funny because you think you’re taking a stand on some sort of principle but you’ll always make excuses and deflect for the racists.
Dude I never said he got kicked out of schools..never said he should for this..go back n re-read and if u have too underline or highlight sentences
Dude I never said he got kicked out of schools..never said he should for this..go back n re-read and if u have too underline or highlight sentences

I was really referring to ballza or whatever.
Toxic?...It’s a reality bruh. If you wanna live in your cherry pie world and pretend these issues don’t exist around you, well, okay. If you feel uncomfortable when the issue is raised, I’m sorry....ain’t nobody saying “racism” doesn’t exist across racial lines. To me personally I’ve graduated from caring what predjudice someone has about cause of my skin and how I carry myself. But **** I’m not gonna pretend it doesn’t exist. The “toxic” racial climate in the country was formed by one majority. We know which majority that is. It’s crazy how some point to the minorities in this and their generational reaction to the history of racism in this nation as part of the problem

You're a dope. Of course it exists, but it exists in every race. You sure sound like a racist blaming others for your problem. Go see a shrink maybe they can help you.
You're a dope. Of course it exists, but it exists in every race. You sure sound like a racist blaming others for your problem. Go see a shrink maybe they can help you.
Didn't you read to the last quote, meathead?
Pay attention, you're sayin' the same **** that he said☝🏾☝🏾
I understand the moral context here. What I disagree with is UGA setting a dangerous precedent and making descions off that moral context and not respecting someone's civil liberties.
Civil liberties... lol another ****head making excuses... I'm not touching this thread, but I call someone a racist name in public I'm gonna lose business. He lost his position on the baseball team. It's 2018 if he's not that socially aware he should be gone.
Oh I agree! I don’t think the kid should be kicked out. UNLESS he has a history of this and becomes a issue within that student body. Which it seems both are true. But other than that my view on prejudice and racism in this country is unless you tryna institutionalize it or affect my money or my family with it, idgaf. The KKK can have they secluded rally meeting all they want. But they’ll never come to my part of broward with BS

From what I read he did it over and over again. No mercy for ********. He got what he deserved. I would have spoke up the first time he said it. You want people to get along you can't turn a blind eye and think it's alright. It isn't.
From what I read he did it over and over again. No mercy for ********. He got what he deserved. I would have spoke up the first time he said it. You want people to get along you can't turn a blind eye and think it's alright. It isn't.
I swear bruh..either u can’t read or u slow..u coming at me when we came to the same conclusion on the issue😂
Hmm 🤔 I wonder why these kids go to $EC country over Miami still ... but in all honesty this country has 300 million citizens, all races and cultures are going to have their eacists , if that weren’t the case there would be world peace. You just gotta let **** run off like water down your back these days.
Unless you think he should be totally kicked out of school, then I don’t agree. But as far as him playing baseball the team should suspend/ punish him no doubt about it
Hmm 🤔 I wonder why these kids go to $EC country over Miami still ... but in all honesty this country has 300 million citizens, all races and cultures are going to have their eacists , if that weren’t the case there would be world peace. You just gotta let **** run off like water down your back these days.
But Miami and other places have racist too. Like the **** that was said about randy Shannon while he was here. **** is everywhere in America. Don’t surprise me where it happens
That’s not what he saying bruh. U can’t kick a kid out of school for a 1st offense like this. It’s a terrible precedent. If they do what’s to stop then from kicking out half the football or basketball team for the use of that word. In the same context or not. Now how the baseball team handles it is up to them
Wow surprisingly civil conversation actually
But Miami and other places have racist too. Like the **** that was said about randy Shannon while he was here. **** is everywhere in America. Don’t surprise me where it happens
Bro there’s racism everywhere as long as there different cultures and people, not only America but the world.. Europeans are extremely prejudice and racist but for some reason it’s put under a microscope in the United States.
Its funny you say that because i feel like the whiter more secluded parts are more likely to be less racist as compared to places like parts of FL where they do come in contact minorities.

I don't think all white people are racist but alot of them are, they feel threatened by minorities and look at demographic movement and are freaked out, which is the main driver behind the orange one.
Bro you’re brainwashed
Bro there’s racism everywhere as long as there different cultures and people, not only America but the world.. Europeans are extremely prejudice and racist but for some reason it’s put under a microscope in the United States.
It’s under a microscope because of how America institutionalized racism during and post slavery for 200 plus years the effects of which are still felt today (penal system). While going around the globe peddling freedom and democracy. During the height of ww2 our own country had disinfranchised citizens in its own nation years during and decades following . We as a nation want to be global leaders of democracy (or that’s what they tell us) and get credit for being liberators. That why our history and present dealing of race relations in this nation is and should be put under a microscope.
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