OT: Billy Corben on The Joe Rogan podcast

Your associates should already know where @BWCD is....
I'm typing this from an undisclosed location. How do I know it's undisclosed? Because they won't tell me where we are.

How many times is Billy Cohen going to go back to the "Miami" documentary well? Multiple cocaine cowboy movies. Multiple "The U" movies. Now he's pimping his Balco-steroid-A-Rod movie like steroids in baseball isn't a twenty year old topic. Is his next flick going to be a behind the scenes look at the production of Scarface? I believe I saw he released a live action dramatic production about *surprise* Cocaine Cowboy, Rivi Ayala. How many times can one filmmaker regurgitate the same content?
How many times is Billy Cohen going to go back to the "Miami" documentary well? Multiple cocaine cowboy movies. Multiple "The U" movies. Now he's pimping his Balco-steroid-A-Rod movie like steroids in baseball isn't a twenty year old topic. Is his next flick going to be a behind the scenes look at the production of Scarface? I believe I saw he released a live action dramatic production about *surprise* Cocaine Cowboy, Rivi Ayala. How many times can one filmmaker regurgitate the same content?

Dave Barry & Carl Hiaasen kind of did the same but at least they were occasionally funny/interesting as they went to the South Florida moneytree for the thousandth time.

Cohen comes off as a smug little guy that thinks he's above everything he incorrectly describes Miami was and is. There's nothing worse than someone that wants to be the face of something/somewhere that thinks he's better than that thing or place and is the self-appointed conduit to tell its story to the rest of the "normal" world. Probably explains his friendship with Lebatard.
How many times is Billy Cohen going to go back to the "Miami" documentary well? Multiple cocaine cowboy movies. Multiple "The U" movies. Now he's pimping his Balco-steroid-A-Rod movie like steroids in baseball isn't a twenty year old topic. Is his next flick going to be a behind the scenes look at the production of Scarface? I believe I saw he released a live action dramatic production about *surprise* Cocaine Cowboy, Rivi Ayala. How many times can one filmmaker regurgitate the same content?

Worked out pretty well for Scorsese--how many NY-related and/or mob-related movies has he put out? Not comparing Corben to Scorsese (the latter's done a helluva lot of other things over the course of a 55-year career), but if it works, you keep going back to it.
Worked out pretty well for Scorsese--how many NY-related and/or mob-related movies has he put out? Not comparing Corben to Scorsese (the latter's done a helluva lot of other things over the course of a 55-year career), but if it works, you keep going back to it.

The Departed was set in Boston.

That's all I got. Your point holds.
Dave Barry & Carl Hiaasen kind of did the same but at least they were occasionally funny/interesting as they went to the South Florida moneytree for the thousandth time.

Cohen comes off as a smug little guy that thinks he's above everything he incorrectly describes Miami was and is. There's nothing worse than someone that wants to be the face of something/somewhere that thinks he's better than that thing or place and is the self-appointed conduit to tell its story to the rest of the "normal" world. Probably explains his friendship with Lebatard.
Worked out pretty well for Scorsese--how many NY-related and/or mob-related movies has he put out? Not comparing Corben to Scorsese (the latter's done a helluva lot of other things over the course of a 55-year career), but if it works, you keep going back to it.

I think the main difference is those guys are using a city/area as a backdrop for fictional work. Corben is just rehashing events that took place in reality and putting his name on them. Corben didn't invent the Miami cocaine business. He didn't invent the UM football dynasty. He's just telling someone else's story and making money off it.

Honestly, I enjoyed Cocaine Cowboys and The U. They were entertaining and interesting. Their respective sequels however, fell way short. I mean, I can't say I "hated" the U part 2 because I love the Hurricanes and that championship team but it was really the same exact movie with a few different characters. I loved the Miami aspect of it but as a film, it was pretty crappy.
The only thing ridiculous is you not acknowledging that I said that I personally don't think he's alt-right or understanding why some* people MIGHT think he is at a cursory glance when they see him buddying around with Alex Jones or not pushing back on Milo or Gavin McInnes as hard as he does on other issues. These are the poster boys of that "movement" so of course it's going to resonate.

You're also not acknowledging that white nationalism is the lifeblood of the alt-right so Rogan being "liberal" on economic policies, etc doesn't exactly run counter to the garbage that Milo and other spew.

And I reiterate that I don't think Rogan is anything more than a little too negligent sometimes in how he handles his intellectual curiosity. So calm down and let me know when Adam Carolla or Bill Burr is on his show again.

So because Rogan is white and male and doesn't "push back" he is secretly hiding his white nationalistic tendencies.

Makes sense.

Something tells me the foundation you think you're standing on is really a pile of ****. I hope you look down at some point.

LOL @ a COMEDIAN being negligent regarding ANY of these issues as if he is intellectually capable of engaging all of these individuals as an "expert" in :insert topic here:.

The guy lets these people talk and WE the audience can determine the veracity of their positions. He's had 1300 interviews and the guys you named account for what? 6 of them? Keep failing.
So because Rogan is white and male and doesn't "push back" he is secretly hiding his white nationalistic tendencies.

Makes sense.

Something tells me the foundation you think you're standing on is really a pile of ****. I hope you look down at some point.

LOL @ a COMEDIAN being negligent regarding ANY of these issues as if he is intellectually capable of engaging all of these individuals as an "expert" in :insert topic here:.

The guy lets these people talk and WE the audience can determine the veracity of their positions. He's had 1300 interviews and the guys you named account for what? 6 of them? Keep failing.

Jesu Christo, bro.

A) We're obviously not going to agree here.

B) If you actually read my comments you'd have seen that I've defended Rogan's own personal views/intellectual curiosity. The worst thing I've said about your hero is that he might be sometimes negligent with his pretty large platform.

C) The comedian card is lame one to play. It was lame when Jon Stewart played it. It's lame when Bill Maher plays it. These guys are all in the marketplace of ideas and the standard should just be a tad higher than what me might assign to Kevin Hart's standup routine.
Jesu Christo, bro.

A) We're obviously not going to agree here.

B) If you actually read my comments you'd have seen that I've defended Rogan's own personal views/intellectual curiosity. The worst thing I've said about your hero is that he might be sometimes negligent with his pretty large platform.

C) The comedian card is lame one to play. It was lame when Jon Stewart played it. It's lame when Bill Maher plays it. These guys are all in the marketplace of ideas and the standard should just be a tad higher than what me might assign to Kevin Hart's standup routine.

6 interviews out of 1300 and you're the one pushing broad strokes. Come back with some substance. We can wait it is the offseason.
6 interviews out of 1300 and you're the one pushing broad strokes. Come back with some substance. We can wait it is the offseason.

I'd be saying the same thing if it was 6 interviews with Farrakhan out of whatever # you want to throw out there. Especially if Rogan then decided it was okay to go and appear on whatever platform Farrakhan has. The quantity of podcasts he's done is essentially irrelevant here.

And you act like I'm smearing the guy personally. Like I said, I just wish he would've drawn the line with Alex Jones after 1 interaction with him- max.
I'd be saying the same thing if it was 6 interviews with Farrakhan out of whatever # you want to throw out there. Especially if Rogan then decided it was okay to go and appear on whatever platform Farrakhan has. The quantity of podcasts he's done is essentially irrelevant here.

And you act like I'm smearing the guy personally. Like I said, I just wish he would've drawn the line with Alex Jones after 1 interaction with him- max.

Silly post remains silly. Joe called out Alex on the last interview they had and multiple times once he learned of the Sandy Hook nonsense. Alex repeatedly apologized for it. At some point people need to be forgiven for idiocy. Alex Jones is not the smartest apple to fall off the tree but he has been right about some other things too.

See your issue is you think conversations do not need to take place. That points of view, as crazy as they may be, need to be pushed into the dark. You fight idiocy with intelligence and conversation within an open forum. Rogan might be a lot of things but that is what he attempts to do.

You clearly do not have any semblance of facts and enjoy engaging in conversations with a level of ignorance that is comical. Go enjoy your safe space and the rest of us will handle adulting.
Silly post remains silly. Joe called out Alex on the last interview they had and multiple times once he learned of the Sandy Hook nonsense. Alex repeatedly apologized for it. At some point people need to be forgiven for idiocy. Alex Jones is not the smartest apple to fall off the tree but he has been right about some other things too.

See your issue is you think conversations do not need to take place. That points of view, as crazy as they may be, need to be pushed into the dark. You fight idiocy with intelligence and conversation within an open forum. Rogan might be a lot of things but that is what he attempts to do.

You clearly do not have any semblance of facts and enjoy engaging in conversations with a level of ignorance that is comical. Go enjoy your safe space and the rest of us will handle adulting.

With all due respect, your willingness to have a "conversation" with Sandy Hook truthers (especially after their faux apologies) says more about you than me.

Sure, sunlight is the best antiseptic but some viewpoints and people and theories are so vile that they just shouldn't be dignified even if the effort is to disprove.

As far as "safe spaces", I know that's a cute little term to attack librulz with (of which I absolutely am not) but the REAL safe spaces are those in which no ideas or people or insane theories are allowed to be shunned or called out for the trash that they are.

Go ahead and put on your big boy pants. You can call Alex Jones an opportunist scumbag taking advantage of the dupes that comprise his audience without rational people saying you're squashing free speech. Trust me. It'll be okay. Nobody will hurt you or say mean things.
With all due respect, your willingness to have a "conversation" with Sandy Hook truthers (especially after their faux apologies) says more about you than me.

Sure, sunlight is the best antiseptic but some viewpoints and people and theories are so vile that they just shouldn't be dignified even if the effort is to disprove.

As far as "safe spaces", I know that's a cute little term to attack librulz with (of which I absolutely am not) but the REAL safe spaces are those in which no ideas or people or insane theories are allowed to be shunned or called out for the trash that they are.

Go ahead and put on your big boy pants. You can call Alex Jones an opportunist scumbag taking advantage of the dupes that comprise his audience without rational people saying you're squashing free speech. Trust me. It'll be okay. Nobody will hurt you or say mean things.

Your rant did not dispute or address anything I said. You would rather squash and move lunacy into the dark (the worst place it can be) instead of addressing it with intelligent thought.

I loathe the Westboro Church but appreciate the fact I live in a country where that level of idiocy is allowed and more importantly fought openly. You would rather put rules on free speech and that is a slippery sloop history has already proven time and time again ends in nothing but failure. If Jones or anyone else is making moronic statements they need to be addressed in public 100% of the time. Again I laugh at someone who holds Rogan to an intellectual level no one can dream to achieve while still appreciating him having the widest range of interviewee's known to man.

I'm bored studying lets turn your uber safe space caterpiller into the beautiful free speech killing butterfly it wants to be.
I'll never watch InfoWars, but Alex Jones getting okey doked into getting high, drinking to excess and talking about Human-Alien Hybrid conspiracy theories is f'n hilarious and mandatory viewing.

Yeah, but not for four hours. Unless you’re getting high and drunk at the same time. And that’s okay too.
Yeah, but not for four hours. Unless you’re getting high and drunk at the same time.

I went all four hours on that podcast and have watched some of the clips over again...Eddie and Joe egging him on and taking the ridiculousness up is just hilarious to me. When Eddie Bravo walks in and Alex Jones begs to get choked out so he can have an out of body experience so he can see in the future and follows up that with a story about how he lost his virginity is comedy.