New workout vid

Oh my goodness, Hall our here lookin like Laron Landry



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I didn’t want to be that guy who pointed that out but since we are here, I agree. No reason to use that grip. Yes you can lift more, but more potential for muscle imbalances and injury. Also as you stated, stay with the grip you use in the follwwoing Olympic lifts such as power cleans.

You can’t even lift more using the alternating grip. The hook grip is more than sufficient for even the heaviest weights these guys might deadlift.
If you use proper form, you're not going to tear a bicep doing alternate grips on dead lifts. The only way you tear a bicep is if you try curling the weight. This is pretty standard when you start getting up in weight on dead lifts. Using alternate grip allows you to not have to focus on grip and more on actually just trying to lift and use proper technique.

Using the hook grip is far superior in every way at any given weight that these guys would be lifting and it doesn’t create potential for muscle imbalances. It also translates to other lifts. The alternating grip provides absolutely no value to these athletes.
Using the hook grip is far superior in every way at any given weight that these guys would be lifting and it doesn’t create potential for muscle imbalances. It also translates to other lifts. The alternating grip provides absolutely no value to these athletes.


No, it’s not debatable at all. None of these guys deadlift enough to where a hook grip may start to fail. And, the hook grip is used in the OLY lifts, so learning it and becoming comfortable with it in the deadlift benefits the OLY lifts tremendously.

Beyond that, in my experience watching these guys workout, very few of them display good technique on any of their lifts, so asking a guy to use an alternating grip is just asking for trouble. Additionally, avoiding developmental imbalances requires these guys to regularly switch which hand is supinated, which places further pressure on their ability to use proper technique.