Highsmith Rumor

Be suprised if blake is fired. Guess it would be a start but Manny wont go anywhere this year even if there is a new AD
80k With bonuses here and there and I’ll be the effing AD. I effing love this place and would fix this **** in a heartbeat ( y’all have seen my personal candidate list). Anybody but Blake...
Highsmith is on the verge of being a NFL GM... Why would he take a ****** AD job? Mario Cristobal is literally 6-1 right now with Oregon on the verge of winning the Pac 12. Do you really think him and Alonzo Highsmith are conspiring behind close doors to take over Miami... Mario also has a better job at Oregon with elite facilities, High end Roster and he already has his culture in place. I just don't see why he would conspire with Alonzo Highsmith during the season to take a worse job then the one he has now? Way to many moving parts to be true
Mario looses herbert after this year too.
He doesn't know them like that everything that guy said was half-truth. Mario knows what Miami is willing to put in the program and was not interested, stop believing these people. Its deeper than just the AD. The program wants to win, but they want to win the right way... no issues. Mario in Miami is a sanction waiting to happen believe me.
Lol. There is no winning the right way in cfb. The teams that are competing for titles and winning them aren't doing it the right way.
80k With bonuses here and there and I’ll be the effing AD. I effing love this place and would fix this **** in a heartbeat ( y’all have seen my personal candidate list). Anybody but Blake...
The AD should be CIS polls. We vote on everything and air out all the laundry of candidate interviews here! 😂
Potential nightmare scenario brewing.

Lingard transfers.
Deejay goes pro.
Chaney decommits
Why do people think Highsmith would be a good AD? Honest question.

  • He played for Howard and Jimmy, before being inducted in the the []__[] Sports Hall of Fame in 1997.

  • His extensive experience as an EXECUTIVE and TALENT SCOUT in the NFL.

  • In 2012, he accepted a Senior Personnel Executive position in the front office of the Green Bay Packers.

  • On January 2, 2018, it was reported that he would be joining the Cleveland Browns as their vice president of football operations. On January 10, it was confirmed that Highsmith would join the Browns, just as the Vice President of Player Personnel.

He represents the best of anyone who's ever been associated with []__[]. It's a no brainer.
Did not happen. Mario did not have the payola to get the guys he wanted and left when Bama provided that for recruits. He took Becker and Ridley with him. Golden wanted him to makeup for recruiting lacks on his staff just as fields is now.

You’re probably right. It does sound far fetched
Be suprised if blake is fired. Guess it would be a start but Manny wont go anywhere this year even if there is a new AD

It’s a start. Manny isn’t winning next year. He would be donezo after next season.
Highsmith is on the verge of being a NFL GM... Why would he take a ****** AD job? Mario Cristobal is literally 6-1 right now with Oregon on the verge of winning the Pac 12. Do you really think him and Alonzo Highsmith are conspiring behind close doors to take over Miami... Mario also has a better job at Oregon with elite facilities, High end Roster and he already has his culture in place. I just don't see why he would conspire with Alonzo Highsmith during the season to take a worse job then the one he has now? Way to many moving parts to be true

That’s all to throw everyone off the scent.