Highsmith Rumor

Rumor: Urban Meyer reached out to Jenn Strawley & UM and expressed interest in the job.

They had a great talk about toxic masculinity in CFB, and she forgave him for the Zack Smith incident.

Hearing BOT is willing to pony up $10M/Yr after Jenn gave the "thumbs up."
Now I know this is BS. 10 mil per year is gas money for Urban.
Ok if Highsmith become the AD does the BOT get out the way and let him run the athletic department to his liking and their backing. If not, doesn’t matter whose the AD they’ll just be a figure head to the BOT”s
Not believing any of this although I can only wish. Can we add in Winston Moss though? Two bad *** canes in the mix please?
This place has turned into an Insane Clown Posse concert porta potty
what do you mean "turned into" ? for a long *** time this place has been so bad they couldnt even get Nurse Ratchett to be a moderator in this insane asylum... lol