Diaz Gets It....

I do know. We can revist this in 2 years so we could laugh at how naive and gullible you are.

Nah. You think you know. You don’t. In the least bit.

And, for the record, I’m not predicting any level of success or failure for Manny. Because....wait for it....I don’t know and can’t predict the future. Thankfully, neither can you.
Nah. You think you know. You don’t. In the least bit.

And, for the record, I’m not predicting any level of success or failure for Manny. Because....wait for it....I don’t know and can’t predict the future. Thankfully, neither can you.
Bro. You're arguing with a guy who says he can see the future. That's the kind of sht you just let go, because if somebody really thinks that there isn't any way you'l change their mind.
Nah. You think you know. You don’t. In the least bit.

And, for the record, I’m not predicting any level of success or failure for Manny. Because....wait for it....I don’t know and can’t predict the future. Thankfully, neither can you.
This is the sane middle ground between slurper and mope where most of us reside. Criticize the bad, praise the good, and revisit when the facts are in.
Nah. You think you know. You don’t. In the least bit.

And, for the record, I’m not predicting any level of success or failure for Manny. Because....wait for it....I don’t know and can’t predict the future. Thankfully, neither can you.
Bro. You're arguing with a guy who says he can see the future. That's the kind of sht you just let go, because if somebody really thinks that there isn't any way you'l change their mind.
I will just respond to both of you at the same time.

I am not saying I can see the future. Like I said in the other post. I don't need to be able to see the future, to know the guy bagging my groceries at publix can't lead this team to a natty either. What sort of jobs do you guys work? Do you just hire anyone that asks for the job, then just say "welp, we won't know this guy isn't the one for the job until he drives us into bankruptcy!"
As usual, your Manny obsession, or at least obsession with anyone who ever said anything derogatory about him, comes shining through.

All of that said, Manny has never been short on words (like his old man) and he exclaimed "now the work begins" in 2019 before the season started...I believe multiple times actually.

We all want him to succeed, so maybe it's time for you to stop willing it to happen through thread after thread pumping him up.
He is learning on the job, he has made some nice hires to keep his own job, and he says all the right things....let's all hope it pays off.


He did what he needed to do after the season and what any reasonably good leader would do - make adjustments as required. For that, he gets an A from me.

How the team does during the season is the ultimate test.
You're assuming that Coker, Shannon and Golden didn't.
Correct... I may be wrong, but I don't remember either of the ones you named making decisions like this after their first yr. Especially after a losing record.
While there are some people who have rooted for him to lose on this board, Manny does not need any help losing. He is remarkably bad at this, yet remarkably good at winning over certain fans during the off season.
Rhet Lashlee’s offense will not succeed if players can not complete passes. Let’s not dump so much stock into play-calling. It didn’t work when we “added motion” either.
Well, now we not only have Rumph on the payroll, but yet another DB from the 2001 team! That will change everything.

For us playcalling is that important.

When we root it in an identity that is based around our strengths, we play well. When we force a coach’s philosophy regardless of onhand personnel, we break records for poor play.

We are closer to the team that marched down the field opening drive on Florida than to the team that got zeroed by La tech.

We set records for bad defense under D’onofrio. We set records for bad offense under Richt and Enos. It’s hard for us to fathom that we hired D’onofrio level coordinators back to back on offense, but we did.

Enos should have built on what he learned in the Florida game, but he was stubborn and disorganized. Add in his cantankerous arrogance and it was a case study in how to get tuned out by your team.

It could have gone completely differently, even with players we had that are so hated now. His playcalling created a team that was perpetually two steps forward, four steps back.

Go back to the quick slant we threw to Mark Pope from an under center three step drop against Florida. It was an easy pitch and catch and put us in a favorable down and distance. I NEVER saw it the REST OF THE SEASON and it was consistently there against most teams. Look at the plays he ran after that play and how they killed momentum.

We have to get over the idea that we can call any old bullshyt and it will work if we “execute”. The best offensive coordinators don’t think like that. There is a reason some guys have Riley level success and others are journeymen like Enos.
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Yawn.......show me the results


Plus for all of the positives of this offseason. Manny failed to ,among other things:
  • Recruit enough top level offensive linemen even with a stud local crop and an experienced group of OL on the transfer market.
  • Recruit enough stud Lbs(Cue the idiots trying to hype up Flagg & Cave).
  • Find a replacement at WR for our most dynamic and explosive player in Jeff Thomas.
  • Make coaching upgrades on the defensive side of the ball.
Correct... I may be wrong, but I don't remember either of the ones you named making decisions like this after their first yr. Especially after a losing record.
Any sane man will make every effort to keep a multi-million job. The logic says they tried but their effort failed because they were not good coaches who didn't know what to do. In addition, Blake the Flake will do anything now to support Manny because he knows he is going down if Manny fails this season. You could give it all the "effort" in the world but still fail if you are a corch.
We set records for bad defense under D’onofrio. We set records for bad offense under Richt and Enos. It’s hard for us to fathom that we hired D’onofrio level coordinators back to back on offense, but we did.

And this, my friend, is why you and everyone else will fail to win me over during any off season ever again. I don't GAF what it says on paper. "The next guy will be so much better than the last guy!" FOH. Fool me 5 times, shame on ME. Richt was an OC for a National Championship team and TWO SEC Championship teams. Enos was Saban's next man up. Now we have someone who will confuse the defense EVEN BETTER! Tell me about it in 2021.
He does more than talk, that’s how he was able to make moves in the first place. He’s showing actions, that’s not talk. Today wasn’t talk at all, if you didn’t see, that’s on you. His first year and we automatically expected him not to struggle, lose, take bumps, and just win 10 games. He will be the goat when it’s all over.
Stop blowing smoke up Manure's ***
And this, my friend, is why you and everyone else will fail to win me over during any off season ever again. I don't GAF what it says on paper. "The next guy will be so much better than the last guy!" FOH. Fool me 5 times, shame on ME. Richt was an OC for a National Championship team and TWO SEC Championship teams. Enos was Saban's next man up. Now we have someone who will confuse the defense EVEN BETTER! Tell me about it in 2021.

The signs were there.

Richt was stripped of play calling duties at UGA. Enos ran a style that almost nobody runs anymore, even when they have the personnel. When he lost his senior quarterback and NFL prospect online, production fell sharply.

I didn’t like the Enos hire, but I talk myself into offseason moves in the name of optimism and not having hopeless off seasons.

Lashlee is different. He is almost exactly what I want in offensive philosophy. He uses a physical run game that can use angles and numbers to get yards brute force alone might leave on the field. He emphasizes getting the ball out of the quarterbacks hand quickly and has a diverse short passing game. He takes deep shots frequently when given the look and still emphasizes the quick release.
If he attacks the middle of the field with Bevin and Mallory, he will have a complete system that takes pressure off our teams most questionable units, quarterback and offensive line.

If we fail, I believe that it will be because of Diaz’s deficiencies as a leader, not Lashlee’s play calling or scheme.

My worry is Lashlee covers Manny’s warts and makes him look good. Then we sign Manny too a big extension, Lashlee leaves, and we find Diaz is still the shook, perpetrating corch he proved to be in 2019.
If Diaz got it he would have made defensive staff changes. People claim he isn't headstrong & stubborn, that Mandy is taking action. Is that really true? Yeah he canned Enos & then initiated the off season hype train, but he totally turned a blind eye to an overhyped D. He admitted his mistake in hiring Enos, but is still ignoring the fact some off his spawn are duds. It is what it is, it will probably be his undoing in the end.

Maybe he can stay as the offseason hype man though even if things dont work out.
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The signs were there.

Richt was stripped of play calling duties at UGA. Enos ran a style that almost nobody runs anymore, even when they have the personnel. When he lost his senior quarterback and NFL prospect online, production fell sharply.

I didn’t like the Enos hire, but I talk myself into offseason moves in the name of optimism and not having hopeless off seasons.

Lashlee is different. He is almost exactly what I want in offensive philosophy. He uses a physical run game that can use angles and numbers to get yards brute force alone might leave on the field. He emphasizes getting the ball out of the quarterbacks hand quickly and has a diverse short passing game. He takes deep shots frequently when given the look and still emphasizes the quick release.
If he attacks the middle of the field with Bevin and Mallory, he will have a complete system that takes pressure off our teams most questionable units, quarterback and offensive line.

If we fail, I believe that it will be because of Diaz’s deficiencies as a leader, not Lashlee’s play calling or scheme.

My worry is Lashlee covers Manny’s warts and makes him look good. Then we sign Manny too a big extension, Lashlee leaves, and we find Diaz is still the shook, perpetrating corch he proved to be in 2019.
Your last paragraph is my fear as well. Manny is a little weaselly snake oil salesmen & will get an extension off of this watch n see
Your last paragraph is my fear as well. Manny is a little weaselly snake oil salesmen & will get an extension off of this watch n see
Yep, everything is set up for another '17 season. Then King will be gone and another year or so max, Lashlee will move on and we're back to reality. Hopefully but not probably, Flake has learned a lesson about premature extensions.
this is so exhausting. I'm going to break from the forum. My stomach can't handle this anymore. I need a DRINK. A double, scotch straight up. Hallelujah. :eczk8maixn847u2tx5.jpg:. The university of MIAMI is slowly comin back.