
It could be ‘both.’ I have no doubt you’ve watched too many of those types of movies.
Early with the cheap shot! I actually expected that when I wrote it, so good for you. I know you’ve been waiting for a get-back opportunity. The only time it worked in reverse in the movies … “Bad News Bears” and “Stripes”.

That said, I previously mentioned managers … (sorry, I don’t have a good movie at the ready).

++ Leadership > ++ character guys
Early with the cheap shot! I actually expected that when I wrote it, so good for you. I know you’ve been waiting for a get-back opportunity. The only time it worked in reverse in the movies … “Bad News Bears” and “Stripes”.

That said, I previously mentioned managers … (sorry, I don’t have a good movie at the ready).

++ Leadership > ++ character guys
If you found that a cheap shot, you may be overly insecure and posting from your mother’s basement (that’s a cheap shot). The post you responded to was light hearted banter.

The character discussion is meaningless in the abstract. Which leaders, what types of character issues.... Quitters are quitters. Leaders dump them. You can go to war with misfits, ******** and murderers, if everyone is aligned. If you go to war with fragile kids who cry when something goes against them, well, you better have a surrender plan in your back pocket.
JT isn’t Percy or even in his stratosphere lol. Percy was one of the best college players ever. That actually performed on Saturday’s. That’s an all time horrible comparison. Percy could do whatever he wanted because he was the best players on the team that destroyed on Saturday’s.

Also I know multiple guys from those teams since I live in gainesville, those teams had some off the field knuckle heads but on Saturday’s or anything football related was all business. Their was a culture when it came to football, losing was unacceptable. They also had some great leaders to go with the knuckleheads.

Murdering people during the week was fine. They had killers on and off the field.
Point is the football culture was set by the HC, who just so happens to be one of the most successful ever. Football culture and off field behavior don't always line up. Urb was able to take a bunch of knuckleheads and make them unite on Saturdays. Our guys can't do that.
Our HCs have been **** leaders forever. Fans are too easy on HCs. They think they're getting paid $4M per year just to scheme in a lab. Their primary job is leadership and direction. Dabo couldn't scheme his way out of a wet paper bag.

You've, we've, many of us have been saying this forever.

Miami doesn't have the right organizational leadership at AD and HC positions.

Reed hire is further endemic of it.

Get ruthless and competent AD-HC talent, on field product will sell and win all.on its own.
JT isn’t Percy or even in his stratosphere lol. Percy was one of the best college players ever. That actually performed on Saturday’s. That’s an all time horrible comparison. Percy could do whatever he wanted because he was the best players on the team that destroyed on Saturday’s.

Also I know multiple guys from those teams since I live in gainesville, those teams had some off the field knuckle heads but on Saturday’s or anything football related was all business. Their was a culture when it came to football, losing was unacceptable.

Murdering people during the week was fine. They had killers on and off the field.

LMAO you’re so lost on this.. Hilarious. You basically sound like a guy who’s never developed an individual/team or owned the market share of anything DUE to your direction or influence. You really don’t understand leadership. How a real leader/coach can get a guy like JT to overcome his previous experiences and produce on an elite level.

Urban Meyer created the culture man - Everywhere he went. He managed the personalities everywhere he went. His S&C was ELITE everywhere he went. He put his players in a position to succeed everywhere he went. He set the parameters and the culture was a result of his leadership! So even though they had terrible character, guys like Percy were managed under that umbrella. Meyer’s umbrella. And developed.

That’s Leadership.

JT never even had a chance to perform on Saturdays in Jon & Mark‘s incompetent offense, calling “sandlot Gos” every other play, while producing the most inept QB coaching known to CFB. What a dumb as statement.
Point is the football culture was set by the HC, who just so happens to be one of the most successful ever. Football culture and off field behavior don't always line up. Urb was able to take a bunch of knuckleheads and make them unite on Saturdays. Our guys can't do that.

Hc builds it.
Point is the football culture was set by the HC, who just so happens to be one of the most successful ever. Football culture and off field behavior don't always line up. Urb was able to take a bunch of knuckleheads and make them unite on Saturdays. Our guys can't do that.

Yeah only the blind can’t see this. I mean you really have to be living on a different planet not to be able to tell the difference Urban’s leadership and the **** show we’ve had at Miami.
Character matters. Our top three character guys were our first three picks this weekend. Jeff Thomas and Trevon Hill still haven’t found a team.

We were excited at the time, but in retrospect, the culture was poisoned when Manny did the following:

1) Convinced Jarren to stay;
2) Signed an OC with the idea that he would “fix” Jarren and the other QBs;
3) Begged Jeff to come back;
4) Signed Hill after he got kicked out of another program;
5) Signed Tate after he quit another program; and
5) Tweet bragged about all of the above.

We need to learn our lesson going forward. There are no short-cuts. The only way to build a culture is to be careful and consistent about who you let in the building. That is the secret at Clemson.

i wouldn't say tate quit so to speak bc he was looking for a shot to play and was told by day that he wouldn't play there. JT and Jarren were the ones that he should've said no thanks to. the OC, we all thought we were getting something diff than we got in terms of scheme. enos was a bum, but i do think enos maybe promised a good shot at landing hurts (maybe even better than good) when he was brought in based on their relationship.
You’re locked in on one issue and ignoring the signals on other issues. Very common form of cognitive dissonance. Lazy quitters with mediocre talent are lazy quitters with mediocre talent. The NFL wasn’t wrong here.

Yawn. No cognitive dissonance here. I’ve developed teams on multiple continents and in multiple fields. Some of us actually know what we’re talking about in regards to leadership and individual development. Understanding THETA, psychology, and how individuals react to certain experiences may help you see it better.
Hc builds it.

as you said with the players on the team -- how diff is the team if Tebow isnt the leader he was at UF. like you said, they had many issues off the field w the characters they took but the leaders on their team kept them in line on the field for sure. in the locker room, they had a business like approach and starts with him and the others they had. if tebow had the leadership skills of JW, who knows how it turns out w all their off field issues (aside from coaching, bc we know Urban is an amazing coach but once tebow left, all the off field **** did catch up to them and even led to a down year following tebow where he eventually quit).
Yawn. No cognitive dissonance here. I’ve developed teams on multiple continents and in multiple fields. Some of us actually know what we’re talking about in regards to leadership and individual development. Understanding THETA, psychology, and how individuals react to certain experiences may help you see it better.
Great leaders understand the importance of leadership. I happen to also be a phenomenal leader, and I've taken several people that others were ready to give up on and turned them into killers in a fairly short time.
If you found that a cheap shot, you may be overly insecure and posting from your mother’s basement (that’s a cheap shot). The post you responded to was light hearted banter.

The character discussion is meaningless in the abstract. Which leaders, what types of character issues.... Quitters are quitters. Leaders dump them. You can go to war with misfits, ******** and murderers, if everyone is aligned. If you go to war with fragile kids who cry when something goes against them, well, you better have a surrender plan in your back pocket.
really? that’s an OCCC/lame CIS retort … a dead giveaway for insecurity; especially, when it was my reply that was light-hearted … with an attempt to move forward. Oh, well, you did make an extra effort to get in mother’s basement shot. (Just thought about it and the last time my mother lived in a house that had a basement was … 40 years ago! Please send help! I’m stuck and alone! Though I’ve figured out a way to have a computer and internet - without electricity! with more ambition I might be able to monetize extemporaneous electricity/internet…)

in the abstract I’d hope that we can agree that quitters aren’t quitters. It’s not that black and white … cut and dry. I think one of your previous posts said as much.

Leaders train the fragile kids too, they don’t just “cut them loose” all the time. They get them to learn their own limitations and how they may be limiting their own potential.

Jimmy Johnson not only wins with Jarren and JT, but they don’t become distractions either.

Leadership matters.
People argued character for the last few years, but I think most guys who actually played the game understood what those type players do to a team/program.

I was aboard with the Manny hire- loved him saying there was a sickness, then just couldn't believe he brought JT back. That was an ill thought out despreate move and he paid for it. I hope he sees from this draft what to really focus on.
Percy didn’t quit during the season either.

Dumb. You have know idea if he tried to quit the season. What is widely reported is him missing multiple practices, smoking weed, missing class, and physically fighting his coaches.

The difference in outcomes was the HC leadership. How he was managed and developed.
Can’t have an all choir team

gotta have that dawg in them

Trick is to find the dudes who want to fight and claw for their brothers to the left and right of them. Seems the character of kids we’ve brought in have been too much ALL ME mentality.
Can’t have an all choir team

gotta have that dawg in them

Trick is to find the dudes who want to fight and claw for their brothers to the left and right of them. Seems the character of kids we’ve brought in have been too much ALL ME mentality.

also gotta have the guys the other guys will listen to in the locker room. for example, cant have your QB be a midget as a leader and do all the off field **** the others are doing and expect them to respect him on saturdays. going back to the UF teams, they had a key figure on the field in the locker room with them, their QB. our most important offensive position (and team position) was a guy no one wanted to fight for as you said. so if hes ******* it up on the field, during practices, threatening to quit right before games, why the **** should anyone listen to him?
really? that’s an OCCC/lame CIS retort … a dead giveaway for insecurity; especially, when it was my reply that was light-hearted … with an attempt to move forward. Oh, well, you did make an extra effort to get in mother’s basement shot. (Just thought about it and the last time my mother lived in a house that had a basement was … 40 years ago! Please send help! I’m stuck and alone! Though I’ve figured out a way to have a computer and internet - without electricity! with more ambition I might be able to monetize extemporaneous electricity/internet…)

in the abstract I’d hope that we can agree that quitters aren’t quitters. It’s not that black and white … cut and dry. I think one of your previous posts said as much.

Leaders train the fragile kids too, they don’t just “cut them loose” all the time. They get them to learn their own limitations and how they may be limiting their own potential.

Jimmy Johnson not only wins with Jarren and JT, but they don’t become distractions either.

Leadership matters.
It seemed pretty clear that you were joking back with him.
as you said with the players on the team -- how diff is the team if Tebow isnt the leader he was at UF. like you said, they had many issues off the field w the characters they took but the leaders on their team kept them in line on the field for sure. in the locker room, they had a business like approach and starts with him and the others they had. if tebow had the leadership skills of JW, who knows how it turns out w all their off field issues (aside from coaching, bc we know Urban is an amazing coach but once tebow left, all the off field **** did catch up to them and even led to a down year following tebow where he eventually quit).

They won a NC with Chris Leak first. It’s all about the HC. Urban won another ship at OSU and played for more.