Brutal miss on 4th

This isnt even on Jarren being Mobile or not. Deejay Dallas whiffed on his guy completely and it affected the play. Regardless Jarren should have been able to call an audible for a hot route to harley yet I’m pretty **** sure enos doesn’t allow that based on the previous 11 games of the season
Dallas got his feet knocked out from under him by the guy Nelson was blocking. Once that happened the play was doomed. Do we know if Enos even allows Williams to audible? If not, with 4th and goal from the one, they have to be coached to call a timeout if they recognize they have the wrong play called. Didn't we end the first half with all three timeouts left?
this is the game to me that truly exposed Enos. Those that played the game know this type - he is a clipboard coordinator. Meaning, he draws up all of his plays and says to us.."this will work"...but doesn't account for how teams will scheme him. FIU had too much film and it just shows you just how "set in our ways" we are on offense that a team as crappy as FIU had their way with our scheme. That's all on Enos and how he prepares...and most of all his resistance to change which even average fans of football can see have haunted us since game one.
Miami is 107th in the nation in penalties, and 54th in the nation on third down defense. But its alllll Enos according to the blatantly biased OP.

Thank you for this. Ok, a few questions. I played qb for my fraternity in college and I coach my kids in 7x7. If I saw 2 on 1 as a player or as a coach, we run the play and i throw to that advantage on my own. I dont audible out to change the blocking scheme or anything else. I catch the ball in shotgun, in this case turn to my right and throw it to the open guy. Simple.

Is it really possible that JW doesn't have this freedom? Have the coaches told him never audible? JW had a terrible game. Should have been 5 interceptions. Is it possible this specific play is NOT on enos and is on JW?

It just doesnt seem reasonable that the coaches say "do not run through your 10 point checklist before every play and just run exactly what we called no matter what."

What say you?

Enos has failed miserably. I'm not defending him. Talking only about this play.


He's essentially said in press conferences they don't audible if at all. Also a check with me system isn't part of this offense. Which by not having is part of a thought process (which I don't share) that the original play covers all the contingent looks you might get on game day and has subtle built in counters.

But in this case the play was a called designed qb run. That's really evident. And they left an open guy pre snap. Also evident.

Which brings me to the finale. "You are either coaching it that way or allowing it to happen"

Either way you look at it... the coaches allowed that play to happen in that manner. No time out was called.
Players being “flat” for inferior opponents is on them. Central Michigan, Georgia Tech, V-Tech and FIU are examples. Coaching is giving up long runs up the middle on 4th and short, qb not recognizing mismatchs and changing the play, missed assignments leading to wide open td, 4th and 20 conversions. Seems we should have pounded them running the ball from the onset as coaching should’ve picked up on.
1. Horrible execution
2. It's obvious that Enos' offense is too complex for these kids, especially the WRs who consistently run the wrong routes, fail to get adequate depth on their route breaks, make improper route adjustments based on coverage, etc.
3. When the kids don't understand the offense and can't execute it's hopeless regardless of design. I don't like the static spread but there has to be a common ground between what Gruden terms the illusion of complexity (motion, formations, alignment) and the elegant simplicity of packaged plays with multiple options out of the same look.

Most of the fans are crying for the spread and a minority still prefers pro-style under center offense. Why can't we have the best of both worlds?
It's coaching 101, if you're going to run cover 2 with your safeties18 yds off the ball, we are going to run the ball down your fūcking throat until you come out of it. If you decide to stay with two deep safeties all game we should run the ball EVERY GOT **** PLAY.

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You literally just made me throw up in my mouth Roman. Luckily for me all I've eaten is a steady dose of whiskey since last night.
You don’t even need to audible out of this play. The first two reads before the ball is snapped are both wide open. JV players should be able to execute this.
Some posters keep saying Dallas whiffed. He did not. Nelson did what we want a lineman to do and pancaked his guy. Unfortunately he pancaked the defender right into Dallas's legs. Its just bad luck. Regardless, as OP points out, that's an easy problem to avoid with a simple audible.
He literally made the ONLY read that wouldn’t result in a TD

He's essentially said in press conferences they don't audible if at all. Also a check with me system isn't part of this offense. Which by not having is part of a thought process (which I don't share) that the original play covers all the contingent looks you might get on game day and has subtle built in counters.

But in this case the play was a called designed qb run. That's really evident. And they left an open guy pre snap. Also evident.

Which brings me to the finale. "You are either coaching it that way or allowing it to happen"

Either way you look at it... the coaches allowed that play to happen in that manner. No time out was called.
So you think JW saw it and said I've got 6 points to my right but I have to do what coach says (in this case, no matter what)?

The timeout doesnt help by the way. No way fiu's D lines up that way again.

It was a bust on the D that Miami didnt take advantage of. Which is SOOOO bad because with 2 on 1 to the right, the D is overloaded by 1 everywhere else.

I'll go back to see if JW ever looks to his right presnap. If he does, enos and possibly others should be looking for work tomorrow.