Bleak Visiona XVII- We are trash

I tried to stop it is what it is this. This here is nothing but the truth... FSU is a horrible team this game has. Nothing to do with th extra point, For you ****gots who said Richt was holding back the offense lol same offense same shiity plays... Richt is conservative as **** he is what he is. Same offense I saw last 4 games .... we ran 2 running plays all game. Kayaa is garbage and inaccurate on 3rd down.... we will lose at least 2-3 more games... Walton is garbage behind the line of scrimmage... Richt can't consistently beat teams that are talented...Richt was out coached we had numerous three and outs thank to Kayaa and Richt **** life ...

Richt doesn't trust Kayaa

How many tackles did Shaver Manuel have?
N'Kosi Perry.

I wholeheartedly believe that this kid will change the way Miami plays offense forever....

But until then, we still have enough to have a very good season. No reason we shouldn't beat VT or UNC unless Richt sh*ts the bed again. Outside of them, nobody else on our schedule should come within 2 touchdowns.

Diaz and his boys showed that they're legit. Excited to watch this D progress to elite over the next couple of years.

LOL naw man

VT just STOMPED UNC who went into doak and was ruining this FSU team in the first half.. absolutely moving the ball at will

we might get merc'd
I tried to stop it is what it is this. This here is nothing but the truth... FSU is a horrible team this game has. Nothing to do with th extra point, For you ****gots who said Richt was holding back the offense lol same offense same shiity plays... Richt is conservative as **** he is what he is. Same offense I saw last 4 games .... we ran 2 running plays all game. Kayaa is garbage and inaccurate on 3rd down.... we will lose at least 2-3 more games... Walton is garbage behind the line of scrimmage... Richt can't consistently beat teams that are talented...Richt was out coached we had numerous three and outs thank to Kayaa and Richt **** life ...

Richt doesn't trust Kayaa

WTF? Didn't we lose by one point'?

Aren't extra point kicks worth one point?

WTF are you blathering about?
There is going to be a play this season where our FG team will make the difference between 1 and 0

Our FG team is suspect right now. I would argue that it's the weakest team on the rooster.

Put your blinders on if you want to kids...some of us have been watching this game for a long time.

I tried to give you the real vision but you didn't want to listen
I think this thread goes too far! I don't think we need to call the team trash. They competed their azzez off and if not for a blocked extra point we may have won, who knows. It's not like we got dominated by a long shot!!! 20-19 The offense couldn't get no rhythm. Kayaa is a statue, absolutely zero athleticism. He needs FBI caliber protection. We knew the OL was average and Trevor Darling was getting beat too often. That holding on Mark's long run could have been the difference. TE's couldn't make catches. Njoku has the look, but plays too soft. It's a tough lost, but guys, we were right in it till the end.
I tried to stop it is what it is this. This here is nothing but the truth... FSU is a horrible team this game has. Nothing to do with th extra point, For you ****gots who said Richt was holding back the offense lol same offense same shiity plays... Richt is conservative as **** he is what he is. Same offense I saw last 4 games .... we ran 2 running plays all game. Kayaa is garbage and inaccurate on 3rd down.... we will lose at least 2-3 more games... Walton is garbage behind the line of scrimmage... Richt can't consistently beat teams that are talented...Richt was out coached we had numerous three and outs thank to Kayaa and Richt **** life ...

Richt doesn't trust Kayaa

don't trust vern. he's just a troll that went to and loves fsu. i can't believe how gullible some of you are. lol he'll just keep bumping this thread and making new negative ones. some of you never learn. the guy is just straight tally trash. he was jumping up and down happy when that kick got blocked. lmao

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There are times In a program that are huge warning signs of things to come. With golden, it was his **** defense early on. Many saw it as a huge red flag along with his continued insistence on it. There are parallels to richt's offense. His dogged insistence on running these limited plays, apparent lack of adjustment and variety in order to get an offense going, no identity, square peg/round hole with regard to the RPO and a slow footed offense, etc. He is 10x the coach that golden is but there were some worriesome parallels tonight.

There are times In a program that are huge warning signs of things to come. With golden, it was his **** defense early on. Many saw it as a huge red flag along with his continued insistence on it. There are parallels to richt's offense. His dogged insistence on running these limited plays, apparent lack of adjustment and variety in order to get an offense going, no identity, square peg/round hole with regard to the RPO and a slow footed offense, etc. He is 10x the coach that golden is but there were some worriesome parallels tonight.
This is truth. Either see it now or continue lying to yourselves.
I tried to stop it is what it is this. This here is nothing but the truth... FSU is a horrible team this game has. Nothing to do with th extra point, For you ****gots who said Richt was holding back the offense lol same offense same shiity plays... Richt is conservative as **** he is what he is. Same offense I saw last 4 games .... we ran 2 running plays all game. Kayaa is garbage and inaccurate on 3rd down.... we will lose at least 2-3 more games... Walton is garbage behind the line of scrimmage... Richt can't consistently beat teams that are talented...Richt was out coached we had numerous three and outs thank to Kayaa and Richt **** life ...

Richt doesn't trust Kayaa

So which is it...? It may be one, or the other. But it can't be both. Just sayin'.
I tried to stop it is what it is this. This here is nothing but the truth... FSU is a horrible team this game has. Nothing to do with th extra point, For you ****gots who said Richt was holding back the offense lol same offense same shiity plays... Richt is conservative as **** he is what he is. Same offense I saw last 4 games .... we ran 2 running plays all game. Kayaa is garbage and inaccurate on 3rd down.... we will lose at least 2-3 more games... Walton is garbage behind the line of scrimmage... Richt can't consistently beat teams that are talented...Richt was out coached we had numerous three and outs thank to Kayaa and Richt **** life ...

Richt doesn't trust Kayaa
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I said when Richt got hired....

He will get us miles back to what we were before him. 10 wins.

Not the promise land.

Brothers, Richt is the first step in a 10 years plan. Yes, that is how far away we are from NC.

His job is solid footing. It's the coach after him.

Right, and you're assessing this off of a roster with only two good receivers, a sorry Oline without depth, three true freshman linebackers, etc. Who expected Miami to go undefeated this year?
Didn't the announcers say Richt believes calling plays from the box is easier than from the field.
I tried to stop it is what it is this. This here is nothing but the truth... FSU is a horrible team this game has. Nothing to do with th extra point, For you ****gots who said Richt was holding back the offense lol same offense same shiity plays... Richt is conservative as **** he is what he is. Same offense I saw last 4 games .... we ran 2 running plays all game. Kayaa is garbage and inaccurate on 3rd down.... we will lose at least 2-3 more games... Walton is garbage behind the line of scrimmage... Richt can't consistently beat teams that are talented...Richt was out coached we had numerous three and outs thank to Kayaa and Richt **** life ...

Richt doesn't trust Kayaa

I blame you, Vern, and all these negative waves you put out.
Funny how yall keep saying "a shid FSU defense" not taking into account that the Noles are still talented and Kelly adjusted the defense.
Funny how yall keep saying "a shid FSU defense" not taking into account that the Noles are still talented and Kelly adjusted the defense.

LOL. Come on. That FSU defense will continue to be exposed. They have some talent on the DL, but their LBs and DBs are straight trash. And they lost their best LB early and a starting Safety early. They had Erma Lame out there for fck's sake.
Funny how yall keep saying "a shid FSU defense" not taking into account that the Noles are still talented and Kelly adjusted the defense.

LOL. Come on. That FSU defense will continue to be exposed. They have some talent on the DL, but their LBs and DBs are straight trash. And they lost their best LB early and a starting Safety early. They had Erma Lame out there for fck's sake.

Wow at the game I couldnt see Lane out there..... Richts play calling was so pedestrian... were we wrong about him mane?