Beckham Stadium Design Released

"MLS is seriously exploring having a joint stadium for MLS and UM football. In fact, he said MLS and UM are in "active discussions." Please see The Herald's story on the MLS stadium on our web site at this hour.

As I have written, MLS says it's still about 60 days from knowing whether a joint UM/MLS stadium is feasible. Even if MLS determines it's do-able, UM would need to somehow escape the final 18 years of its Sun Life Stadium lease for it to happen. UM has told MLS that it must have no fewer than 40,000 seats for UM to be interested in playing there. If the stadium is only for soccer, it likely would have a capacity of 20,000 to 25,000."

Read more here:

Why don't you tell the parts about how the stadium has already been reduced to no larger than 25K and Beckham promised that stadium would never be used during the day time or when the Miami Heat were playing in the AAA to interfere with the Port of Miami?

"Beckham's group has had discussions with the University of Miami about a shared facility including Hurricanes football. That would require a minimum of a 40,000-seat facility, and it would create more complex issues for traffic and parking. Alschuler said the current focus is on a smaller facility that could be expanded to 35,000."

The stadium's capacity was never reduced. That design and proposal is for a soccer-only facility. If UM gets involved after their 60 days of research, you'd see a new plan, a new stadium capacity and a new party line about how scheduling concerns.

Who are you kidding that Beckham and Alschuler have any intention of building a stadium for UM. Beckham & Alschuler only want Canes fans support for politics to get his land and has already admitted they can't throw UM games into that stadium that will be limited to only night games when the Heat aren't using the AAA.

"Alschuler did acknowledge the parking plan as outlined wouldn’t hold up if Beckham’s team succeeds in recruiting the University of Miami’s football team as a tenant. While the deal would deliver UM’s political cachet to Beckham’s stadium bid, the college team would also bring requirements for at least 40,000 seats — making the soccer venue twice the size of the Heat’s 19,000-seat AmericanAirlines Arena. College football games also take place during Saturday mornings and afternoons — boarding and departure times for cruise ships."

Read more here:

So you provide words from different articles that negate your points. First they're only thinking soccer and 25k seats. Now they do know a new plan would be put in place if football came on board. What do you think is gonna happen? They're gonna get the land with UM as a tenant, then say no deal to UM and continue on with their soccer- only facility?
"MLS is seriously exploring having a joint stadium for MLS and UM football. In fact, he said MLS and UM are in "active discussions." Please see The Herald's story on the MLS stadium on our web site at this hour.

As I have written, MLS says it's still about 60 days from knowing whether a joint UM/MLS stadium is feasible. Even if MLS determines it's do-able, UM would need to somehow escape the final 18 years of its Sun Life Stadium lease for it to happen. UM has told MLS that it must have no fewer than 40,000 seats for UM to be interested in playing there. If the stadium is only for soccer, it likely would have a capacity of 20,000 to 25,000."

Read more here:

Why don't you tell the parts about how the stadium has already been reduced to no larger than 25K and Beckham promised that stadium would never be used during the day time or when the Miami Heat were playing in the AAA to interfere with the Port of Miami?

"Beckham's group has had discussions with the University of Miami about a shared facility including Hurricanes football. That would require a minimum of a 40,000-seat facility, and it would create more complex issues for traffic and parking. Alschuler said the current focus is on a smaller facility that could be expanded to 35,000."

The stadium's capacity was never reduced. That design and proposal is for a soccer-only facility. If UM gets involved after their 60 days of research, you'd see a new plan, a new stadium capacity and a new party line about how scheduling concerns.

Who are you kidding that Beckham and Alschuler have any intention of building a stadium for UM. Beckham & Alschuler only want Canes fans support for politics to get his land and has already admitted they can't throw UM games into that stadium that will be limited to only night games when the Heat aren't using the AAA.

"Alschuler did acknowledge the parking plan as outlined wouldn’t hold up if Beckham’s team succeeds in recruiting the University of Miami’s football team as a tenant. While the deal would deliver UM’s political cachet to Beckham’s stadium bid, the college team would also bring requirements for at least 40,000 seats — making the soccer venue twice the size of the Heat’s 19,000-seat AmericanAirlines Arena. College football games also take place during Saturday mornings and afternoons — boarding and departure times for cruise ships."

Read more here:

So you provide words from different articles that negate your points. First they're only thinking soccer and 25k seats. Now they do know a new plan would be put in place if football came on board. What do you think is gonna happen? They're gonna get the land with UM as a tenant, then say no deal to UM and continue on with their soccer- only facility?

It's the ultimate bait and switch, bro!!! Beckham's group is going to get everything they want signed sealed and delivered in the next 60 days and then say FU to UM. Ooooookay. Our local politicians leave A LOT to be desired but even they aren't stupid enough to fall for the tactic he's predicting- one that wouldn't even work between elementary school kids trading lunch items.
It was good enough a few years ago to host a super bowl, and the ****ing national championship. What is so terrible about it besides people not showing up?? With the renovations it would be good enough to get another super bowl. The seats closer to the field, all that fun stuff. Why would that be bad?? because you don't like it?? But its good enough for an NFL team, and a Super Bowl?? I understand our needs, but piggy backing on a MLS experiment for a 40,000 seat stadium built for soccer and football (hmmmm kinda like sun life huh??) is not it either.

What does Baylor or Tunlane have anything to do with Miami?? They are not comparable on ANY level?? None of those cities are even comparable to Miami or its surrounding areas, they don't have the corrupt city officials (besides NW in Chicago) that Miami has. They couldn't be any more polar opposites.

A few things.

1. You are confusing one person's needs with another.

The NFL (super bowl) needs a stadium that offers X, Y and Z. Those things are probably, high tech, plenty of seats and a stadium to represents the NFL (professionals).

The University of Miami needs a stadium that offers A, B, and C. Those things are probably, offer home field advantage (remember we're the home team) and an environment geared towards a college football team with about 45K-50K fans that can showcase our traditions (i.e. a place for us).

The NFL's needs may benefit us (i.e. high-tech stadium) but it doesn't make it the best fit for our needs (hence the ton of empty seats and lack of any game day experience). The college game and the professional game aren't the same thing either. In fact, the fact that it is good for the super bowl/NFL has little to do with whether it is good for us.

2. The MLS Part.

I don't really care where a joint venture/piggy backing comes from (we could pair with vibrator company for all I care) but if it gets us a stadium that is better fit for our needs AND provides a better game day experience....I am for it.

I am sick of SLS. It is terrible, I don't care if they renovate everything. This place will never work for what we really need. They can improve it (good luck) but if we stay there for the next 18-19 years expect a place that doesn't offer any real home field advantage.

3. Why do Tulane, Baylor and Northwestern matter?

All are private schools with similar enrollments (Tulane is smaller considerably). All have recently took the initiative to invest massively into their football programs (much more than us). They vary in terms of quality of education and the size of the investment, but it also demonstrates the priority of the school to get these projects done.

As for RE Prices nearby. We don't need to build in Coral Gables, we can find a place that works. We did hold a a ton of unused VACANT land by the old zoo but apparently we just sold that for the admin's priorities (the hospital's bleeding).

Tulane is in New Orleans and land it ain't cheap. They were able to get it done. Baylor (Waco) and NWU (Evanston) aren't expensive areas but they each sank 220-250 million into the project. Where is our school?

These schools are not opposites, they are just examples of private schools investing SERIOUS CAPITAL into projects they deemed to be priorities.

Look I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth, you brought up some good points and I respect where your coming from. I honestly don't give a **** where we play the games, give me a place to tailgate and I'll show up. But this deal with Beckham aint gonna cut it, were being used as leverage in this deal and I just don't see it being any more advantageous to us then Sun-Life. In fact I believe it to be less.

I'm sorry you can pull up little tidbits of info to compare the schools, but as I've stated before on here. The University of Miami and everything that comes with it is unique as a whole, one similarity doesn't tell the whole story. Is it possible to build our own stadium?? Absolutely. Will it happen?? The people making decisions seem just fine pimping us out to whoever will accept us
Look I'm not gonna sit here and go back and forth, you brought up some good points and I respect where your coming from. I honestly don't give a **** where we play the games, give me a place to tailgate and I'll show up. But this deal with Beckham aint gonna cut it, were being used as leverage in this deal and I just don't see it being any more advantageous to us then Sun-Life. In fact I believe it to be less.

I'm sorry you can pull up little tidbits of info to compare the schools, but as I've stated before on here. The University of Miami and everything that comes with it is unique as a whole, one similarity doesn't tell the whole story. Is it possible to build our own stadium?? Absolutely. Will it happen?? The people making decisions seem just fine pimping us out to whoever will accept us

Me and you want the same thing.

A Game Day Experience: I want to get to the stadium (4 hours before the game) and BBQ/Drink/Tailgate. I want to walk into the stadium and feel like this is our place and offers us home field advantage. We have a ton of tradition, how about a place that showcases these traditions?

As for Beckham, I don't know if this particular idea gets it done. It is just an idea. In the end I rather be in a smaller/louder venue then No-Life Stadium.

As for the examples of other private schools, they serve as examples of PRIORITIES. I think our admin is content with the status quo hence I don't expect our AD/President to do much. Can you imagine another 18-19 years in No-Life Stadium?
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"MLS is seriously exploring having a joint stadium for MLS and UM football. In fact, he said MLS and UM are in "active discussions." Please see The Herald's story on the MLS stadium on our web site at this hour.

As I have written, MLS says it's still about 60 days from knowing whether a joint UM/MLS stadium is feasible. Even if MLS determines it's do-able, UM would need to somehow escape the final 18 years of its Sun Life Stadium lease for it to happen. UM has told MLS that it must have no fewer than 40,000 seats for UM to be interested in playing there. If the stadium is only for soccer, it likely would have a capacity of 20,000 to 25,000."

Read more here:

Why don't you tell the parts about how the stadium has already been reduced to no larger than 25K and Beckham promised that stadium would never be used during the day time or when the Miami Heat were playing in the AAA to interfere with the Port of Miami?

"Beckham's group has had discussions with the University of Miami about a shared facility including Hurricanes football. That would require a minimum of a 40,000-seat facility, and it would create more complex issues for traffic and parking. Alschuler said the current focus is on a smaller facility that could be expanded to 35,000."

The stadium's capacity was never reduced. That design and proposal is for a soccer-only facility. If UM gets involved after their 60 days of research, you'd see a new plan, a new stadium capacity and a new party line about how scheduling concerns.

Who are you kidding that Beckham and Alschuler have any intention of building a stadium for UM. Beckham & Alschuler only want Canes fans support for politics to get his land and has already admitted they can't throw UM games into that stadium that will be limited to only night games when the Heat aren't using the AAA.

"Alschuler did acknowledge the parking plan as outlined wouldn’t hold up if Beckham’s team succeeds in recruiting the University of Miami’s football team as a tenant. While the deal would deliver UM’s political cachet to Beckham’s stadium bid, the college team would also bring requirements for at least 40,000 seats — making the soccer venue twice the size of the Heat’s 19,000-seat AmericanAirlines Arena. College football games also take place during Saturday mornings and afternoons — boarding and departure times for cruise ships."

Read more here:

So you provide words from different articles that negate your points. First they're only thinking soccer and 25k seats. Now they do know a new plan would be put in place if football came on board. What do you think is gonna happen? They're gonna get the land with UM as a tenant, then say no deal to UM and continue on with their soccer- only facility?

That 2nd article just proves my point that Beckham is only using Canes fans for political power to get his land. Beckham & Alschuler have no intention of building a stadium for UM that just complicates traffic and parking objections from Port/City/County. Beckham & Alschuler already know that adding UM to that stadium mix would kill the Port of Miami site due to traffic & parking that would interfere with the Port of Miami operations.

Beckham doesn't care about the University of Miami and they will never spend their MLS money to build the Canes a stadium that could support UM's football program. Beckham is trying to build a one-million square-foot commercial complex woven into his MLS stadium site plan, a potentially lucrative new development opportunity that could have Beckham’s organization as the master developer.

Beckham is blowing smoke up your butts he had zero intentions of building that stadium large enough for Canes football.

Please tell me how UM could play football if Beckham promised the Port that Stadium would never be using during the day?
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Why don't you tell the parts about how the stadium has already been reduced to no larger than 25K and Beckham promised that stadium would never be used during the day time or when the Miami Heat were playing in the AAA to interfere with the Port of Miami?

"Beckham's group has had discussions with the University of Miami about a shared facility including Hurricanes football. That would require a minimum of a 40,000-seat facility, and it would create more complex issues for traffic and parking. Alschuler said the current focus is on a smaller facility that could be expanded to 35,000."

The stadium's capacity was never reduced. That design and proposal is for a soccer-only facility. If UM gets involved after their 60 days of research, you'd see a new plan, a new stadium capacity and a new party line about how scheduling concerns.

Who are you kidding that Beckham and Alschuler have any intention of building a stadium for UM. Beckham & Alschuler only want Canes fans support for politics to get his land and has already admitted they can't throw UM games into that stadium that will be limited to only night games when the Heat aren't using the AAA.

"Alschuler did acknowledge the parking plan as outlined wouldn’t hold up if Beckham’s team succeeds in recruiting the University of Miami’s football team as a tenant. While the deal would deliver UM’s political cachet to Beckham’s stadium bid, the college team would also bring requirements for at least 40,000 seats — making the soccer venue twice the size of the Heat’s 19,000-seat AmericanAirlines Arena. College football games also take place during Saturday mornings and afternoons — boarding and departure times for cruise ships."

Read more here:

So you provide words from different articles that negate your points. First they're only thinking soccer and 25k seats. Now they do know a new plan would be put in place if football came on board. What do you think is gonna happen? They're gonna get the land with UM as a tenant, then say no deal to UM and continue on with their soccer- only facility?

It's the ultimate bait and switch, bro!!! Beckham's group is going to get everything they want signed sealed and delivered in the next 60 days and then say FU to UM. Ooooookay. Our local politicians leave A LOT to be desired but even they aren't stupid enough to fall for the tactic he's predicting- one that wouldn't even work between elementary school kids trading lunch items.

LOL REALLY? That is exactly the same plan that the Marlins used by pumping up fake stadium drawing of a dual purpose stadium for UM and the Marlins till they got enough political support. Then the Marlins dropped UM in a heartbeat from the new stadium plans for Marlin Park and still got the fools in political office to pay for the majority of the Marlins Park.
here are some truths

1: no matter what Beckham's intentions are, this stadium with 40000 (minimum) seats at the planned location is a slam dunk for Miami Hurricanes.
2:nobody knows how likely it is for Beckham to build soccer stadium there much less how likely Miami is likely to move.
3: If Beckham and county gives the green light for UM to move, but Miami doesn't just because they're too cheap to pay the buyout on sun-life, someone should bomb the Ashe building.
4: Marlins owner/GM can go eat a d!ck.
To the board,

Three questions so we can all get on the same page

1. What is our current revenue split with SLS for the following items?

a. Ticket Sales,
b. Parking, and
c. Concessions

2. What is our current PAID attendance for 2013?

3. Do you believe in supply and demand?

The NCAA has rules for counting attendance, and schools must audit their attendance figures and send in the results to the NCAA every year. The attendance numbers that no one believes are very close to actual PAID attendance. Those numbers may not reflect butts in the seats, but they do reflect the number of tickets sold, in conjunction with the proper calculation for students (who cannot be counted unless they actually attend, in most cases).

If you're interested, read Bylaw - give schools the option to use "actual attendance," while allows schools to use "paid attendance." "For purposes of computing paid attendance figures, tickets must be sold for at least one-third of the highest regular established ticket price as established prior to the season, regardless of whether they are used for admission." In other words, free tickets, or deeply discounted tickets, cannot be counted toward paid attendance.

Student attendance is covered by Bylaw

Since everyone agrees that there are never any butts in the seats at SLS, it seems most would agree that UM uses a "paid attendance" calculation. Using said NCAA mandated attendance calculations, UM averaged 53,837 in 2013.
The stadium's capacity was never reduced. That design and proposal is for a soccer-only facility. If UM gets involved after their 60 days of research, you'd see a new plan, a new stadium capacity and a new party line about how scheduling concerns.

Who are you kidding that Beckham and Alschuler have any intention of building a stadium for UM. Beckham & Alschuler only want Canes fans support for politics to get his land and has already admitted they can't throw UM games into that stadium that will be limited to only night games when the Heat aren't using the AAA.

"Alschuler did acknowledge the parking plan as outlined wouldn’t hold up if Beckham’s team succeeds in recruiting the University of Miami’s football team as a tenant. While the deal would deliver UM’s political cachet to Beckham’s stadium bid, the college team would also bring requirements for at least 40,000 seats — making the soccer venue twice the size of the Heat’s 19,000-seat AmericanAirlines Arena. College football games also take place during Saturday mornings and afternoons — boarding and departure times for cruise ships."

Read more here:

So you provide words from different articles that negate your points. First they're only thinking soccer and 25k seats. Now they do know a new plan would be put in place if football came on board. What do you think is gonna happen? They're gonna get the land with UM as a tenant, then say no deal to UM and continue on with their soccer- only facility?

It's the ultimate bait and switch, bro!!! Beckham's group is going to get everything they want signed sealed and delivered in the next 60 days and then say FU to UM. Ooooookay. Our local politicians leave A LOT to be desired but even they aren't stupid enough to fall for the tactic he's predicting- one that wouldn't even work between elementary school kids trading lunch items.

LOL REALLY? That is exactly the same plan that the Marlins used by pumping up fake stadium drawing of a dual purpose stadium for UM and the Marlins till they got enough political support. Then the Marlins dropped UM in a heartbeat from the new stadium plans for Marlin Park and still got the fools in political office to pay for the majority of the Marlins Park.

You live in an alternate reality, sir. The Marleeens Stadium fiasco and the political support was never dependent on ANY UM INVOLVEMENT AT ALL. That nonsense was all facilitated by "taking care of" Michelle Spence Jones and the commissions idiotic lax attitude toward demading inspection of the Marlins financials. Every stadium deal is not apples to apples with that nonsense, as much as some people would like to pretend.
Why don't you tell the parts about how the stadium has already been reduced to no larger than 25K and Beckham promised that stadium would never be used during the day time or when the Miami Heat were playing in the AAA to interfere with the Port of Miami?

"Beckham's group has had discussions with the University of Miami about a shared facility including Hurricanes football. That would require a minimum of a 40,000-seat facility, and it would create more complex issues for traffic and parking. Alschuler said the current focus is on a smaller facility that could be expanded to 35,000."

The stadium's capacity was never reduced. That design and proposal is for a soccer-only facility. If UM gets involved after their 60 days of research, you'd see a new plan, a new stadium capacity and a new party line about how scheduling concerns.

Who are you kidding that Beckham and Alschuler have any intention of building a stadium for UM. Beckham & Alschuler only want Canes fans support for politics to get his land and has already admitted they can't throw UM games into that stadium that will be limited to only night games when the Heat aren't using the AAA.

"Alschuler did acknowledge the parking plan as outlined wouldn’t hold up if Beckham’s team succeeds in recruiting the University of Miami’s football team as a tenant. While the deal would deliver UM’s political cachet to Beckham’s stadium bid, the college team would also bring requirements for at least 40,000 seats — making the soccer venue twice the size of the Heat’s 19,000-seat AmericanAirlines Arena. College football games also take place during Saturday mornings and afternoons — boarding and departure times for cruise ships."

Read more here:

So you provide words from different articles that negate your points. First they're only thinking soccer and 25k seats. Now they do know a new plan would be put in place if football came on board. What do you think is gonna happen? They're gonna get the land with UM as a tenant, then say no deal to UM and continue on with their soccer- only facility?

That 2nd article just proves my point that Beckham is only using Canes fans for political power to get his land. Beckham & Alschuler have no intention of building a stadium for UM that just complicates traffic and parking objections from Port/City/County. Beckham & Alschuler already know that adding UM to that stadium mix would kill the Port of Miami site due to traffic & parking that would interfere with the Port of Miami operations.

Beckham doesn't care about the University of Miami and they will never spend their MLS money to build the Canes a stadium that could support UM's football program. Beckham is trying to build a one-million square-foot commercial complex woven into his MLS stadium site plan, a potentially lucrative new development opportunity that could have Beckham’s organization as the master developer.

Beckham is blowing smoke up your butts he had zero intentions of building that stadium large enough for Canes football.

Please tell me how UM could play football if Beckham promised the Port that Stadium would never be using during the day?

When at any point was the word promise used? You're so quick to think that Beckham's group would dupe everyone and leave UM in the dust. Wouldn't their apparent duplicitous nature mean that whatever "promise" they made about scheduling be subject to change because all their doing is lying to everyone anyway? No adult uses the word promise anyway. That is a word for children.
I am very doubtful of the feasibility of the port site. The land there is extremely valuable (very well into 9 figures, considering the sale price of the Miami Herald building and surrounding land (about $240,000,000), which was less land with less water frontage than what is available on Dodge Island). Beckham's group has said they don't want a handout, but there is no way to make a stadium economically feasibility on Dodge Island if they have to pay value to purchase or lease land. It would never work.

I hope the presentation using the Dodge Island site was just intended to get attention.
The NCAA has rules for counting attendance, and schools must audit their attendance figures and send in the results to the NCAA every year. The attendance numbers that no one believes are very close to actual PAID attendance. Those numbers may not reflect butts in the seats, but they do reflect the number of tickets sold, in conjunction with the proper calculation for students (who cannot be counted unless they actually attend, in most cases).

If you're interested, read Bylaw - give schools the option to use "actual attendance," while allows schools to use "paid attendance." "For purposes of computing paid attendance figures, tickets must be sold for at least one-third of the highest regular established ticket price as established prior to the season, regardless of whether they are used for admission." In other words, free tickets, or deeply discounted tickets, cannot be counted toward paid attendance.

Student attendance is covered by Bylaw

Since everyone agrees that there are never any butts in the seats at SLS, it seems most would agree that UM uses a "paid attendance" calculation. Using said NCAA mandated attendance calculations, UM averaged 53,837 in 2013.


We know the school reports the attendance as (53,837 per game) so it is likely "paid" attendance. We know that we had one game that was an outlier in 2013 (UF game), that rest of the games averaged 49,982. In addition, we know some (not all) but some portion of the UF faithful bought season tickets because it guaranteed them tickets to the UM game. My guess is our actual average attendance (i.e. sit in the seats) is around 46,500.

Using "Paid Attendance" how does it count the students? I assume since students pay an athletic fee and it is automatically charged as part of tuition, does that mean almost all 16,000 (around 10,400 undergrad + 5300 grad) count as paid attendance?

Even with all of this being said.

What portion of the PAID ATTENDANCE goes into UM's pocket? What portion of CONCESSIONS goes into UM's pocket?
Who are you kidding that Beckham and Alschuler have any intention of building a stadium for UM. Beckham & Alschuler only want Canes fans support for politics to get his land and has already admitted they can't throw UM games into that stadium that will be limited to only night games when the Heat aren't using the AAA.

"Alschuler did acknowledge the parking plan as outlined wouldn’t hold up if Beckham’s team succeeds in recruiting the University of Miami’s football team as a tenant. While the deal would deliver UM’s political cachet to Beckham’s stadium bid, the college team would also bring requirements for at least 40,000 seats — making the soccer venue twice the size of the Heat’s 19,000-seat AmericanAirlines Arena. College football games also take place during Saturday mornings and afternoons — boarding and departure times for cruise ships."

Read more here:

So you provide words from different articles that negate your points. First they're only thinking soccer and 25k seats. Now they do know a new plan would be put in place if football came on board. What do you think is gonna happen? They're gonna get the land with UM as a tenant, then say no deal to UM and continue on with their soccer- only facility?

It's the ultimate bait and switch, bro!!! Beckham's group is going to get everything they want signed sealed and delivered in the next 60 days and then say FU to UM. Ooooookay. Our local politicians leave A LOT to be desired but even they aren't stupid enough to fall for the tactic he's predicting- one that wouldn't even work between elementary school kids trading lunch items.

LOL REALLY? That is exactly the same plan that the Marlins used by pumping up fake stadium drawing of a dual purpose stadium for UM and the Marlins till they got enough political support. Then the Marlins dropped UM in a heartbeat from the new stadium plans for Marlin Park and still got the fools in political office to pay for the majority of the Marlins Park.

You live in an alternate reality, sir. The Marleeens Stadium fiasco and the political support was never dependent on ANY UM INVOLVEMENT AT ALL. That nonsense was all facilitated by "taking care of" Michelle Spence Jones and the commissions idiotic lax attitude toward demading inspection of the Marlins financials. Every stadium deal is not apples to apples with that nonsense, as much as some people would like to pretend.

More of your BS talk since the Marlins made these Marlin Park pictures of building next to the Orange Bowl. There were others stadium concept pictures of showing both the Canes and Marlins sharing sites as the Marlins were using UM to get more political support for their stadium just like Beckham is doing now.
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So you provide words from different articles that negate your points. First they're only thinking soccer and 25k seats. Now they do know a new plan would be put in place if football came on board. What do you think is gonna happen? They're gonna get the land with UM as a tenant, then say no deal to UM and continue on with their soccer- only facility?

It's the ultimate bait and switch, bro!!! Beckham's group is going to get everything they want signed sealed and delivered in the next 60 days and then say FU to UM. Ooooookay. Our local politicians leave A LOT to be desired but even they aren't stupid enough to fall for the tactic he's predicting- one that wouldn't even work between elementary school kids trading lunch items.

LOL REALLY? That is exactly the same plan that the Marlins used by pumping up fake stadium drawing of a dual purpose stadium for UM and the Marlins till they got enough political support. Then the Marlins dropped UM in a heartbeat from the new stadium plans for Marlin Park and still got the fools in political office to pay for the majority of the Marlins Park.

You live in an alternate reality, sir. The Marleeens Stadium fiasco and the political support was never dependent on ANY UM INVOLVEMENT AT ALL. That nonsense was all facilitated by "taking care of" Michelle Spence Jones and the commissions idiotic lax attitude toward demading inspection of the Marlins financials. Every stadium deal is not apples to apples with that nonsense, as much as some people would like to pretend.

More of your BS talk since the Marlins made these Marlin Park pictures of building next to the Orange Bowl. There were others stadium concept pictures of showing both the Canes and Marlins sharing sites as the Marlins were using UM to get more political support for their stadium just like Beckham is doing now.

Those links aren't working for me. I'm not even interested in artwork anyway. Want to validate your point? Show me some quotes from any political figure extolling the virtues of a Marlins/Canes shared facililty as a justification for their support of Marleeeens Park. You won't and can't.
The NCAA has rules for counting attendance, and schools must audit their attendance figures and send in the results to the NCAA every year. The attendance numbers that no one believes are very close to actual PAID attendance. Those numbers may not reflect butts in the seats, but they do reflect the number of tickets sold, in conjunction with the proper calculation for students (who cannot be counted unless they actually attend, in most cases).

If you're interested, read Bylaw - give schools the option to use "actual attendance," while allows schools to use "paid attendance." "For purposes of computing paid attendance figures, tickets must be sold for at least one-third of the highest regular established ticket price as established prior to the season, regardless of whether they are used for admission." In other words, free tickets, or deeply discounted tickets, cannot be counted toward paid attendance.

Student attendance is covered by Bylaw

Since everyone agrees that there are never any butts in the seats at SLS, it seems most would agree that UM uses a "paid attendance" calculation. Using said NCAA mandated attendance calculations, UM averaged 53,837 in 2013.


We know the school reports the attendance as (53,837 per game) so it is likely "paid" attendance. We know that we had one game that was an outlier in 2013 (UF game), that rest of the games averaged 49,982. In addition, we know some (not all) but some portion of the UF faithful bought season tickets because it guaranteed them tickets to the UM game. My guess is our actual average attendance (i.e. sit in the seats) is around 46,500.

Using "Paid Attendance" how does it count the students? I assume since students pay an athletic fee and it is automatically charged as part of tuition, does that mean almost all 16,000 (around 10,400 undergrad + 5300 grad) count as paid attendance?

Even with all of this being said.

What portion of the PAID ATTENDANCE goes into UM's pocket? What portion of CONCESSIONS goes into UM's pocket?

average? I don't even think 1 game outside of the UF game had that many in attendance. The Wake game, which was on paper our 2nd best turnout, had maybe 35k in attendance. Half the lower bowl was empty and the 80-90% of the uppers were empty too...
The NCAA has rules for counting attendance, and schools must audit their attendance figures and send in the results to the NCAA every year. The attendance numbers that no one believes are very close to actual PAID attendance. Those numbers may not reflect butts in the seats, but they do reflect the number of tickets sold, in conjunction with the proper calculation for students (who cannot be counted unless they actually attend, in most cases).

If you're interested, read Bylaw - give schools the option to use "actual attendance," while allows schools to use "paid attendance." "For purposes of computing paid attendance figures, tickets must be sold for at least one-third of the highest regular established ticket price as established prior to the season, regardless of whether they are used for admission." In other words, free tickets, or deeply discounted tickets, cannot be counted toward paid attendance.

Student attendance is covered by Bylaw

Since everyone agrees that there are never any butts in the seats at SLS, it seems most would agree that UM uses a "paid attendance" calculation. Using said NCAA mandated attendance calculations, UM averaged 53,837 in 2013.


We know the school reports the attendance as (53,837 per game) so it is likely "paid" attendance. We know that we had one game that was an outlier in 2013 (UF game), that rest of the games averaged 49,982. In addition, we know some (not all) but some portion of the UF faithful bought season tickets because it guaranteed them tickets to the UM game. My guess is our actual average attendance (i.e. sit in the seats) is around 46,500.

Using "Paid Attendance" how does it count the students? I assume since students pay an athletic fee and it is automatically charged as part of tuition, does that mean almost all 16,000 (around 10,400 undergrad + 5300 grad) count as paid attendance?

Even with all of this being said.

What portion of the PAID ATTENDANCE goes into UM's pocket? What portion of CONCESSIONS goes into UM's pocket?

average? I don't even think 1 game outside of the UF game had that many in attendance. The Wake game, which was on paper our 2nd best turnout, had maybe 35k in attendance. Half the lower bowl was empty and the 80-90% of the uppers were empty too...

Exactly. People forget that there were plenty of empty seats at that UF game too. I still don't get why people assume "paid" attendance means paid an assumed face value either. Sure, all those Wake tix were "paid" for but the face value was either none existent or it was accurately reflected at $1 or whatever that deal was.
average? I don't even think 1 game outside of the UF game had that many in attendance. The Wake game, which was on paper our 2nd best turnout, had maybe 35k in attendance. Half the lower bowl was empty and the 80-90% of the uppers were empty too...

The bottom line is this stadium isn't going to cut it. We have tarps which occupy a bunch of seats and we still are able to see a ton of orange. On November 9th, we we're 7-1 and still had a lot to play for against VT yet the attendance was 49,267.
The NCAA has rules for counting attendance, and schools must audit their attendance figures and send in the results to the NCAA every year. The attendance numbers that no one believes are very close to actual PAID attendance. Those numbers may not reflect butts in the seats, but they do reflect the number of tickets sold, in conjunction with the proper calculation for students (who cannot be counted unless they actually attend, in most cases).

If you're interested, read Bylaw - give schools the option to use "actual attendance," while allows schools to use "paid attendance." "For purposes of computing paid attendance figures, tickets must be sold for at least one-third of the highest regular established ticket price as established prior to the season, regardless of whether they are used for admission." In other words, free tickets, or deeply discounted tickets, cannot be counted toward paid attendance.

Student attendance is covered by Bylaw

Since everyone agrees that there are never any butts in the seats at SLS, it seems most would agree that UM uses a "paid attendance" calculation. Using said NCAA mandated attendance calculations, UM averaged 53,837 in 2013.


We know the school reports the attendance as (53,837 per game) so it is likely "paid" attendance. We know that we had one game that was an outlier in 2013 (UF game), that rest of the games averaged 49,982. In addition, we know some (not all) but some portion of the UF faithful bought season tickets because it guaranteed them tickets to the UM game. My guess is our actual average attendance (i.e. sit in the seats) is around 46,500.

Using "Paid Attendance" how does it count the students? I assume since students pay an athletic fee and it is automatically charged as part of tuition, does that mean almost all 16,000 (around 10,400 undergrad + 5300 grad) count as paid attendance?

Even with all of this being said.

What portion of the PAID ATTENDANCE goes into UM's pocket? What portion of CONCESSIONS goes into UM's pocket?

average? I don't even think 1 game outside of the UF game had that many in attendance. The Wake game, which was on paper our 2nd best turnout, had maybe 35k in attendance. Half the lower bowl was empty and the 80-90% of the uppers were empty too...

Exactly. People forget that there were plenty of empty seats at that UF game too. I still don't get why people assume "paid" attendance means paid an assumed face value either. Sure, all those Wake tix were "paid" for but the face value was either none existent or it was accurately reflected at $1 or whatever that deal was.

A ticket sold for less than 1/3 the price of the highest priced regular ticket cannot be used in a "paid attendance" calculation.