Barry Jackson's Wednesday Buzz- new S&C at UM

Any other credible sources RE: perception of Georgia's S&C under Richt? Not trusting of O, but also not willing to ignore (potentially well sourced) information that isn't favorable to Miami, especially after a decade of being kicked in the balls while being assured it's a pleasant tonguing.
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I'll await the verdict on the field. In regard to toughness I'm reminded of the absolute glee on Dolphin forums last August, when it was widely reported that Carolina's coaches asked Miami to back off during joint practices, since the Dolphins were simply too physical for the Panthers to handle, injuring their players.
I'll await the verdict on the field. In regard to toughness I'm reminded of the absolute glee on Dolphin forums last August, when it was widely reported that Carolina's coaches asked Miami to back off during joint practices, since the Dolphins were simply too physical for the Panthers to handle, injuring their players.

So CMR wants us to become a big *** slow SEC team? Does CMR even know what Miami is all about?
FWIW I heard WQAM say that NFL scouts claim Georgia's athletes were some of the worst conditioned in the country. Putting them slightly above *** and his UFAT program.
Moot point even if true. We don't have the same head s&c coach and their AD is who pushed Hocke on Richt. Telling that Richt pulled everyone from UGA but Hocke. I'd listen to this if UGA year in year out were accused of being in terrible condition but I've never heard that before.
So Utough was complete garbage then? Along with everything else that potato instilled in this team.
We are not sophisticated enough to understand and appreciate what Al Golden did at Miami. At the end of the day, he worked his tail off to get it fixed and it was all on him.

All of the changes he made were so subtle we couldn't even see them.
LMAO at thinking just because some players couldn't finish a workout, it makes it the best workout you can do. S&C is about PERFORMANCE not how many guys can we make pass out. I met Gus and really like what there doing with the players. There goal is not to absolutely kill the guys but to make better FOOTBALL PLAYERS. The easiest thing in the world is to design a workout to kill people, the much harder task is taking good to elite athletes and making them even better.
LMAO at thinking just because some players couldn't finish a workout, it makes it the best workout you can do. S&C is about PERFORMANCE not how many guys can we make pass out. I met Gus and really like what there doing with the players. There goal is not to absolutely kill the guys but to make better FOOTBALL PLAYERS. The easiest thing in the world is to design a workout to kill people, the much harder task is taking good to elite athletes and making them even better.
Do you think it will pay off?
LMAO at thinking just because some players couldn't finish a workout, it makes it the best workout you can do. S&C is about PERFORMANCE not how many guys can we make pass out. I met Gus and really like what there doing with the players. There goal is not to absolutely kill the guys but to make better FOOTBALL PLAYERS. The easiest thing in the world is to design a workout to kill people, the much harder task is taking good to elite athletes and making them even better.
Sounds like something Gus would say
FWIW I heard WQAM say that NFL scouts claim Georgia's athletes were some of the worst conditioned in the country. Putting them slightly above *** and his UFAT program.

Big-O. Scouts told him Miami was the worst conditioned team. Georgia the second worst.

Big Dough's ineptitude and nonsense was masked by his disdain for Golden (that scored him easy points with listeners). The guy is actually an uninformed blowhard. All of a sudden you'll hear no mention from him about how the *former Dolphins GM is doing a good job. He's just another clown that'll slurp anyone that gives him the regular time of day. Like what NFL scouts would have any interest in even talking to a non-former player mid-day radio host in Miami? Has he cultivated relationships in the league with his charm and free pastelitos? Not defending UGA here and certainly not USoft/Swayze but just saying to take Dough's "insight" with a grain of salt.
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FWIW I heard WQAM say that NFL scouts claim Georgia's athletes were some of the worst conditioned in the country. Putting them slightly above *** and his UFAT program.

good thing we didn't hire Hoake then.

Like Swasey couldn't make guys not finish a workout? Stupid article.

Could Swasey pass a standard S&C test without struggling and not get banned from the weight room?
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Well one thing we do know...we werent well conditioned in some games and our players didnt look as physically impressive as many of us thought they should have. Esp across the Oline.
It's the same thing as programs that put all emphasis into strength and little to power and mobility, your guys may have the best numbers but a team with great overall power numbers (Power Clean, Vertical, Broad) will beat a team with great strength numbers (Bench, Squat, 225).
Players were throwing up and some failed to pass Golden's conditioning test. This means nothing.