Banda on Hurricane Hotline last night (Monday)

Yall forgot we hired a highschool coach to come in and be our DL coach, following up on the guy regarded as the BEST DL coach in the county, and he actually made the unit even better. Zero drop-off. Inexperience at the college level? Didn't see it, sorry.

On offense I believe you need a splash hire, but on defense, I am fine keeping this train moving, until proven otherwise.

Big difference between a DL coach and Defensive Coordinator for a top ten P5 program. Jess Simpson is and was, at the time of his hire, qualified to coach DL for UM. Banda/Patke are not.

At this point, there is nothing to do but soak in what we have learned about UM AD, Administration, BOT, and Richt from the way this hiring process was handled and the final choice that was made, and to hope for the best and that these guys are rising geniuses who learned everything they possibly could have from Diaz and that all will work out. Unfortunately, when you are learning a new skill, you typically have a cushion to allow for the inevitable failure that is critical to the learning process. When learning to ride a bike, it's training wheels, a tightrope walker has a net to catch him when (not if) he falls. For a first time DC, that margin for error is usually starting at a lesser school with lower initial expectations and lower level of competition. These guys won't have that luxury. While I am excited for them as individuals, they have not been set up to succeed in any way.

Hope it works out, but I'm not expecting it to.
Banda has a helluva future, but he should not have been handed his first playcalling gig at UM. We've seen this with Walton under Shannon. You cut your teeth first elsewhere. Or maybe not, maybe we're elsewhere now.
Banda seems like a good dude, competent at his job and an above average recruiter and this (please God) may all work out in the end........but this is simply not a move that a big time program makes. Big time programs don't roll the dice on extreme (relative) inexperience- especially when they don't have to and we didn't here.
If Richt hires someone else, Banda leaves for Temple and we lose a lot more recruits. It was a necessary move.

You don't hire a coach for the long term just to save a few recruits. This is exactly the kind of panicky, lazy, "survive today and deal with tomorrow later" thinking that is getting us into trouble.
You don't hire a coach for the long term just to save a few recruits. This is exactly the kind of panicky, lazy, "survive today and deal with tomorrow later" thinking that is getting us into trouble.
Perhaps, but I'm also going to defer to a coach who averaged 10 wins a year in the SEC until proven otherwise.
You don't hire a coach for the long term just to save a few recruits. This is exactly the kind of panicky, lazy, "survive today and deal with tomorrow later" thinking that is getting us into trouble.
You don't hire a coach for the long term just to save a few recruits. This is exactly the kind of panicky, lazy, "survive today and deal with tomorrow later" thinking that is getting us into trouble.
You don't hire a coach for the long term just to save a few recruits. This is exactly the kind of panicky, lazy, "survive today and deal with tomorrow later" thinking that is getting us into trouble.

This, I'm ecstatic we may land Stevenson but at the end of the day you don't make a hire for just 1-2 recruits.

This all may work out in the end and Banda, Patke and Simpson will have all our bases covered, but also may crash and burn.

What this decision does give is Richt a way to hire an OC without taking a hit to his pride. He could simply state that he wants to spend more time overseeing the entire operation now that he has green DC's.
The coaching world is (almost always) about WHO you know, not what you know. Sometimes you're in the right place at the right time and you get a job you're under qualified for. Banda and Patke must've left a good enough impression to make Richt feel comfortable with handing over the keys.

Guess we'll see how it turns out.
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Don’t even care to listen. Richt could have hired someone with experience AND run the same D, or **** close to it....

Great. Where is that person, when would they have been available, what would've happened to this current stuff (re: they'd have left with Diaz), what would've happened to the 2019 recruiting class—and what does Miami look like next year with a defense in rebuild-mode.

This was a fine hire based on timing and circumstances. Defensive side of the ball has stability. No reason to break that up.

All this chatter about these hypothetical great coordinators and coaches that just (1) fall out of the sky and (2) have Miami atop their list of places they want to coach.

Fans think this job is more desirable to outsider coaches than it really is. Miami is a niche place for a coach to move his family to. Lots of these guys prefer the smaller college football town life and the lifestyle it provides for their wife and kids. Not everyone wants to live in Miami and coach at a private school with an off-campus stadium and a fair weathered, venomous fan base.
I hated the move, but it’s done. It’s over.

Banda has been a bright spot on this staff so I’m really looking forward to seeing how the team responds to his coaching and how recruits bond with him.

I really don’t want to spend 8 months listening to people ***** about how this is an unjustified hire.
sinking the program? like we we've been seaworthy the last 10+ years? We're exactly where we've been since Butch left...mediocre
Any positive momentum we had going last year, even if there was some luck involved, has completely, 100% been ****ed away. We w
Great. Where is that person, when would they have been available, what would've happened to this current stuff (re: they'd have left with Diaz), what would've happened to the 2019 recruiting class—and what does Miami look like next year with a defense in rebuild-mode.

This was a fine hire based on timing and circumstances. Defensive side of the ball has stability. No reason to break that up.

All this chatter about these hypothetical great coordinators and coaches that just (1) fall out of the sky and (2) have Miami atop their list of places they want to coach.

Fans think this job is more desirable to outsider coaches than it really is. Miami is a niche place for a coach to move his family to. Lots of these guys prefer the smaller college football town life and the lifestyle it provides for their wife and kids. Not everyone wants to live in Miami and coach at a private school with an off-campus stadium and a fair weathered, venomous fan base.
THEY are the ones that said coaches from all over the country were showing interest.

By the way, have you seen what is happening to the recruiting class? We've lost more kids than we have committed. This is a SCARED hire. They are SCARED of the recruiting class falling apart. They are SCARED someone else might make changes. I got news for you. College football is very fluid. Things change, and you have to adapt. Just look at the roster next season. If you think they will have the same success next year after losing Willis, Johnson, and Jackson, you are kidding yourself.

Richt is afraid of change, because he is just plain afraid. He's afraid a new OC will make him look bad. He's afraid the D will get worse. The man is in a perpetual state of fear. You think that's going to end well for us?
Remember when the LA Rams hired a 32-year-old to be their Head Coach?

Not saying these guys are McVay, or that they are any good. I actually think it's a lazy hire and we could've done better, but fans don't always see the actual capabilities of assistant coaches.
If Patke really is as football smart as I read somewhere and Banda is a mini Diaz... maybe, and that's a big MAYBE, this'll work.
Remember when the LA Rams hired a 32-year-old to be their Head Coach?

Not saying these guys are McVay, or that they are any good. I actually think it's a lazy hire and we could've done better, but fans don't always see the actual capabilities of assistant coaches.
If Patke really is as football smart as I read somewhere and Banda is a mini Diaz... maybe, and that's a big MAYBE, this'll work.

False equivalence to compare these guys to McVay. Also, don't hold your breath that they are also football savants.
Yall forgot we hired a highschool coach to come in and be our DL coach, following up on the guy regarded as the BEST DL coach in the county, and he actually made the unit even better. Zero drop-off. Inexperience at the college level? Didn't see it, sorry.

On offense I believe you need a splash hire, but on defense, I am fine keeping this train moving, until proven otherwise.
You mean the former HS guy that was in the NFL?
Worth a listen, its available on the WQAM podcast link on apple or wherever you get your podcasts.

In summary, he covers a lot, but really does speak on how Manny has been grooming him for this opportunity for quite a while. I know internally, Richt desired to keep everything the same; he didn't want someone coming in and teaching a new way of tackling, and adjusting the schemes, so although this is a stretch assignment, I am less 'worried' about it.

Lets see if he can emerge as a good play-caller. Even Manny had issues with that, but I honestly am fine with giving him the keys to the Ferrari right now. Really just depends on whos returning to make his life easier next season.

Go have a listen and let me know what you think.