Avantae Williams - Cleared

Good thoughts but missing Keontra playing in there. Maybe he can be in another sub package?
Absolutely! We have some depth at the back 7, just need to put guys in the best spots to succeed. Keontra and Kinchens will both play, Keontra more I would imagine but with new eyes on the STR/DBs it's open competition. Our sub packages are going to be rolling in serious talent.
Kid has a lot to lose

even if he never plays for us I want to see them support him (and the girl) as much as possible

this is a situation we’ve seen many times in life and it can get really bad from here, or it can have a happy ending

pivotal time in the young mans life
Someone translate that statement - does this mean he doesn’t come back to team activities until he competes certain benchmarks or is he in some sort of probation, is able to rejoin the team, but has to complete zero tolerance benchmarks as he goes?
Someone translate that statement - does this mean he doesn’t come back to team activities until he competes certain benchmarks or is he in some sort of probation, is able to rejoin the team, but has to complete zero tolerance benchmarks as he goes?
When I posted Monday I expected him back i put suspension would be likely. Maybe this is just their way of handling it. I was told he wouldn’t be back immediately so this makes sense.
When I posted Monday I expected him back i put suspension would be likely. Maybe this is just their way of handling it. I was told he wouldn’t be back immediately so this makes sense.
If you had to make a guess do you think it's possible he gets on the field on some capacity by mid-season ?
A few laps after practice and some stair sessions, good to go. Suspension looming for the second game.

Did I do that right?

In all seriousness, I hope he takes this opportunity and runs with it. All those young mouths to feed would benefit if he did. His life with another lost opportunity looks bleak.