Anybody else getting tired of all the haters here?

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Can someone please explain to me what the "agenda" is? You see the product on the field. I could understand if we were not allowing 500 yards a game to teams like Georgia tech and Virginia.

Al golden isn't a good head coach. The product on the field proves such. Take all stats out of it good and bad, and look at the players on game day. I was row six from the floor in Orlando and the body language was horrible, there was no energy. Our squad quits man. If that doesn't **** you off to the point where you want things changed and hobbits punched...then I guess your a "true cane fan".

Whatever that means.
Yep. Gone full ******. Its beyond played out. I get passion, and wanting to win, and even being disappointed, but the irrational hatred and endless bashing of everything and everyone has now become like a game to see who can be more outrageous and extreme. Everything is an excuse to b*tch and insult the staff, administration, its beyond ridiculous.

I've more than doubled my IGNORE list, I think. There's almost no meaningful discussion, but at least I can run through the threads faster now.
It's what killed Grassy for me. On the bright side, I'll spend more time with my kids!
Seems about 90% of the posters here truly hate everything about UM.

Shalala- Hate.
Blake James (or any AD here)- Hate.
Al Golden/Coker/Shannon- Hate.
D'Onofrio- Hate.
Kehoe- Hate.
Coley- Hate.
Swasey- Hate.
Steve Morris, the entire OL, all TEs, the entire D- Hate.
Any recruit who doesn't choose UM- Hate.
Any recruit who first chooses UM but then decides to keep his options open- Hate.
Any coach at any So Fla HS who doesn't funnel all his top players to UM- Hate.
All reporters who cover UM (Manny, Susan, Matt Porter, you name it)- Hate.
Dolphin Stadium- Hate
Any fan who actually doesn't hate any of the above- Hate.

I get we all want to win, and message boards are a place to vent. But ****, this is getting old real fast.

Generally when anyone gets this emotional about something out of their control, it usually means they little have going on in their lives.
Now their are, wether you agree with them or not, some very insightful posters or here. Further, I don't think too many care for the way things are going with the program as of late, so if gives every one a chance to vent.

I also think the last few months been invaded by the dregs that we all came over here to get away from.
I have been on these boards since the early days of grassy and I don't remember it being this crazy. I don't post much, but I think I have posted more in the last two weeks than the last ten years, so I guess were all getting a little antsy. ..... That's my mea culpa

Also when someone responds with personal attacks they are usually 14 years old or have some deeper issues they are dealing with. Stable people can disagree without going postal.
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Seems about 90% of the posters here truly hate everything about UM.

Shalala- Hate.
Blake James (or any AD here)- Hate.
Al Golden/Coker/Shannon- Hate.
D'Onofrio- Hate.
Kehoe- Hate.
Coley- Hate.
Swasey- Hate.
Steve Morris, the entire OL, all TEs, the entire D- Hate.
Any recruit who doesn't choose UM- Hate.
Any recruit who first chooses UM but then decides to keep his options open- Hate.
Any coach at any So Fla HS who doesn't funnel all his top players to UM- Hate.
All reporters who cover UM (Manny, Susan, Matt Porter, you name it)- Hate.
Dolphin Stadium- Hate
Any fan who actually doesn't hate any of the above- Hate.

I get we all want to win, and message boards are a place to vent. But ****, this is getting old real fast.

If Golden stays in 2014, just wait.

It's gonna be a whole lot worse.

And for the record, I've been a die-hard Cane fan since 1973 - so I really don't want to hear any judgmental crap from a johnny-come-lately.

I'm really getting tired of mediocrity, and so-called fans who accept not just mediocrity - but three years of going backward. Those aren't fans.
The program is no better than when Radio was killing it, after three years of Golden.

Any and all hate is justified.
I'm tired of those that claim the special talent of being able to read body language, hidden motives, agendas, etc. This is all CRAP. Then it's used to go off wild-eyed.

Citing records and stats are fine, but this BS is ridiculous.
To good of a post to belong in here

you know whats funny man,

If you have a University who actually gave a **** about MIAMI FOOTBALL.. 90% of what you listed wouldnt be a problem here.

A president who does not micro manage +
An AD who has balls and can make a hire this University DESERVES +
Solid Coach who hires solid COACHES +
A real S&C guy +

Recruiting in MIAMI is what it is. That for **** sure will never change no matter who is coaching. Even Saban

The Miami media will always blow -
Stadium (see above) -

You know what's funny, man...

You and others act like the UM admin DOESN'T care about football. That's the stupidest **** ever. You act like you know what goes on behind closed doors, like you're on the Board of Trustees. GTFOH.

What's funny is that people who post that crap are too stupid to realize how stupid they sound.
I'm getting tired of people starting threads every time they have a ******* thought

Not directed at OP, just in general. Same tired *** ****, moar threads about it.

Mom used to say "It's good that you think so much. But, there's no need to give voice to every thought in your head".
I like Art! Don't hate any player in orange and green. Haven't decided about Blake. Al, don't hate him yet but it looks promising. Coley is a Nole, so it will not take long. You might have me on the rest of list.
you know whats funny man,

If you have a University who actually gave a **** about MIAMI FOOTBALL.. 90% of what you listed wouldnt be a problem here.

A president who does not micro manage +
An AD who has balls and can make a hire this University DESERVES +
Solid Coach who hires solid COACHES +
A real S&C guy +

Recruiting in MIAMI is what it is. That for **** sure will never change no matter who is coaching. Even Saban

The Miami media will always blow -
Stadium (see above) -

You know what's funny, man...

You and others act like the UM admin DOESN'T care about football. That's the stupidest **** ever. You act like you know what goes on behind closed doors, like you're on the Board of Trustees. GTFOH.

What's funny is that people who post that crap are too stupid to realize how stupid they sound.

Stupid? really? If you actually payed attention the past 20 years you would see the bigger picture

Who are the dumbasses that granted Coker the HC position? Who the **** gave him a big time extension? Who the **** hired within the program a second time by takin Randy? Who signed our life away with the Sun Life Stadium (25 years)? Who the **** gave Shannon an extension? Who decided to not renovate the OB? Who hired a ******* coach from the MAC just by hearing his in person interview and seeing his binder for success and no statistical analysis of his teams?

That is just the ****** start! Im not even going to into why Swasey is here still and why our facilities are ancient and why we havent had a nutrition department that specializes plans for football till this year.

yes, stupid.

I went to my first UM game in '79; my dad was an alum. So I'm quite familiar with the bigger picture, thanks.

"Who decided not to renovate the Orange Bowl"? Um, the city of ******* Miami, that's who. I know you haters like to blame Shalala for that one, but it wasn't her; the city screwed the pooch. I guess you don't remember the plans for a renovated OB with side-by-side football/baseball facilities that Shalala pledged something like 50 mil of UM's money to renovate if the city would go through with plans. City officials reneged on the deal. Not much Shalala can do about that.

And the deal that Shalala negotiated with Huizenga was a **** good one that nets us a ton more money than we ever made in the OB.

"Who granted Coker the HC position." First off, let's not act like Coker came outta nowhere. The guy had our offense rolling as OC, killing everyone we played. and the players wanted him as HC. Shalala had no hand in offering him the job; Dee did that.

I can't keep up with all the other stupid crap you're spewing, but that's a start right there.

Please, tell me more about this "big picture.":ibisroflmao:

Thanks for posting actual facts to counter the utter nonsense. The BS about blaming Shalala can only be believed if one chooses to ignore every single shred of reality. We didn't own the OB. The city of Miami, which has zero loyalty to UM and is run like a banana republic, wanted the OB gone so they could get their fancy new useless baseball stadium. UM simply was not in the position financially or in terms of clout, to get the city to do otherwise.

As you said about Coker, he was hired after Butch left us hanging and many other decent candidates already found other jobs, and pretty much the entire team was heavily lobbying for him to get the job.
Shalala could have saved the OB if she really wanted to.. At the end of the day, she didn't care about its destruction.

Absolute BS. The only way to save the OB would have required an offer to the city of Miami way beyond what the school could afford. She already offered on the order of $50 million, and they had no interest in it. They wanted their fancy Marlins stadium, the shady Miami politicians (among the most corrupt in the nation) likely got some nice kickbacks from the Marlins organization, and UM had no chance to stop it.
you know whats funny man,

If you have a University who actually gave a **** about MIAMI FOOTBALL.. 90% of what you listed wouldnt be a problem here.

A president who does not micro manage +
An AD who has balls and can make a hire this University DESERVES +
Solid Coach who hires solid COACHES +
A real S&C guy +

Recruiting in MIAMI is what it is. That for **** sure will never change no matter who is coaching. Even Saban

The Miami media will always blow -
Stadium (see above) -

If you don't like it ma man, I'd suggest you open up your wallet and give the money to the university the money to do something about it. Otherwise, not **** is changing.

I do open my wallet. every year for this fuggin program

Shut up with that bs. You don't open s***, but your fuggin mouth. Most of the cats here did not even go to the games when the team was good, let alone now.
Seems about 90% of the posters here truly hate everything about UM.

Shalala- Hate.
Blake James (or any AD here)- Hate.
Al Golden/Coker/Shannon- Hate.
D'Onofrio- Hate.
Kehoe- Hate.
Coley- Hate.
Swasey- Hate.
Steve Morris, the entire OL, all TEs, the entire D- Hate.
Any recruit who doesn't choose UM- Hate.
Any recruit who first chooses UM but then decides to keep his options open- Hate.
Any coach at any So Fla HS who doesn't funnel all his top players to UM- Hate.
All reporters who cover UM (Manny, Susan, Matt Porter, you name it)- Hate.
Dolphin Stadium- Hate
Any fan who actually doesn't hate any of the above- Hate.

I get we all want to win, and message boards are a place to vent. But ****, this is getting old real fast.

So you hate haters? You have some points and it is clear some posters are definitely obstreperous, but what I equally "hate" is throw away clichés like "hater" to label anyone that is disagreed with. I don't know if you understand how trite that is, it's so darn easy being a hater of haters. Please don't take this as correction, it's just a different point of view. Love ya!
The old "True Fan vs dem ingorant haters with no life" argument.

The last resort of the bitterenders.

The same case was made by the Coker holdouts, and just this t time of year in 2010 with the Radio diehards, after his exact same dissapointing season and total collapse in a minor bowl game.

There will be much fewer Golden fans about four games into 2014, I predict.

Great thread! This thread really improves the quality of the board. Good job, good effort.
Seems about 90% of the posters here truly hate everything about UM.

Shalala- Hate.
Blake James (or any AD here)- Hate.
Al Golden/Coker/Shannon- Hate.
D'Onofrio- Hate.
Kehoe- Hate.
Coley- Hate.
Swasey- Hate.
Steve Morris, the entire OL, all TEs, the entire D- Hate.
Any recruit who doesn't choose UM- Hate.
Any recruit who first chooses UM but then decides to keep his options open- Hate.
Any coach at any So Fla HS who doesn't funnel all his top players to UM- Hate.
All reporters who cover UM (Manny, Susan, Matt Porter, you name it)- Hate.
Dolphin Stadium- Hate
Any fan who actually doesn't hate any of the above- Hate.

I get we all want to win, and message boards are a place to vent. But ****, this is getting old real fast.

If Golden stays in 2014, just wait.

It's gonna be a whole lot worse.

And for the record, I've been a die-hard Cane fan since 1973 - so I really don't want to hear any judgmental crap from a johnny-come-lately.

I'm really getting tired of mediocrity, and so-called fans who accept not just mediocrity - but three years of going backward. Those aren't fans.

This. An the new excuses will be trotted out and the sunshine pumpers will be doing their thang...
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