From the Perch: Georgia Tech

Roman Marciante
2 min read
12 narrated clips from this week's game vs the Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech. There was some adjustments this week. But ultimately a catastrophic failed kicking game and self inflicted points early in this game were culprits in the loss. Some overall thoughts of the game:

  • Miami did spread out a little more this week and it by no means hurt them
  • Miami has scored on under center screens in consecutive weeks
  • Miami utilized slide protection schemes and it really did help them out
  • The 3 sacks were not on the offensive line
  • Miami absolutely got the message and helped chip for Zion on long pass plays. It worked.
  • One sack was a communication breakdown but could have been avoided if Perry doesn't lose sight at where he is and throws the ball at the feet of the running back
  • One sack was when I felt Perry dropped his eyes to soon and missed a wide open guy if he sticks with his progressions a split second longer
  • One sack was a legit coverage sack (Williams needs to throw that away)
  • After watching the first half I am actually stunned Miami lost that game after watching the offense operate. But they essentially got dominated in time of possession and had limited chances in the second half
  • The big plays in the second half that got them into position to win the game and put points on the board but were wasted
  • Miami in the red zone needs to improve. Currently 85th in the country when you consider TD conversion rate. With that kicking game it needs to be much higher for any chance at a bowl birth
  • Miami was better on third down going 5-13 (that's not saying much)
  • I have seen enough corner routes this year ran into corner backs that I am starting to think this needs to be considered an "open look" and the route needs to be flattened out. In a couple cases this year if it was, it is the easiest touchdowns Miami would have had all year
  • KJ's body control touchdown was SICK
  • I answer the question of mobility qb vs not in the video
  • Watching this game back sucked
As always InSight army, please help the cause and subscribe to the YouTube page and it will be GREATLY appreciated. You Rock.

Comments (41)

12 narrated clips from this week's game vs the Rambling Wreck from Georgia Tech. There was some adjustments this week. But ultimately a catastrophic failed kicking game and self inflicted points early in this game were culprits in the loss. Some overall thoughts of the game:

  • Miami did spread out a little more this week and it by no means hurt them
  • Miami has scored on under center screens in consecutive weeks
  • Miami utilized slide protection schemes and it really did help them out
  • The 3 sacks were not on the offensive line
  • Miami absolutely got the message and helped chip for Zion on long pass plays. It worked.
  • One sack was a communication breakdown but could have been avoided if Perry doesn't lose sight at where he is and throws the ball at the feet of the running back
  • One sack was when I felt Perry dropped his eyes to soon and missed a wide open guy if he sticks with his progressions a split second longer
  • One sack was a legit coverage sack (Williams needs to throw that away)
  • After watching the first half I am actually stunned Miami lost that game after watching the offense operate. But they essentially got dominated in time of possession and had limited chances in the second half
  • The big plays in the second half that got them into position to win the game and put points on the board but were wasted
  • Miami in the red zone needs to improve. Currently 85th in the country when you consider TD conversion rate. With that kicking game it needs to be much higher for any chance at a bowl birth
  • Miami was better on third down going 9-15
  • I have seen enough corner routes this year ran into corner backs that I am starting to think this needs to be considered an "open look" and the route needs to be flattened out. In a couple cases this year if it was, it is the easiest touchdowns Miami would have had all year
  • KJ's body control touchdown was SICK
  • I answer the question of mobility qb vs not in the video
  • Watching this game back sucked
As always InSight army, please help the cause and subscribe to the YouTube page and it will be GREATLY appreciated. You Rock.

Our O was pretty good until we got around the 15 yard line. Then it went to ****.
It was no doubt. Some good things this week. But some really bad stuff as well. Most horse bitten canes team (to include self inflicted gun shot wounds) that I can ever recall.

horse bitten? some good things? what the **** r u talking about.

You realize Manny Diaz is the least qualified coach we have ever hired here, and the results are in line with his pathetic resume.
Our O was pretty good until we got around the 15 yard line. Then it went to ****.
I’m so frustrated and ****ed at this OC. A consenting naked woman in front of him, and he wouldn’t score, sweeping left, sweeping right. Everything but up the middle.