Feels like 2007

Feels like 2007


Comments (397)

I think it has to but we are also playing with no QB. Either way a lot has to change this off season. Might need to hit the portal for a QB honestly

It's baffling how unplayable both backups have been in addition to TVD being up and down like a heart attack EKG.

Mentioned to friends last night that I hope we've seen the last of Van Dyke as a Cane for his sake and the last of Garcia for ours. I'm withholding an opinion on Brown b/c he's a true FR and shows some tools that can be developed by others that aren't on our staff currently.
I have loved the U since the mid 80’s and it literally makes me sick to see how far this program has fallen. Not a UM grad but was Hurricane Club member for 12 years. Tickets to Rose Bowl 2001 championship game and Fiasco Bowl the next season. My brother and I traveled to every road game in 2001 and 2002 seasons. This program was dominant and champions with 5 different coaches. I remember Ohio St game at the Meadowlands with Kenny Kelly at qb my brother and I were there around probation days but could see championship teams coming back. Woke up this morning and have no hope the real Miami Hurricanes will ever field a team again worthy of the legacy of greatness.
It's baffling how unplayable both backups have been in addition to TVD being up and down like a heart attack EKG.

Mentioned to friends last night that I hope we've seen the last of Van Dyke as a Cane for his sake and the last of Garcia for ours. I'm withholding an opinion on Brown b/c he's a true FR and shows some tools that can be developed by others that aren't on our staff currently.

I just posted in another thread I think TVD and Garcia will both be gone. Portal QB, Brown and Rashada. Mario needs a bridge QB to win next year until brown or Rashada are ready
People are emotional. Gattis is done, there's no way he comes back, because Mario knows that having that dude on staff is cancer. Honestly, I would be shocked if any of the offensive staff outside of Mirabal returns. Mario is likely to give whomever is next full autonomy, and let them build their staff. Too many good OCs out there for Mario to tolerate this kind of crap. Frankly, Gattis is coaching like he knows he is fired, a lot of his decisions feel like middle fingers to Mario and everyone involved.
How's Mirabal coming back next year when he has no limbs? If he's a man of his word then he's just going to be like an 18 inch stump.
I just hate how he keeps calling it a build.

our schedule is easier this year than last year, we have more or equal talent, and we're getting smoked. Manny had us in every game but the bama game

dude just can't get the team motivated
I just posted in another thread I think TVD and Garcia will both be gone. Portal QB, Brown and Rashada. Mario needs a bridge QB to win next year until brown or Rashada are ready

Completely agree that would be the smart move.
Agreed 100%. Staff is getting paid too much to underachieve this grotesquely. With that said, there are players on this roster that simply don’t belong, whether it be from a talent or culture perspective. They need to be shown the door. Minimal effort and toughness should not be tolerated.

2 things can be true at once:

— Mario and his staff have not done enough to get the best out of these players. We’ve seen schematic and personnel decisions that are mind boggling. It all starts with them, and they deserve to face the music.

— We also have some deep, structural issues with this team’s culture. It’s going to take a couple years to wash it out….if Mario lasts that long.

Bad coaching + Bad Culture + Injuries = Disaster.
The team was pretty good with Manny, talent wise. We all believed with better coaching the team could go further. But now y'all acting like these same players are horrible, stop it. The head coach is responsible for the product on the field, point blank period. He chose to ignore the offense that we need to run here, that's on him.
**** Danny boy. You finally have a good post. Amazing what you can accomplish when you focus on facts and not emotions.

Posted this in the other thread but basically similar thought:

It’s understandable to struggle in your first year. But to be the worst team this program has fielded possibly ever, with no signs of improvement in any way shape or form is inexcusable. Recruiting big time guys is nice but whose gonna develop them?

Mario isn’t good. This season has shown that. He’s an elite recruiter. Not a good game day coach, can’t even call him a good OL coach right now, and most certainly not giving us any advantages schematically. Committing to Mario is basically committing to 3-4 years of bad football until his first full class is JRs or Seniors AND hope that he has coordinators with full autonomy to go out and scheme and develop. Anyone arguing this is ignoring the facts and coming with only emotions.

I’m not gonna waste my time caring if Mario is here or not. He’s got too much money committed to him so I know he’s here a long minute. But there comes a point in time where you stop making excuses about talent levels and you go do the other parts of the **** job- develop, teach, scheme, game plan. Recruiting is nice but who’s gonna do the other responsibilities involved with the job?
My point was that those two were some of his first choices and we missed on them. He had to scramble and while his two picks made some splash in the headlines, they were clearly not great picks. The fan base did what fanbases do and convinced themselves like always that not only everything was fine but it was even better than that. We were told that Gattis’ concepts were exactly what they were and we still convinced ourselves it was gonna be awesome. The warnings signs were there, I admittedly missed them myself.
Wasn't bashing you or anything. Was more just saying that he's surprisingly struggling this year.
People in life have those moments where they realize they need to do things different in their life or career. I believe this season and last night was that moment for this program. Last year losing to FSU helped us fire Manny. Im going out on a limb that last night will evolve our program for the better. I have been saying our program hasn’t been good since like 2004. Is not going to happen in one night. But the staff has to get better. And alot of us follow recruiting, we were not getting the necessary players. I guess I am optimistic not because of the coaches and players but the people on top wanting to win and are pouring in money.
If Mario can hold on to this recruiting class, turn over 40% of the roster and most importantly get a good OC, I think we’ll be alright.
What worries me, can he make a right hire?
Gattis had a ton of red flags and was never a good fit here. We might as well have rehired Enos.
He has to replace more than the OC. And then it gets back to the issue we are presently in - that coach is going to want to bring his guys. Addae also needs to go on that side. You can also make a strong argument that Steele should be replaced but that may be too much change in one year.
I wasn't too fond of the Feld hire, but if a coordinator has to tell Mario that His strength & conditioning guy has to go, then that coordinator might as well tell Mario He has to go. Now I don't know if it's nature over nurture, but our guys look like they have less muscle mass than most of the teams we've played, and most of our defensive guys lack that explosion...that should be fairly obvious to Mario.
TE coach.
I would bet on it. Mario is not trying to be the smartest guy in the room. He sees how bad our QBs look. TVD is a good player and the other two have talent. It shouldn’t be this bad.

Then he obviously didn't do his due diligence and ask around about Gattis and watch Michigan film to see the type of coach he is.

This was known.....by all. The only thing he could say is he got "tricked" by Gattis saying he would tailor his offense to player strengths. It was all lip service. Gattis is outcoached every single game.

Here's my biggest issue with this season. Regardless of the players.....the injuries, the blown assignments, the fumbles/INTs, the effort at times (tackling in particular).....this number of games in, you should see SOME type of improvement or culture being set. The trajectory should be starting to go up by now. You should see slight improvements in play of young guys. You should see players starting to be in the right places more often. You should see guys with garbage effort being weeded out. You should see players getting mad and showing emotion, putting in the extra effort in games or on the sidelines and hearing about that effort off the filed as well. Yet, after 9 games, the line only gets lower. That is 100% on coaches. As a staff, you are either poor at your craft from a fundamentals/scheme/technique standpoint or you are poor at getting through to players. It matters little to which is the reason (maybe both) when the staff is paid as much as this staff currently is. I personally am not seeing good technique or fundamentals....hand usage, tackling, angles, **** poor route running that consistently puts 2 guys in the same area, spacing, etc.....and bad Oline play, which is the LAST thing i expected to see. All we kept hearing during the hiring process is "Mario has a plan" and that's why it took so long. This is what took so long? This disjointed mess where it appears that coaches are already on the chopping block year 1? Good god. What could we have gotten if hired were made within 2 weeks? A winless season?

It's a good thing Norvell can't recruit because he just wiped the mat with a team of lesser ranked talent. Their entire OL is 3-star players across the board with 3 transfers.....So Carolina, ND and Charlotte. 100 of their 225 yards receiving were RBs bc our LBs and Safeties struggle in space. Jordan Travis, who has been mocked endlessly on here, outplayed UM's three 4-star QB recruits. This wasn't just a loss. It was a beatdown by your single biggest rival, who's not even that good, in front of all those recruits you are trying to sell on a future.
It's baffling how unplayable both backups have been in addition to TVD being up and down like a heart attack EKG.

Mentioned to friends last night that I hope we've seen the last of Van Dyke as a Cane for his sake and the last of Garcia for ours. I'm withholding an opinion on Brown b/c he's a true FR and shows some tools that can be developed by others that aren't on our staff currently.
Wait a second. There's near unanimity that Gattis stinks. If that's the case, then why are you so quick to throw players under the bus if we can agree that the coaching stinks? I'm not throwing the towel on any of the QBs because I don't trust Gattis for a second. I'd like to see the QBs in a real system with real coaching before making that determination.
I said this to someone else a week or so ago. No legit OC is going to come here unless Mario allows him to bring his guys, which means in addition to Gattis, Ponce, Field, and Smith also have to be fired. I didn't include Mirabal because he's more than likely a non-negotiable, but those other guys absolutely without a shadow of a doubt have to be shown the door also.

Edit: And the reason this is something we have to closely watch is because Ponce is reportedly also a good friend of Mario and he also has a good relation with Field. We'll see how this shakes out.

From what I’ve seen, OCs do bring in some of their guys but it’s not the entire staff. They’ll want to have 1-2 key guys with them at positions that are critical to the offense’s success. Usually, I think WRC is the one that needs to be handpicked and possibly OLC/QBC. RBC are a dime a dozen. Mirabal is staying so they pretty much leaves WRC/QBC. And with QBC, the OC sometimes handles that duty himself.