Which users generate the most views? -answers inside

💯🙏🏾 Appreciate it family!

You already know it's likewise my man!
tenor (3).gif
Where's OriginalGatorHater? He's richer than everybody. He's so rich he could buy views. He's Bloomberg of CIS.

He is literally the user most ignored that is not yet banned. The mods will need new blood after they finish celebrating their recent victory. Odds are not looking good for OGH to make it through the year.
My man I had three small heart attacks last Sunday morning and had a pacemaker put in on Wednesday at the age of ******* 49 ! I still can’t stay away. Lol.

****, bro. I hope those heart attacks weren't induced by some CIS porsts that got you agitated or anything. Some of them occasionally make me feel like I'm having an aneurysm.

Get well though. My grandfather had a pacemaker for like 30 years and never had another cardiac issue. Here's to at least that amount of success with it for you.
I'm probably naive, but I want to believe no moderator would ever behave that way. If they did, that the owners of this site (who ever that may be) immediately cut ties with the offender.
I went ballistic when it happened and got an infraction for saying “whoever did it is a pûssy mod”. Nothing changed on the mod end. All I’ll say is that they are in a position of responsibility and trust and shouldn’t do that. Unfortunately, CD never came back as CD.