Where we go from here

Might as well talk about benching players and tweaking schemes/philosophies because Rick ain’t getting fired. It’s a waste of time to even discuss it, and it’ll just wind up being the death knell for this forum with the same tired line-drawing in the sand.

Anyone with a brain should be very concerned about our coaching and philosophies in all 3 phases of the game. It’s alarming how bad we looked. And it’s astonishing how pretty much nothing changed from last year.

But Rick ain’t getting fired. Not happening so you might as well hope we can catch lightning in a bottle with a change at QB. Or hope Rick turns the offense over to a progressive OC. I’m guessing Perry will look lost, but that’s probably got a lot to do with Rick’s rigidity.

but the problem is, ain't NO ONE tweaking schemes/philosophies either

diaz and richt are exactly who they are, and their gawd **** egos won't let them ever change it
Little things kill you in this game. The more the score grew the harder they came at us.
We need kosi in there to keep these Mf’ers tired and off balance.
Pick 6, horrible field position due to those punts. Costly turnovers and penalties and our best cover corner ejected. Mentally too much for the team to overcome and panick set in.
Another qb and better punting and we would’ve had a better shot.
We had the plethora of mental killing events.
Penalties on punts and 4 th down leading to drives being extended when your hoping to get the ball back. But even when we did our play calling and lack of execution kept just kept killing any chance we had to come back. Kudos to the d that kept grinding even after being down 30!!
Diaz has to chill with the mass substitutions as well.
If I see that as an opposing qb I’m hurrying the fugg up to catch you off balance or at least get a substitution penalty.
Teams have basically figured us out. Very first play and I see homer move 2 yards up to get next to rosier and we move 2 yards I knew we were fugged.
Right then i knew that nothing had changed.
And if I knew it you cor**** right Aranda and Pitt and whisky knew it.
After what I’ve seen the past few years, I struggle to put too much stock into QB performance on Greentree.

With that said, Williams is the most gifted passer. He has the most accurate arm and plays with anticipation. His physical tools are top-shelf. Gun to my head, he’s a cut above the rest.

But we don’t know anything until they play real games.
WIlliams “seems” like he would be prepared mentally as well.

And we certainly don’t have to worry about shortening the playbook.

Run, Run, 2 yard pass is pretty universal
Do I think he will? **** naw.

That's what we should be doing though. Unfortunately Rick is basically AD Regent. Our real AD is too busy getting fvcked in the *** by his tranny wife.
Ugh man this schit is depressing ... if rosier is still rolling around come Toledo and fiu idk if I can stomach it
First off, I apologize for hyping this product.

OL- Richt has been privately telling people that this team will take the next step when Delone Scaife, Cleveland Reed and John Campbell are ready to play. Time to expedite that process. Our guards looked out of place last night. A team like Clemson will make them look worse.

LSU was the perfect first test for us because they are strong where we are weak. Physical, strong and able to neutralize our athletic advantages. We failed the test miserably. Now is the time to radically rethink our approach as we look towards FSU.

There is nothing wrong with an overhyped product as long as the trend is consistent and predictable. That's what athletes say they always want with officiating, a consistent logical application. Don't suddenly start calling interference on Glenn Sharpe when you've allowed everything to go on in the secondary all night, including a blatant offensive push off on 4th and 14.

I know to stay away from this site during the offseason, other than the basketball forum, and for isolated events like national signing day and maybe the NFL Draft. Otherwise the presentation is not going to be balanced and real world. It is overly positive and gullible administrators with too much public relations type of slant, along with high decibel homer posters. That's quite rare actually, regarding the posters. Normally the high decibel types are fearful and divisive and simplistic. On this site they accomplish all of that with their political views then somehow become Happy Adjuster oblivious in regard to the actual state of their football team. It's like somehow they think their football team won the national championship via 46% of the vote, and yet the championship is more revealing than the 46% support level. Quite curious. But as I've emphasized...I enjoy a belly laugh every day.

We need to get competent looking guys out there at offensive line. I don't even know the names of the new touts. I don't care about the names. Once they look the part I'll start to believe. Right now I envision the Alabama trench realities to play out the same way.

Yes, LSU was the perfect reference point. The good news is perhaps only a half dozen programs in the country can make us look so outmatched physically. If we don't fix that aspect, none of the quarterback debates mean much of anything. For one thing, it is foolhardy to expect Alabama to go away quickly, or for us to advance up the ladder by attrition alone even if Saban does go away. That's not the way it works, as I've stressed to the Tannehill apologists on Dolphin forums. You can't wait for your current level to miraculously become sufficient. There are always great teams lining up to take you out.
Might as well talk about benching players and tweaking schemes/philosophies because Rick ain’t getting fired. It’s a waste of time to even discuss it, and it’ll just wind up being the death knell for this forum with the same tired line-drawing in the sand.

Anyone with a brain should be very concerned about our coaching and philosophies in all 3 phases of the game. It’s alarming how bad we looked. And it’s astonishing how pretty much nothing changed from last year.

But Rick ain’t getting fired. Not happening so you might as well hope we can catch lightning in a bottle with a change at QB. Or hope Rick turns the offense over to a progressive OC. I’m guessing Perry will look lost, but that’s probably got a lot to do with Rick’s rigidity.

Yeah, but that was the conventional wisdom with Golden.

Until West End Zone put on a show like UM's never seen before. Golden was scared to look up in the sky.

And UM got the message.

As did Golden. Negative publicity is a biitch.
I tell you one thing, Golden got 4 and half years before it was totally toxic. Richt better had learnt something from his time at UGA. This is his 3rd season here and he's not a rookie HC at a big program like El Foldo was drop the f ing Qb like a hot pot cover and revamp the offensive staff.
It's a lie. Dee and UKnowWhat both said it wasn't an injury.


mom and pop staff for sure
Exactly, and beyond that neither is the QB coach - who outside of Miami wouldn't be in this position at any other major college program

My one concern with Richt was very simple - were his best days in the rear view mirror in Athens. It looks like UGa is doing just fine without him.
Sometimes, older coaches stick to what they used to do for too long. That offense worked at FSU in the 90s but so did Mickey Andrews’ defense. Eventually, Andrews defense quit working, and they had trouble stopping anyone.

Happens all the time. Coaches get married to what they do, and, sometimes, the game changes around them to where they can only succeed if they have a monster personnel advantage.