What's More Important - Manny failing in 2020 or the Hurricanes succeeding in 2020?

What's most important is firing Flake and Strawley. Once competent people are hired, the rest will take care of itself. The cancer started at the top.
You really don't think he can change from year 1? I've been trying to keep a rational brain about this but isn't the first coach to **** up his first year. Thats almost common place in sports. Whats so different about Manny compared to other coaches that have improved? I mean tangible comparisons
It's not a matter of improving. It would be hard not to. However it's more than vital the entirety of the staff. He is virtually clueless from top to bottom about anything except defense and his defense needs improvement in staff and scheme as well. Firing enos is the equivalent of cauterizing a wound that needs amputation. Personally I don't see him improving and I dont see us ever being relevant under him. **** do just enough to appease people and nothing to shine. You doubt that yet he didnt fire his buddies did he? He essentially blamed everything on enos and that's nonsense. Enos was who he was. The problems we have HE helped create. NOT ENOS. Enos problem was hes a prick so everyone including the team made it real easy to blame him.
The only way Manure is winning 10 games next year or ANY YEAR for that matter is if we are lucky enough to get 2-3 forfeits.

That won't happen so there's no chance of the 10 wins happening next year. Our problem is the other schools in the coastal are at least trying to get better through better coaches,facilities,recruiting etc. and we are bring in a guy whose spent most of his career getting run off from the teams he coached so while we stay stagnant or get worse the easy 10 win seasons we should have had most every year in this conference are going to be harder to come by under the current regime against the other improving schools in our conference.

Having said that I will NEVER hope for a Miami loss. NEVER. But sometimes you have to face reality and see the silver lining behind what has been our proverbial black cloud and know if Manure fails he and his butt buddy are both gone along with this trash staff he's assembled.

So to answer the question the OP asked I'd love for us to win 10 games and head to the ACCCG but Cane fans have been forced to look to next year for the last 15 years so I'm willing to give up one more year of underachieving and 7-8 wins if it will get us on the right track to being respectable again.
I get that last year was bad and someone would prefer Manny to be gone now, but he's the HC for at least 1 more season. That being said I sincerely hope the offense Lashlee brings in is as advertised and the turn around can begin NOW rather than in a year. If this team goes 8-4 or better next year I'll take that as a big step in the right direction.

This is the team we have right now, writing angry posts on online forums isn't going to have a ton of impact on the coaching staff, or who starts next year so let's all take a step back let the chips fall as they may.
It's not a matter of improving. It would be hard not to. However it's more than vital the entirety of the staff. He is virtually clueless from top to bottom about anything except defense and his defense needs improvement in staff and scheme as well. Firing enos is the equivalent of cauterizing a wound that needs amputation. Personally I don't see him improving and I dont see us ever being relevant under him. **** do just enough to appease people and nothing to shine. You doubt that yet he didnt fire his buddies did he? He essentially blamed everything on enos and that's nonsense. Enos was who he was. The problems we have HE helped create. NOT ENOS. Enos problem was hes a prick so everyone including the team made it real easy to blame him.
Respect brother, you have excellent points. And honestly its easy to flow with it man. But with the new year I'm getting back to how I like to look at things like this.

As a snapshot he will never actually improve. Stand still never. But, and this is the origin and point of so many people trying to draw parallels to greater coaches, we have to anticipate him not being tomorrow who he is today.

You got the juice my man, we don't have the eyes and insight you have so I could be all the way wrong. But, its RARE any coach starts out knowing much of anything other than their specialty. I can't and won't defend 2019 Manny, or try to defend his failed statements of grandeur. Its the fact that ****** coaches become better coaches when they fail and have to stoke change. Alot of folks are exactly right, he should be growing at a Temple, not at a Miami. Miami won't give him the benefit of the time it usually takes to grow normally.

However, I think he really has a great chance to take the next step. I like your wound analogy, but it wasn't heavy enough. Half your team failing is more than losing a limp. Its more like being a single parent. **** gets ****ed up quick if it all on you, But when you don't have to shoulder the whole load as a defense, when you can depend on an offense that carries their weight you can breathe and focus on holistic improvement. Once you can pass that level you can move to the next.

IF Lashlee works out this can free up Manny to be better. But it'll also put him out if Lashlee kills it and we still hear about bull****.

But winning cures all right? Kids do better when there happy right? I think if we step back and actually tell it like it is, that he can improve with help, that he can continue to make better moves, we will see a path to a better future for Miami.
Well that's exactly what's gonna happen. And it will fool the people that dont know football into believing hes righted the ship
Just like richt did with Malik. Reality is they'll still be incompetent and things will still be broke. Well just perform well enough to appease the jackasses and play in the acc in this current climate. The schedule AGAIN is set up for a 10 win season. Just like this one was. So if you think winning on a small scale next year will show hes righted the ship than congratulations you are also part of the problem...

Exactly. A slightly competent coach should win 10 games going away with that schedule. 10 wins is becoming a “competent“ standard in the game. But with our scheduLe - Manny should win 12. 10 wins would be another Richt season filled with empty future promises.
Certainly should be. But who in their right mind looked at this schedule or last years and didnt feel exactly the same. We havent played a real schedule in atleast 5 years. Richts one good year was the only competitive one I can think of in a minute off the top of my head.

yeps. I mean, I agree w your point that 8-9 wins is wcs, in that admin and casuals will call it all good, that a dabo build is happening...

Even at 10, I will be happier than now, but know that we're a richtminute away from a continuation of 6-7 to 8-4 for the foreseeable. no fwakin bueno.
I get it - Miami losing to FIU, Duke, and Louisiana Tech in ignominious fashion really soured me on the current regime. I expected CMD would have no qualms about making an offensive coordinator change after NSD and/or the Bowl, and he unsurprisingly did so. That said, in reading the comments here I am getting the impression that there are some here who are now more invested in Manny Diaz failing next season so that he can get replaced, rather than hoping that Lashlee can bring about needed improvements, CMD grow as a coach, and Miami can get to 10 wins (or more). Are we all that certain that there is absolutely no hope, and that it is better to root for an 0-12 season next year so that we can go after Marry Cristobal?

Personally, I'd rather hope that CMD and his staff overperform and exceed all expectations next year.

Miami succeeding. Period.

If there was some guarantee that should Diaz fail, UM would get it's head out of its ***, would can him, hire a big name guy, punt Blake James, lure in a quality AD ... all while Julio Frenk doesn't return and Miami gets a new president that is actually hands-on and realizes the importance of football—sure. Go 4-8 this year, take it on the chin and put things in place for 2021.

Diaz would need a monstrous tank job this season to get fired—and with Lashless an upgrade from Enos, hard to think Miami would go worse than .500 with this weak-*** schedule.

In short, hoping for the worst entails a season bad enough to hurt the program, but not bad enough to bring sweeping change.

Better hope for this show to start turning around, or a 14-year drought will roll on and the Canes will be even further from relevancy and a return to being decent, let alone great.
I get it - Miami losing to FIU, Duke, and Louisiana Tech in ignominious fashion really soured me on the current regime. I expected CMD would have no qualms about making an offensive coordinator change after NSD and/or the Bowl, and he unsurprisingly did so. That said, in reading the comments here I am getting the impression that there are some here who are now more invested in Manny Diaz failing next season so that he can get replaced, rather than hoping that Lashlee can bring about needed improvements, CMD grow as a coach, and Miami can get to 10 wins (or more). Are we all that certain that there is absolutely no hope, and that it is better to root for an 0-12 season next year so that we can go after Marry Cristobal?

Personally, I'd rather hope that CMD and his staff overperform and exceed all expectations next year.
You hate manny so much you don’t want the team to succeed under him , so if the team go 12-0 or 11-1 you’re going to be disappointed??
Of course you want Manny to win big this year and turn the program around. Don't be idiots. To think otherwise tells me you hate Manny more than you love The U. Winning leads to better recruits, more fan support, more attention and MORE WINNING. Rebuilding leads to losing.

Then if he doesn't do it, you try again.
I want my team to win. Period. Whether Manny can lead us there or not, I don’t know...but if he fails, there is no guarantee that his replacement will be better. There are too many moving parts for us to “know” that a 2-10 season would bring about the “correct” coach or change. Heck we don’t know who the school president will be once Frenk is gone.
Can't jump over a dollar to save a dime. Manny will not win anything significant at Miami. I will sacrifice 1 year for the sake of the long-term success of the program. The worst thing that can happen is being plateaued with an 8 win program.
I get it - Miami losing to FIU, Duke, and Louisiana Tech in ignominious fashion really soured me on the current regime. I expected CMD would have no qualms about making an offensive coordinator change after NSD and/or the Bowl, and he unsurprisingly did so. That said, in reading the comments here I am getting the impression that there are some here who are now more invested in Manny Diaz failing next season so that he can get replaced, rather than hoping that Lashlee can bring about needed improvements, CMD grow as a coach, and Miami can get to 10 wins (or more). Are we all that certain that there is absolutely no hope, and that it is better to root for an 0-12 season next year so that we can go after Marry Cristobal?

Personally, I'd rather hope that CMD and his staff overperform and exceed all expectations next year.

You are a classic sucker. If we win 8 games u will say “Manny improved!” and want to extend him.

I would rather us lose every single game than win 8 games against a bad schedule and the slurpers and Hecht shills declaring Diaz is our HC for life.

Golden Randy and Rick all “improved” bc they did so poorly their first season that the bar was outrageously low. All that accomplished was a delaying of the inevitable.
At what point does it become level of the program instead of another failed hire?

You guys are really straining the probability meter by insisting one head coach after another is bottom of the barrel

The level of the program was 7 wins until Howard got here.

It is completely dependent on the coach. We hired a guy whose best other offer to be HC was TEMPLE. Of course hes going to be bad here.

You think Nick Saban and his exact staff at Miami couldnt win? Theres no special magic to it. Hire a great coach and recruit and you will win every single time.
success is more important. We cant keep repeating this cycle of new coaches and poor player development. At some point we need to get it right or its just more misery. I am not for Manny at all at this point but we need a good year for a lot of reasons that have been discussed to death.

Firing bad coaches who deserve to be fired doesnt preclude you from hiring a good one. The problem here is we hire bad, inexperienced, burnt out, and incompetent coaches to replace the ones we fire.

Randy Al and Rick all deserved to be fired after year 3. Coker after year 4. They all got to stay longer than they should have, and then we replaced them with bad coaches. The idea that we should have kept them bc “we cant keep changing coaches” is patently absurd.
To be honest what if we would've won against Florida, how would Miami look now? I think we have the wrong coach bc he's learning how to be a head coach. He could've done that some place else. We need a vet to go with lashee but hopefully we win a few games and show we can compete

Another genius here. Doesnt like Manny, but wants to win a few games to keep him around longer than he should be.
I'm not rooting against my team ever. If that means extra years before we finally get the right staff, then so be it.

We always talk about how the next quarterback will be the new starter even though they haven't set foot on campus. We've been so beaten down for so long that we don't even want our team to win so we can get the next coaching staff?

Manny most likely ain't the right guy, but Blake James isn't the guy to find the one who is. Root cause.

this is so soft and pathetic. if you want to win again first we have to lose big. its like chemotherapy. completely unpleasant but kills the cancer.

by rooting and supporting you are telling the school you dont give a **** how bad we are. its so so so pathetic.