What did Willis do wrong

It seems like we either have guy drafted too late that turn into "value picks" for the league or guys drafted too early who turn out to be busts. In recent history, the only player we've had drafted in the first round that I actually believed had first round talent was David Njoku. Guys Like Phillip Dorsett, Ereck Flowers and Artie Burns were not first round players.
For full disclosure, i was screaming at the TV from Round 5 on for the Phins to draft Willis.

Likewise but I was doing it from Round 4 on and for the Steelers. It was extra infuriating when we took some bum d-lineman late from Baga (b/c our d-line corch is a Baga guy that keeps doing this w/o success) AND then Baltimore gets him for free.
Dead ***, this is legit fishy. I think some of the responsibility has to go on the agents. If he was with Drew, there woulda been such a positive media spin cycle behind him you woulda thought he was a pink tornado.

Lot of post draft agenda under the bus throwing going on, and we know why...sure Willis bears responsibility...but the agent DID NOT DO HIS JOB

I doubt very highly that Richt "bad mouthed" him. *But I do believe the report that former coaches on both staffs spoke negatively about Willis. I can see Richt being honest when asked about how things were before he turned this around the last 2 years. Also heard Kool was throwing most of the shade surprisingly. Richt will never coach again no point from him to go out of his way to hurt a kids chances of getting drafted. Sounds like terrible representation at the end of the day. Also poor self discipline.

This is all it takes... sign a **** agent who cant reign in his top talent, and this is what you get. The kid needed guidance, and didn't get it. I am VERY disappointed. Poor guy, but he will have to shoulder some blame.
Lot of post draft agenda under the bus throwing going on, and we know why...sure Willis bears responsibility...but the agent DID NOT DO HIS JOB

This is facts. Its SO apparent. I hope this stops the trend of DL players signing with them because the ones who have all are going to be on the outside looking in pretty soon in this league.
Dead ***, this is legit fishy. I think some of the responsibility has to go on the agents. If he was with Drew, there woulda been such a positive media spin cycle behind him you woulda thought he was a pink tornado.

Yep his commission took a big hit , but really Willis got to have known NFL doesn't work off press clippings , well we'll see when he reports he better not have a attitude that doesn't effect his game.

This is all it takes... sign a **** agent who cant reign in his top talent, and this is what you get. The kid needed guidance, and didn't get it. I am VERY disappointed. Poor guy, but he will have to shoulder some blame.
From the looks of it, no one could reign him in. Not former coaches and teammates (at two separate programs), not the potential reward of being drafted into the NFL, nothing. Kinda hard to blame his agent for failing at it as well. The kid has obviously got some major self-destructive tendencies.
Well lets be positive here , Willis will get his shot with an NFL team and hopefully his frontal lobe has matured and take heed to the abundance of people whom over the passed years whom constantly warned him will take root . if not roofing contractors are always looking for laborers he an always fall back on that.

Be good Willis and put your bobble head on to any and everything the coaches say X's 2 taking advantage of your dream shot.

This is facts. Its SO apparent. I hope this stops the trend of DL players signing with them because the ones who have all are going to be on the outside looking in pretty soon in this league.

his agent wasnt going to change what his coaches thought of him at both schools. NFL teams were still going to ask every coach he's ever had their true thoughts about willis. pete isn't going to be able to hide them.
I’m over it already.

At this point, he has his own future in his hands.

He has a shot to say a big “fūck you” to his detractors and make life changing scratch.

I wish him nothing but the best and years of disrupting plays. I think he’s capable, the rest is up to him and with a little luck keeping away from the injury bug.
Jeff is going to have a helluva battle getting past his history of quitting and emotional meltdowns. That’s exactly the kind of stuff that will get you undrafted. He’d be well-served to put together two years as a model citizen with great production. Otherwise, he’s going to have a big problem to overcome.
Exactly. Let us hope he can read the writing on the wall.............it does not take much deciphering when Gee is right there as an example.
This is much deeper than the peripheral fantasy of so many fans......teams talk, communicate, and have their own interlocking network of evaluation.
I’m over it already.

At this point, he has his own future in his hands.

He has a shot to say a big “fūck you” to his detractors and make life changing scratch.

I wish him nothing but the best and years of disrupting plays. I think he’s capable, the rest is up to him and with a little luck keeping away from the injury bug.

hes more than capable. really disappointing that he didnt take the pre draft stuff seriously. you'd think, w all that hes been through, he would've killed it.
Gerald Willis is going to be a on a roster if Olsen Pierre is. With that being said..


I need some jack and diet..
Every draft, there are players who no one has heard about that are drafted and it has nothing to do with agents but simply a scout went to a small school and had a conviction on that player. In the case of Willis, everyone saw him play and had access to him so whatever caused him to drop had nothing to do with folks not knowing about him and that being the case, I seriously doubt an agent could have done anything to change things. When your D line coach moves on to the Falcons and they don't draft you or sign you as an unsigned FA, and when the Browns who are as dialed into to UM don't draft or sign you as an undrafted FA, then you know he has serious issues. Shame as I wanted the Dolphins to draft him as if his head is right, he can be a great player.
Every draft, there are players who no one has heard about that are drafted and it has nothing to do with agents but simply a scout went to a small school and had a conviction on that player. In the case of Willis, everyone saw him play and had access to him so whatever caused him to drop had nothing to do with folks not knowing about him and that being the case, I seriously doubt an agent could have done anything to change things. When your D line coach moves on to the Falcons and they don't draft you or sign you as an unsigned FA, and when the Browns who are as dialed into to UM don't draft or sign you as an undrafted FA, then you know he has serious issues. Shame as I wanted the Dolphins to draft him as if his head is right, he can be a great player.
You seriously Doubt an agent couldnt have helped??....Stop it....Thats because he had a Plan C Agent....Rosenhaus would have had him in the 3-4th round...thats undeniable...