What a world

I just don't like having to throw him out there against FSU and destroy his confidence early. But then again he played against Clemson and did what the coaches asked of him. So might as well look to the future.
I don’t think he’ll get rattled. Just strikes me as the type that will cancel out the noise and just play.
I could see a QB switch. I just don’t know if Emory is ready. With our OL and backs, the best option might be an offense built around Jacurri’s running but it’s too late for that.

I think next year’s QB is on a different team.
Jaccuri ain’t playing that’s obvious by now and What QB going to want to play in this mess with Mario meddling with offense it’s clear as day
In fairness, after the A&M performance, who would've foreseen this?
I saw it in the GT game.

How or why? Because with a bye week, the game plan was ****, some of the worst offense I’ve ever seen schemed up and the QB made some terrible throws that got picked off that resembled everything he had done in the past when bad TVD was rearing his ugly head.

Not to mention, that Mario broke me and many others with how that game ended that night.

His winning ways vs Clemson & UVA were not sustainable.
To go a step further, it isn't all TVD.

I've been a critic, but I'll also say he's proven me wrong and has the tools. Having said that, something is wrong, way wrong.

I'd put that more on the coaches than him. You can see it in the changes in our offensively philosophy. We literally have thrown away what works and bastardized this offense entirely.

What we've seen this offense morph into is the strangest thing I have ever seen from one of our units ever. It's like we aren't even trying to set him up for success. Even if you want to blame him, where's the checks and balances that would end up with sidelining him for a series or three.

What we're doing is so pig headed and stubborn, it's hard to watch. The final WTF moment for me was adding our wide receivers, in particular X into the line as an additional blocker. On one play, he literally got rag dolled 10 yards backwards and from one hash to another.

Who comes up with this ****? That is unforgivable. It's as bad as playing back on defense when the opposing offense has one yard to gain.

What we were doing at the beginning of the year, a lot of that is still there for the taking. So why did we go away from it? I'd love for someone to press that question. TVD, I agree, he's going through the motions. So what's next? It's a **** shame they broke him.
tom cruise i want the truth GIF

Jack Nicholson You Cant Handle The Truth GIF

I could see a QB switch. I just don’t know if Emory is ready. With our OL and backs, the best option might be an offense built around Jacurri’s running but it’s too late for that.

I think next year’s QB is on a different team.
How could they possibly role TVD back out there? It’s self immolation
Still waiting for that ESPN alert on my phone that says CMC announces change to QB1 going forward.

Bored Come On GIF by Make it Move
Testicles GIF
I could see a QB switch. I just don’t know if Emory is ready. With our OL and backs, the best option might be an offense built around Jacurri’s running but it’s too late for that.

I think next year’s QB is on a different team.
Well, it would certainly be a tough environment but that’s on the coach partially for not being ready.

He should’ve been in this game getting reps and gaining experience but the coach rode it out with the washed up and broken QB who gave us no chance to win.
His winning ways vs Clemson & UVA were not sustainable.
Out of all of Mario’s flaws in his gameday “approach” this is the most agregious. His “strategy” of running the ball into 8 man boxes and praying that your qb doesn’t turn it over when he throws it - then thinking your kicker is going to be 100% is so beyond flawed it’s insane. How can this ever be a rational approach to football? But here we are. Oregon fans warned us. Some on this board warned us.
This team has 3 losses and two of them fall completely at the feet of Mario, not TVD. Pure insanity.
I don’t think he’ll get rattled. Just strikes me as the type that will cancel out the noise and just play.
And who cares if he’s rattled or plays like ****. I guarantee he won’t turn the ball over repeatedly and offer no emotion or leadership.
He has great arm talent and has made some of the best throws I’ve seen at UM. He’s also made some of the most atrocious reads and throws as well. The latter happening more frequently .
So you’re saying he’s Brock Berlin two decades later.
What an insult to Brock. Guy was worlds better than TVD. And in today’s game, he would be lethal out of the gun.
Berlin had big throws and a great comeback vs the Gators, I remember those. I also remember inexcusable red zone picks.
We need more than that. We need somebody who can put points on the board
I hate to point out the obvious, but the only reason we’re having this discussion is because the guy we’re sending out there can’t put points on the board. Williams would be an upgrade.
Imagine actually thinking, as the coach, you can’t put Emory in because he’s not ready, after losing a game where you literally would not call pass plays because your QB is so bad. Makes sense.

Agreed. You can make an argument to keep TVD in there one more game, but you can’t call games when you’re afraid to have your quarterback pass it. If that’s what you’re going to do then just put Williams in and move on.
I’ve been very vocal about how fsu has been lucky to have a qb that has made norvell luck like some offensive genius.

The fact the Travis can extend plays and improvise has made them look like an offensive machine. And the numbers regardless of how they got them are the numbers

We have a dude who’s high school highlights are better, who’s likely faster stronger and has a more powerful arm.

We have an oc that used a running qb last year at Houston.

So why tf are we trying to turn Jacurri Brown into something he’s not.

You’re telling me you can’t scheme or develop an offense with this team around this guy?
You can’t figure out a way to use his strengths?
You’re just gonna let all that athleticism go to waste around an in the pocket only offense?

Your telling me that Emory and Tvd give us a better chance to win than this guy?


The good thing is now we just sit back and enjoy all this evaluating that goes on at QB recruiting. Anyone that doesn't trust that Mario and Alonzo can identify the right 3* QB that NO OTHER TEAM IN AMERICA WANTS!!!!!!!! Is just a mope.
Not worried!! I have zero doubt Portal QBs will be knocking down Mario’s door after watching him turn TVD from a projected draft pick into a Caddy on the late afternoon shift at Riviera Country Club