What a world

I'm not say he is or he isn't bc i have no idea how he looks in practice, in film study, etc. (his first game did not eliminate questions for me).

That said, teammates thought Jake Garcia was ready too. Players thought past coaching hires were the best. While it's good to hear they support a kid or think he's ready, it's not always the best barometer to use.

I'm on record of saying TVD should have started this last game because i think we need him on track and in rhythm to beat FSU.....i don't think we stand a chance scoring enough points with Emory. It did not happen and by the 2nd half, coaches should have tried something else, anything else. I blame Mario and Dawson just as much as TVD bc they decide the lineup, the formations and the route concepts. All 3 have been ***.
What's the common denominator? Players don't like TVD. He'll we got former players who played for TVD asking for him to be benched on twitter
Said 7-5 at the start of the year. Now we could struggle to get that 7th. The team has lost faith and Mario needs to be the adult to get the team back. He had his chance last night. Now everyone will question him even more if Emory steps in to perform better.
Everyone wants that "Next Man Up" mentality until next man up **** starts happening.

Run a binary poll up right now: "Does Tyler Van Dyke give us the best chance to win games?" Yes or No.
We know how the polling will go--a resounding "No".

If you answered "No", that implies that there is another QB who you would answer "Yes" to--after all someone has to take the snap. Who is it? Whoever it is, start them. This is a business. Nobody can sit here and claim "these are kids". Nah, most of these dudes are adults getting paid. Feelings don't matter, only results. If you are NCAA eligible to play, are not injured; then you are ready to play and you better be ready to produce. Otherwise, portal to an FCS school and see how your career fares there.
Imho, a raw Emory is better than whatever version of TVD is playing right now. If Emory can beat a Top-5 Clemson defense, he can give us a shot against FSU. At least a better shot than TVD. He got into a rhythm in the second half of that Clemson game, especially in the Fourth. Rely on our running game and give our young QB a chance.
He didn’t beat Clemson the run game and defense did. Yea he made a couple throws down the stretch but let’s not act like he was just slinging the ball everywhere
He didn’t beat Clemson the run game and defense did. Yea he made a couple throws down the stretch but let’s not act like he was just slinging the ball everywhere
We lose that game if TVD plays. He got better as the game went on. Made some crucial throws. He’s our best chance right now, as raw as he may be.
Don't think many are saying Emory is going to be lighting it up. Think we just all know we can't afford 3-4 turnovers a game by tvd.

I don't give a **** how terrible Mario or dawson are. That amount of turnovers 4 games In a row is inexcusable
Emory will not give us enough offensive fire power to compete against FSU. Sorry brotherton’s.. we’re going down with the ship next week.

It really sucks. It’s all predictable.

After next week we’ll see what we have with our backups. But this season will be lost due to TVD’s shortcomings. Whatever that might be (injuries/scheme).

Which really ******* sucks! Cause Mario has done a good job building talent and we could definitely beat this FSU team with decent QB play. Dawson is good enough imo. It all falls on TVD. Maybe Mario can’t coach QB’s. Maybe TVD is just playing through a really bad injury and is now mentally shot. Tough to totally tell.
Agree. He needs to be sent to the glue factory.

Has anybody seen this happen before? A QB fall so far in just a couple of years? Seems like the equivalent of the yips.
I don't think he "fell that far." 2021 vs FSU is who he is when the going gets tough.
This is what I don't understand. You are 100% correct, but why is he out of sync and indecisive? So, the defenses we face have all gone with a zone type scheme? No, that can't be all there is to it, but I don't have the answer.

I'm watching the game and I'm seeing the O-line give him plenty of protection. Has all day to throw the ball, minus a few times when NC St brought pressure. I've never seen a qb this indecisive. And, don't tell me the WR's are not getting separation or getting open. Plenty of screenshots showing multiple receivers open. Also, just watching the replays will show some of the receivers are getting separation and open on majority of pass plays.
Everyone points to the GT game. It’s not like he threw a bad ball at the end of the game. He was flat from the start and it was like WTH happened in those 2 weeks. Then the regression to targeting X 15+ times a game began leaving wide open receivers out there….but like I said earlier that was happening earlier at times as well.
Dawsons O has stagnated but I believe it did because of a lack of trust at this point. If I’m an OC there is no way, watching that performance last night that I dial up a whole lot through the air. Outside of the tunnel screens he was off on a ton of throws. Even a couple of the slants were terrible balls…..pause. The one Colbie or George had to pull off the ground. Another one to George that was well behind him.

I have no idea what the dynamic is within the Hecht between him and the offensive room. All I know is what I see on the field. And that is a broken offense in need of a change.
Emory will not give us enough offensive fire power to compete against FSU. Sorry brotherton’s.. we’re going down with the ship next week.

It really sucks. It’s all predictable.

After next week we’ll see what we have with our backups. But this season will be lost due to TVD’s shortcomings. Whatever that might be (injuries/scheme).

Which really ******* sucks! Cause Mario has done a good job building talent and we could definitely beat this FSU team with decent QB play. Dawson is good enough imo. It all falls on TVD. Maybe Mario can’t coach QB’s. Maybe TVD is just playing through a really bad injury and is now mentally shot. Tough to totally tell.
TVD 100% won’t. You don’t know if Emory will or not, but we know for a fact TVD won’t.
Everyone wants that "Next Man Up" mentality until next man up **** starts happening.

Run a binary poll up right now: "Does Tyler Van Dyke give us the best chance to win games?" Yes or No.
We know how the polling will go--a resounding "No".

If you answered "No", that implies that there is another QB who you would answer "Yes" to--after all someone has to take the snap. Who is it? Whoever it is, start them. This is a business. Nobody can sit here and claim "these are kids". Nah, most of these dudes are adults getting paid. Feelings don't matter, only results. If you are NCAA eligible to play, are not injured; then you are ready to play and you better be ready to produce. Otherwise, portal to an FCS school and see how your career fares there.