USC and UCLA to B1G

We’ve been getting screwed by the Tobacco Road mafia since we joined. Duke and WF have more clout in that conference than we do. Enough.

Give me the Big 10 … the sooner, the better!
The worst part of all of this is these smaller competitive schools are just going to left out in the cold. It's a **** shame and one of the greatest things about college football. Had this happened before the 1980's Miami never would have been what it is.
The worst part of all of this is these smaller competitive schools are just going to left out in the cold. It's a **** shame and one of the greatest things about college football. Had this happened before the 1980's Miami never would have been what it is.

No, the REAL worst part is that if UM goes to the Big 10, it is VERRRRRRY likely that the SEC will save F$U from oblivion.
$52M to break the GOR, or 8 teams voting to dissolve it.
I am pretty sure that that is just the penalty to leave and that the ACC would still own the television rights until 2036 which is the real thing keeping teams from moving. There is the question of whether that would hold up in court, but the only way to test that is by trying to leave which puts you in a precarious position.

Edit: Or that might be the previous exit requirement which the ACC replaced with the television rights one. I believe Maryland paid the $52M exit fee when they left, but that was before the TV grant of rights.
The team huddled around burn barrels whilst dressed like they’re about to summit Everest.

Inside of the burn barrels:
If USC and UCLA joining Big 10, so travel not an issue to them... Why doesn't ACC offer to form a conference or enter some sort of agreement w/ PAC 10 teams to gain audience from both coasts. Most populous areas along the coasts... If USC and Miami start to do well in some of the most populous areas in the country, this has to be good for business
The summary is not confusing. What is confusing is how Miami (or any school that goes to another conference) will be able to break this agreement.

A couple of ways to break it. First the realistic way:

UM (or preferably several ACC schools) announces in the next few weeks it is in talks to leave the conference. Doesn't even have to be true. If UM says it is planning to leave for the B1G, the SEC may make a counter offer (if announce leaving for SEC, then vice versa) . It starts the bidding wars. That also signals to the other schools the ACC is a dying conference. ESPN is the key player, I think they'd love to dump the ACC for an expanded SEC. If the biggest acc draws all say they are planning on paying the buyout, forfeiting the TV rights per the current agreement , and leaving the acc (again, doesn't have to be true), espn may demand changes to the TV deal and will be jump at the chance of canceling the deal. Basically, the threat of leaving gives ESPN the out it absolutely wants, and then espn does the dirty work for UM and terminates the TV deal. No TV deal means no conference. No conference means no grant of rights. Have to play dirty, but this is a game of life or death.
So for the recruits still considering Oregon... You... Looking forward to playing Portland State? Maybe the conference can pick up Nevada and Eastern Washington.