USC and UCLA to B1G

The ACC needs to ****, or get off of the pot! Make a move to procure ND (to join full time), grab a couple of quality BIG football schools, and renegotiate that ****** TV deal, if it plans on surviving. If not, then you’re looking at losing the few “football” schools that you have. If that happens, then you’re the New Big East Conference. Congratufuccinlations!

ND is not going to the ACC now. No chance. There was essentially no chance they'd join as a full member before this, and now there is ZERO chance they're joining. If they join a conference, it will be the B1G. Again, the ACC is DEAD.
b10 is a better cultural fit for miami than the SEC is. a lot of out of state kids in a lot of those b10 schools (RU students share a common home with a lot of miami students - NYC area, same with Michigan students, NW (Chicago area kids at both), etc.
I am fine with the Big but this idea of it being a "better cultural fit" is laughable.
Let me chime in real quick:

I had a feeling this was coming, but I didn’t wanna be “that guy.” Talked to several from UCLA who have been just absolutely hammered, financially, to their AD since Covid. The UA fiasco gave them a super Tyson-esq body blow, too (hoping they win that breach of contract lawsuit). Besides our ACCN deal, the PAC-12 have the 2nd chittiest TV deal. Their schools are not making the type of $$ they want.

No offense to the PAC-12, but even though the founding members are UO, OrSt, UDub, & Cal, USC & UCLA are thee face of the Pac-12 in both athletics & academics. Just like UT & OU saw the writing on the wall & made sure their brands didn’t sink w/ the B12, SC & UCLA are making sure their brands don’t sink w/ the PAC-12.

It’s an arms race right now, & regional, location be damned. If u’re a big market brand playing in a conference w/ instability or bad $$ contracts, it’s a wrap. NIL is having a real domino effect; kids r not just committing to schools b/c of $$, but conference affiliation. We gotta do something, b/c right now the $EC & B10 have the media market cornered. It’s almost a 2-1 ratio in the amount of $$ they r receiving.
The FudgePac-12 is a joke and we all know/knew this.

But as we've discussed off-screen, while this is no issue for Troy, will UCLA have the ponies and dollars to do this? Do they have a base? Do they actually care once the initial luster wears off? I have serious doubts.
Miami would obviously prefer the Big 10 over the SEC and they have to see the ACC is ****ed. Get on that helicopter. Sadly, Notre Dame holds a lot of cards here and they would likely move to Big 10 over ACC.
Dad is a domer (he can't be perfect) but that ND v USC game is real important to ND. So I'd agree the big 10 has a better shot
Dad is a domer (he can't be perfect) but that ND v USC game is real important to ND. So I'd agree the big 10 has a better shot
Yep, ND going to the Big 10 makes sense for that reason alone, plus geographically and its marketability in the midwest.

They're not coming to the ACC. The ACC is dead.

F^ck Tobacco Road, F^ck the ACC, peace.
All about TV and they just did a hostile takeover of LA. Notre Dame locks down Chicago and I have to think Miami and Boston College are attractive to the Big 10. They would probably like Stanford as well. I have to think they get to 18 or 20 quickly.
All about TV and they just did a hostile takeover of LA. Notre Dame locks down Chicago and I have to think Miami and Boston College are attractive to the Big 10. They would probably like Stanford as well. I have to think they get to 18 or 20 quickly.
Miami is attractive. Boston College does not have much interest. Their base is miniscule.
ND will only give up independence till they are absolutely forced to give it up........ for instance join a conference or you are ineligible for playoffs ??? has to be drastic....
Their TV deal is too good to drop. Hence why I suggest we do something similar, Miami style.