Urban to USC ?

F-M-L, totally forgot about this!!!!!!!!!!!! F u Shalala and the BOT! Dummies upon dummies. Hire a ticket counter from the far, far, far North East over your own who was apart of a winning culture here.
Done by design. They did not miss Rell. Avoided, sure, miss, no.
****, just looked it up, did not know he has a mba degree from Miami and was an athletics business manager at Miami when we won our first title. Maybe we can go after him as the next ad
LOL. No we are stuck with Ticket Master
Dolla bills and a willingness to spend it after treading water for too many years. Wish we would get tired of treading water.

No matter how much we spend the constant NCAA microscope Miami stays under will keep names like that away. Aside from Butch, NO proven winner is willing to come here and put up with that.
Listening to ESPN U radio their talking about SC coming out saying they will do whatever is necessary to get UM. Wow they sure went public with that real quick, meaning SC, they eant everybody to know for some reason. The two dude's on radio say they hear that SC will probably get him. What will he cost ? That sure shows how commited they are to winning.
No, it shows that they like to run their mouths. Maybe they're on the level, but I think not. If they're serious, they should just quietly throw a boatload of cash at him. This sounds more like they want to get people talking and/or make the guy they end up with feel special. What kind of bargaining tactic is it to tell a guy you'll pay him whatever he wants?
****, just looked it up, did not know he has a mba degree from Miami and was an athletics business manager at Miami when we won our first title. Maybe we can go after him as the next ad
May have had a Serbian connection to Sam Jankovich. He was hired at UM about the time Sam came in and although he was in business school a little before. Birth were Serbian.

If any of you remember '80's LB Bruce Fleming both were from same hometown, Monaca, PA.
The reality is regardless of who is hired anywhere until we fix the situation with our AD it does not matter. The notion "we are done" at any point is equally absurd. Time and Time again we've seen it throughout collegiate sport history. Outside of the ocean rising Miami will always have enough talent to compete and win the division. Competent coaching precludes us from doing that and more.

Our fan base reminds me of politics. All or nothing lunacy mixed in with toxic tribalism.

Meyer going to FSU would be retarded on many levels.

Division with Clemson? No

Recruiting against everyone when he can go to say USC and own an entire state conference? Yes

FSU is not going to pony up 20 million to jettison Taggart.

People need to step off the **** cliff regarding our program. We were pronounced dead once already. How did that turn out?
Every AD at UM has his hands tied to a degree. We just don't have the financial resources of most other big football schools.
So that fastest 100yd dash in history (even present day)?
Oh, no. I think Bullet Bob Hayes ran a 9.1 and that might be the still reigning world record. I'd have to research it. Several of Bob Hayes' record runs were listed as done in Coral Gables do they were probably on UM's track. I doubt he or the FAMU track team would have come to South Florida to run at Gables High School.

OJ ran on a record-setting USC relay team along with Earl McCollough who was a track and football star.

EDIT: It was Earl McCollouch, who was a champion hurdler and ran opening leg of USC 4x110 yard relay in which USC set world record. Since the metric relay is only one being run, the USC world record will stand forever. OJ was on that relay team along with Olympian Lennox Miller. McCollouch was Lions' first round draft choice in '68. He still played for USC that year, I think.

(Back then players could enter draft if they still had eligibility left and come back and use it up. Miami DT Gene Trosch came back and played his final year after already being drafted number one by KC Chiefs.)


McCollough on left as OJ scores against UCLA.

Seeing about three different spelling's for McCollough.

Actually there are some faster 100 yard times credited to more recent sprinters while running 100 meters: Asafa Powell, Usain Bolt and others. Most of Hayes' times were apparently by hand so they can't he regarded as world records.

Hayes was other-worldly for his era.

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If Urban goes to USC, that might be a good time for Mario to reopen the Miami idea.

Was thinking this today. I live in LA, and the local sports ESPN radio station, co-hosted by former USC WR Keyshawn Johnson, were listing all the locals playing at Oregon. KJ saying USC has crapped out in recruiting since Carroll left. And then the ‘Do you think Urban Meyer would lose these players?’ question came up.

Meyer would run Mario out of the PAC12.
Urban could die in a grease fire for all I care and I'm not in the business of promoting other programs but having USC relative again is actually good for college football in the same way having Miami is/would be. Non-SEC programs in real cities/media markets with real histories is soooooo much more preferable than having Florida-Georgia or some basically regional **** attempted to be crammed down the nation's throat.

Perhaps (and it's probably a big perhaps) the NCAA won't be able to try to kill the domination by a school like USC (or hopefully Miami one day) with selective enforcement of rules if the previous rules are so watered downed or eliminated in relation to player compensation.

When Miami was good, you had these yankees like Stugotz in butt **** Long Island interested in CFB. The way **** is now, nobody from the northeast gives a **** about college football outside of Syracuse, BC, and Buttgers fans.

That's why you had such a mass exodus of students from the NE decide to come to Miami in the 80s-90s...it definitely wasn't for academics

Think about it this way...why would a young Cuban-American non-athlete student from Miami decide to apply to Alabama or Clemson for college? Definitely not for their academics.

UM needs to realize that most students looking for a good college experience don't solely choose their school because of academics or their degree programs. Kids want to go a school with successful sports programs.

It is infintiley more fun that way.
Was thinking this today. I live in LA, and the local sports ESPN radio station, co-hosted by former USC WR Keyshawn Johnson, were listing all the locals playing at Oregon. KJ saying USC has crapped out in recruiting since Carroll left. And then the ‘Do you think Urban Meyer would lose these players?’ question came up.

Meyer would run Mario out of the PAC12.
Cant get every single recruit

They are going to try.

But so are five other major Universities this off-season.

He looks like he's having a ball working for Fox, so, he might just chill out hang out with Matt Leinart, Reggie Bush, and leave his USC ties to just that. But, this AD they hired...sole intent of getting Urban.

College football would be fun with USC at the top of CFB again. Need someone on the left coast to stop the SEC poaching over there.

Ok, I’ll grant you ND and maybe FSU as schools probably legit expressing interest in him, but who else?
Yes. We beat them in '66 or '67.

OJ ran wild on us in the Coliseum in '68, I think.

Friend of mine played LB for us in '68. Said OJ was more nifty than fast, although OJ was said to have legitimate 9.5 100 yard dash time. (If anybody here is even familiar with 100 yard dash times).

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Did your friend also say that OJ killed it?