Torrance Gibson Breakdown

Athletes at qb is how you win college football games. Manziel newton winston tebow all runners pocket passers put you at a disadvantage in the new world of college football.

Yes I remember this argument in the 80s, and the 90s too. I remember when Jamelle Holieway, Tommie Frazier and Eric Crouch were going to be the "QBs of the Future man". NO BODY can stop the Wishbone.
Great point. 2 of those 3 qb's won national titles. The other won a Heisman.

Forgot the Heisman.

3 Titles
5/6 title game appearances
1 Heisman trophy.

Yeah, **** that noise.
Fcuking stupid. This is also becoming the trend in the NFL -- to have mobile QBs. Alluding to the option or veer is stupid. You need meds.

Athletes at qb is how you win college football games. Manziel newton winston tebow all runners pocket passers put you at a disadvantage in the new world of college football.

Yes I remember this argument in the 80s, and the 90s too. I remember when Jamelle Holieway, Tommie Frazier and Eric Crouch were going to be the "QBs of the Future man". NO BODY can stop the Wishbone.
Athletes at qb is how you win college football games. Manziel newton winston tebow all runners pocket passers put you at a disadvantage in the new world of college football.

Yes I remember this argument in the 80s, and the 90s too. I remember when Jamelle Holieway, Tommie Frazier and Eric Crouch were going to be the "QBs of the Future man". NO BODY can stop the Wishbone.
Great point. 2 of those 3 qb's won national titles. The other won a Heisman.

You TOTALLY missed my point. Go read the post I was addressing. They are passing fads and gimmick offenses. They work for a while and then burn out. UM has 5 MNCs in the last few decades, did we need a gimmick QB? Did OSU? Did PSU? Did USC's NC teams need gimmick QBs? Did Bama?

My point was to the guy who said you NEED to have these Manziel/Winston type QBs in order to compete in CFB these days. Were the same ones saying everyone needed to run the Wishbone or they would never be able to compete with Nebraska and OU. You dont need to run the spread option to compete these days. Just like you didnt need to run the Wishbone to win championships back then.
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Fcuking stupid. This is also becoming the trend in the NFL -- to have mobile QBs. Alluding to the option or veer is stupid. You need meds.

Athletes at qb is how you win college football games. Manziel newton winston tebow all runners pocket passers put you at a disadvantage in the new world of college football.

Yes I remember this argument in the 80s, and the 90s too. I remember when Jamelle Holieway, Tommie Frazier and Eric Crouch were going to be the "QBs of the Future man". NO BODY can stop the Wishbone.

And its the same bullsh*t they said in the 70s, 80s and 90s. "This is the future". Whose Denver's QB who will be playing in the Superbowl this year? What gimmick offense does he run?

Did Bama run a gimmick offense when they just had their streak and MNCs?

And were not just talking about having a Qb who is "mobile". NOthign wrong with a good passer who can get away if NEEDED. We are talking about gimmick Qbs who run a pure read option system. Look how great Tebow is doing in the NFL. There's your "QB of the future". Look at the great career Vince Young has had.

Yeah' "f*cking stupid". Lulz.
We need to get Gibson. Period. Don't want to hear the usual "fads" or "gimmicks" or whatever other excuses we use to make ourselves feel better when we lose on a guy like this. We are ****** right now and the only way to get un-****** is to get game changers. He can be, whether at receiver or QB1.
How is Gibson going to be a "game changer" for us as a QB? Because my head is about to explode if I hear that one more time. He COULD end up one, but I dont understand how the **** ANYONE can make such wild declarations based on a 17 year old HS QB with very sloppy mechanics, just because he's a great athlete.
Fcuking stupid. This is also becoming the trend in the NFL -- to have mobile QBs. Alluding to the option or veer is stupid. You need meds.

Athletes at qb is how you win college football games. Manziel newton winston tebow all runners pocket passers put you at a disadvantage in the new world of college football.

Yes I remember this argument in the 80s, and the 90s too. I remember when Jamelle Holieway, Tommie Frazier and Eric Crouch were going to be the "QBs of the Future man". NO BODY can stop the Wishbone.

And its the same bullsh*t they said in the 70s, 80s and 90s. "This is the future". Whose Denver's QB who will be playing in the Superbowl this year? What gimmick offense does he run?

Did Bama run a gimmick offense when they just had their streak and MNCs?

And were not just talking about having a Qb who is "mobile". NOthign wrong with a good passer who can get away if NEEDED. We are talking about gimmick Qbs who run a pure read option system. Look how great Tebow is doing in the NFL. There's your "QB of the future". Look at the great career Vince Young has had.

Yeah' "f*cking stupid". Lulz.

You keep up bringing guys that won national titles you ******* mope. You complete ******* moron. And then bring up the NFL on a board projecting college success, you complete waste of ******* oxygen. Shut the **** up.

Seriously, if we change our system for a guy who is going to end up like Vince Young here, I may just go root for FIU. **** THIS.
We're not talking about the NFL, we're talking about our beloved Miami Hurricanes. You don't need to run an offense that's heavily reliant on spread-to-run concepts with some traditional play action mixed in. But you can also win with that type of offense and put yourself in position to compete for a national championship.

Everett Golson and Nick Marshall were the starting quarterbacks of teams that advanced to the BCS title game in the last two years. Gibson is bigger, more athletic, and is a more heralded recruit than either of them. His upside is through the roof given his physical tools and it's certainly conceivable that he could develop into a program-changing type of talent.
So because you can win with either a pocket passer qb or dual-threat qb, it makes Gibson playing for someone else OK?
So because you can win with either a pocket passer qb or dual-threat qb, it makes Gibson playing for someone else OK?

Obviously. You can win with Josh Heupel and Craig Krenzel so we should focus our efforts on those types.
Examples of why Gibson is not must get: Vince Young, Tim Tebow, Tommy Frazier, Jameis Winston, Johnny Manziel.

So because you can win with either a pocket passer qb or dual-threat qb, it makes Gibson playing for someone else OK?

As opposed to what? The F*cking world is going to end if he does? Ive said about 100 times now, Id be happy to have the kid. But we dont run a spread option here, so if he choses to go to a program that does, which will suit him better, for earlier playing time, as i FULLY expect he will, life will go on. We DONT need a gimmick offense QB here, or to install a gimmick offense just to lure him here, to win. We didnt in the 70s, we didnt need it in the 80s, or the late 90s. And we DONT need it now.
How is Gibson going to be a "game changer" for us as a QB? Because my head is about to explode if I hear that one more time. He COULD end up one, but I dont understand how the **** ANYONE can make such wild declarations based on a 17 year old HS QB with very sloppy mechanics, just because he's a great athlete.

Every 17 year old QB is a crap shoot. I know I personally would like the one that is 6'5", 230 pounds, runs a 4.4 40 and has every coach in the country drooling over him. Especially if he lives an hour away. And has an alumni as his head coach. And grew up a fan of our team.

But that's just me. I must be crazy. Why would anyone want to try to find the next Cam Newton or Vince Young?
Examples of why Gibson is not must get: Vince Young, Tim Tebow, Tommy Frazier, Jameis Winston, Johnny Manziel.


YOu must be trolling. I refuse to believe anyone can still remember to breathe and be as stupid as you come accross.
How is Gibson going to be a "game changer" for us as a QB? Because my head is about to explode if I hear that one more time. He COULD end up one, but I dont understand how the **** ANYONE can make such wild declarations based on a 17 year old HS QB with very sloppy mechanics, just because he's a great athlete.

Every 17 year old QB is a crap shoot. I know I personally would like the one that is 6'5", 230 pounds, runs a 4.4 40 and has every coach in the country drooling over him. Especially if he lives an hour away. And has an alumni as his head coach. And grew up a fan of our team.

But that's just me. I must be crazy. Why would anyone want to try to find the next Cam Newton or Vince Young?

LOL, NO ONE is saying we shouldnt recruit the kid. But if he doesnt want to come here, and I suspect he doesnt, and wont, life will go on. For every Cam Newton and Vince Young there are a dozen of these kids who do JACK at the next level.
I think to drive the point home of how we don't need a 5-star dual threat QB, you should post more names of former 5-star dual threat QBs that went on to win titles and dominate college.
How is Gibson going to be a "game changer" for us as a QB? Because my head is about to explode if I hear that one more time. He COULD end up one, but I dont understand how the **** ANYONE can make such wild declarations based on a 17 year old HS QB with very sloppy mechanics, just because he's a great athlete.

Every 17 year old QB is a crap shoot. I know I personally would like the one that is 6'5", 230 pounds, runs a 4.4 40 and has every coach in the country drooling over him. Especially if he lives an hour away. And has an alumni as his head coach. And grew up a fan of our team.

But that's just me. I must be crazy. Why would anyone want to try to find the next Cam Newton or Vince Young?

LOL, NO ONE is saying we shouldnt recruit the kid. But if he doesnt want to come here, and I suspect he doesnt, and wont, life will go on. For every Cam Newton and Vince Young there are a dozen of these kids who do JACK at the next level.

Bro, football is a numbers game. You stack as many chips as possible, knowing that only a certain percentage will ever work out. If you stack the most talented chips, you win titles. Look at FSU. They get a **** load of talented kids, they load up at positions they are already loaded at, and then they win. Ditto Alabama. That's how it works. If we have EVERYTHING in our favor with an absolute monster recruit like this and don't get him, it is bad for the program, period. Unless you like 9-4 and a blowout in or bowl game. Then it is great for the program.