The Cribbystalball retirement thread

@Cribby Q before you go? Since Richt isn't hiring an OC, have you heard of any offensive scheme changes that we should look forward to next year?
@Cribby Q before you go? Since Richt isn't hiring an OC, have you heard of any offensive scheme changes that we should look forward to next year?

Not Cribby but rumor has it he wants to update the offense and incorporate some of Paul Johnson innovative scheme that he ran at GT.
This will be my last post on this and my final predictions. Then I'll be retiring with all the other fake insiders. Me and Dan Sileo Jr have already made plans to share a condo at Palm Meadows retirement village.

After receiving the last call from my sauce " Manny Kanblo" I'm pretty comfortable forecasting both Ts and JH to Um.

I started this thread just for the trolls and wannabe cool guys to come at me bro. You've waited for this , chomping at the bit to call me Sileo III, fake insider etc.

You posted your little slick comments until you realized it was legit , then slithered off, like the scum you are. But I see you popping back up in threads.

I feel like Moses after giving the Israelites water, yet they still complained. This was for free but my people wasn't satisfied , even though it's been legit. At not cost.

All I can do is pray for such miserable souls.

To the other non slime balls it's been rich. But just like Moses I must leave my people, I won't be taking you into the promise land. Stefan is my Joshua , and I trust him from here.

We get it kid. You post this as the classic hedge. You had no idea what you were talking about, outside of taking the side of public info. Now you hedge, if you're lack of info turns out to be right you take a victory lap in hopes people ignore your lack of true info, or you're wrong & just create a new account. Congrats, you just outed yourself as a #Tr*&pTheM*)ron. But tip of the hat for getting people to pay attention to you.
This is what’s wrong with most every board out there now.

Guys likeCribby who are nice enough to bring info to the board get run off by idiots that bring absolutely nothing to the site.Guy Has hit on just about everything he’s predicted but yet these same fools will call hm every name in the books if 1 out 10 things happens not To go exactly as called.

They’ve managed to run every person with the slightest bit of inside info off the board with their childish name calling and sHT.

Cribby thanks for what you bring to the board.Its a shame that you are leaving and these no nothing children will be left to run the next guy whose good enough to bring a little inside info to the site off with their childish name calling.

Personally I appreciate ALL info brought by anyone whether it all comes true or not.I take the info for what it is,fluid information,and hope the good news stays good and the bad news doesn’t get too bad.

You guys that would rather sHT prove false so you ca say “ I told you so” will figure out soon enough that if you keep running off the guys that have inside info that there won’t be a need for sites like CIS.Everyone will get the info at the same time in the Herald.